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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topic Life, It only happened one time dhatz152 weeks 5 days ago
Article150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Tara732 weeks 6 days ago
ArticleAncient mega-virus that does not resemble any virus on Earth is set to be revived Mark Miller102 months 5 days ago
Forum topicThe Kolbrin Ancient Times44 months 3 weeks ago
ArticlePrehistoric Lines Across Malta Defy Explanation: The Cart Ruts of Misrah Ghar il-Kbir lizleafloor396 months 5 days ago
Forum topicStoneage diet peterj69 months 3 weeks ago
ArticleThe Life and Death of Ramesses II, Ramesses the Great dhwty161 year 4 months ago
ArticleScientists to Scan Ancient Pyramids with Cosmic Rays to Find Hidden Chambers and other Secrets lizleafloor61 year 4 months ago
ArticleRussian Archaeologists Unearth Legendary White Walls of Memphis aprilholloway51 year 4 months ago
Article17 Out-of-Place Artifacts Said to Suggest High-Tech Prehistoric Civilizations Existed ancient-origins171 year 7 months ago
ArticleInitial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results aprilholloway2531 year 9 months ago
ArticleElongated Skulls in utero: A Farewell to the Artificial Cranial Deformation Paradigm? Igor Gontcharov351 year 9 months ago
ArticleUnravelling the mystery behind the megalithic stone walls of Saksaywaman aprilholloway421 year 12 months ago
ArticleWas There An Explosion In The Great Pyramid In Antiquity? stephenm202 years 4 weeks ago
ArticleMore Than a Dozen Mysterious Carved Discs Found Near Volgograd, Russia Joanna Gillan282 years 3 months ago
ArticleFirst Ever Evidence for Ancient Bone Surgery found in Peru - Holes Drilled in Legs lizleafloor22 years 6 months ago
Forum topicBible origins scabs mcscrotum882 years 8 months ago
ArticleDid Humans Walk the Earth with Dinosaurs? Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years aprilholloway1223 years 1 month ago
ArticleNew study reveals ancient Egyptians were mostly vegetarian aprilholloway103 years 2 months ago
Forum topicISIS Bulldozes Ancient Site Roberto Peron183 years 5 months ago
ArticleThe Ancient Civilizations that Came Before: Self-Eradication, Or Natural Cataclysm? – Part I Zakaria Bziker263 years 7 months ago
ArticleDo the Ica Stones prove that mankind coexisted with dinosaurs and had advanced technology? aprilholloway313 years 8 months ago
Article36,400 BC: The Historical time of the Zep Tepi Theory Armando Mei574 years 2 months ago
ArticleThe Lost Cycle of Time - Part 1 Walter Cruttenden164 years 4 months ago
ArticleDid light-skinned, redheaded Neanderthal women hunt with the men? Mark Miller104 years 7 months ago


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