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Armando Mei

Armando Mei is an investigative journalist born in Turin in 1967. He worked in prominent Italian newspapers.  A self-trained Egyptologist, he worked on many research projects that were the seed for his book (italian version): "36.420 B.C - Le Piramidi Satellite ed il Codice Segreto" with a Preface by Ph.D. Lloyd Knutson (Entomologist-Scientist). In scientific terms, the book describes a revolutionary discovery about one of the possible functions of the Pyramids of Giza and provides a clearer meaning to the Papyrus of Turin (Royal Canon) with its long list of Gods which ruled Egypt since 36.000 BC. Along with Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Jean Paul Bauval, Robert Schoch, and Andrew Collins, he was speaker at the International Conference on Ancient Studies, Zayed University, Dubai in 2010.

Read Armando's fulle profile here.


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9 years 6 months


The Giza Pyramids - CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, and Egyptian god Thoth – CC0)

Who Really Built the Pyramids of Giza? Thoth’s Enigmatic Emerald Tablets May Provide the Answer

The Emerald Tablets are one of the greatest enigmas of archaeology. They can be considered an obscure side of Egyptian mythology, characterized by events where myth seems to meet history. Scholars...
The Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Egypt. (BigStockPhoto)

The Hidden Message in Khafre’s Pyramid: What Were the Builders Trying to Tell Us?

In Egypt, in the middle of 2013, I was on a very important job: the Giza Pyramids investigation through mathematical proportional applications. I focused all my attention on the three mysterious and...
The Enigmatic Columns of Horus: Divine Tools of Energy– Part II

The Enigmatic Columns of Horus: Divine Tools of Energy– Part II

The supreme being of the pharaohs’ pantheon was associated with the sun’s disk and, according to the myth, he emerged from the ocean of the Nun, carried by the goddess Mehetueret, the Celestial Cow...
The Enigmatic Columns of Horus: Hidden Tools, Weapons of the Gods? – Part I

The Enigmatic Columns of Horus: Hidden Tools, Weapons of the Gods? – Part I

Over the last two centuries, Egyptologists have proposed a host of certainties on Egyptian burial customs with the study of abundant literature found within the tombs, built during the Ancient and...
Deriv; Inset – Cusco founder Manco Capac, First Inca, 1 of 14 Portraits of Inca Kings (Public Domain), and the incredible stone masonry of the walls of Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Golden Stick: Cuzco’s Divine Foundation Myth and The Scientific Connections

Tahuantinsuyo, in ancient Quechua language, is the name indicating the Inca Empire, one of the largest of the South American continent, much more than the Aztec and Maya Empire. In 1532 BC, the Inca...
Sarcophagus of Ancient Egyptian Chief Priest Harkhebit IV. The text on the lid comes from the Book of the Dead.

Zep Tepi and the Djed Mystery: The Book of the Dead and Fallen Civilizations—Part II

Chapter XVII of the Egyptian Book of the Dead highlights an indisputable detail: ritual formulas hid proofs of prehistoric events. They were handed down orally, and after millennia they inspired the...
A scene on the west wall of the Osiris Hall at Abydos shows the raising of the Djed pillar.

Zep Tepi and the Djed Mystery: Backbone of Osiris - Part I

The Djed, by its very nature, is one of the highest mysteries in the Ancient Egypt history. It was built in the core of the so-called Cheops pyramid, just off the King Chamber, perfectly integrated...
The Visoko Stone

Visoko: An Astronomical Map of More than 100,000 Years

I met Semir Osmanagich, three years ago, in Pescara (Italy) during a conference on Ancient Civilizations and we had several intriguing conversations that were the seeds of my study on the enigmatic...
The Sphinx and Great Pyramids of Egypt

36,400 BC: The Historical time of the Zep Tepi Theory

Many conjectures have been made concerning the monumental complex of Giza. Some of these fall within the theories of the so called “independent school of Egyptology”, of which they constitute a great...
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