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The creation myths understood by many cultures and civilizations through their beliefs and mythology.  Source: QuietWord/Adobe

10 of the Wildest Creation Myths in History

Across the world’s various cultures and civilizations, there was always a firm belief that humans - and the world that they dwell in - had some sort of supernatural origins. These beliefs were the...
Zero Point Field: Know Ye Not That Ye Are Gods?

Zero Point Field: Know Ye Not That Ye Are Gods?

“ Know ye not that ye are Gods ” reads Psalm 82 verse 6 and John 10 verse 34. It is quite a radical thought, but some scientists are beginning to entertain a rather shocking speculation that might...
Anomalous Metallic Object Discovered Inside a 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite

Anomalous Metallic Object Discovered Inside a 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite

As meteorite dealers, my wife Linda and I have continued supplying meteorites and importing new stock throughout lockdown. On Friday, April 17th 2020, I received a parcel of meteorites I had ordered...
Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

The search for intelligent life may be over! A team of Oxford University researchers claims life on earth is probably a unique universal phenomena, and that it´s “extremely unlikely” that any other...
Big Bang and the hands of God representation.  Source: rolffimages / Adobe Stock

The Bible’s Big Bang, Creation of the Universe

The most profound mystery of mankind is the origin of the universe. In juxtaposition, its origin is also the most profound event known to man. Since about 1200 BC the Bible has declared in its first...
Caroline Herschel’s interest in astronomy led her to be the co-discoverer of the universe. Source: Raisondtre / Adobe Stock.

Caroline Herschel, Co-Discoverer of the Universe

Caroline Herschel is famous for being one of the first women to make significant contributions to astronomy . She discovered eight comets and many nebulae and star clusters, both on her own and in...
Does the unique nature of our evolution mean we are alone in the universe? Source: CC0

Evolution Tells Us We Might Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe

Nick Longrich / The Conversation Are we alone in the universe? It comes down to whether intelligence is a probable outcome of natural selection, or an improbable fluke. By definition, probable events...
Man looking out to the cosmos. Credit: Kevin Carden / Adobe Stock

Our Cosmic Ancestry in the Stars: The Deepest Questions

Where have we come from? Where are we going? What are we here for? Is life unique to this rocky planet we call Earth? These are the deepest of philosophical questions and perhaps the very first that...
Only 31 light-years away from Earth, the exoplanet GJ 357 d – the recently discovered ‘super-Earth’ catches light from its host star GJ 357, in this artistic rendering. Source: Jack Madden/Cornell University

‘Signs of Life’ Picked Out As TESS Satellite Uncovers Its First Nearby Super-Earth

An international team of astronomers has characterized the first potentially habitable world outside of our solar system discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a mission...
Alien DNA

Are Alien Messages Encoded in our DNA?

Are we alone in the universe? This is a question most people have pondered at one time or another. Since the distances between us and the nearest habitable planets can only be measured in light years...
cosmic ocean, primeval waters, creation, religion, mythology, spiritual, universe, primordial waters Facebook: Primeval water is a consistent concept across ancient cultures and played a critical,

Cosmic Oceans: The Primordial Waters of Ancient Creation Myths

Almost without exception, mythological and folkloric traditions around the ancient world were concerned with the matter of deep time and the earth’s creation. While creation myths exhibit great...
Creation. Source: AGPhotography / Adobe Stock.

How the Universe Came to Be: The Bible and Science Finally in Accord?

For most of our history, scientists have primarily believed that the universe is eternal and unchanging. Aristotle in the fourth century BC asserted that the world is without beginning or end. But...
The famous Omphalos considered to be the center of the Universe for ancient Greeks, Delphi, Greece.

The Sacred Omphalos Stone, Navel of the World and Communicator of the Gods

An omphalos is a powerful symbolic artifact made from stone. Considered the ‘navel of the world’, the central point from which terrestrial life originated, an omphalos was an object of Hellenic...
Celtic Creation Myth – Eiocha and the one tree.

A Celtic Creation: Sea-foam, the Placenta from the Birth of the Universe

Creation myths are like bubbles of time, and when you pop one, stories of how prehistoric cultures interacted with each other, and nature, are found. Celtic mythology, more so than most folkloric...
Aerial view of Nahualac lake when dry. Image: Arturo Cruz, Terrasat Cartografía.

Has a Millennium Old ‘Floating’ Replica of the Aztec Cosmos Been Found In Mexico?

Mexican archaeologists claim to have unearthed a stone sanctuary in a small lake on the side of a volcano east of Mexico City that may have been created as a miniature model of the universe. Stone "...
Fire and Water Hands

The Relationship that Started it All and Changed the World: The Yin Yang & Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate

Chinese mythology and cosmology rest on the concept that the universe is shaped and maintained by two fundamental forces called yin and yang. They are opposite yet complementary forces that interact...
The Man who Assyria Feared: Demon Gallu and King of the Universe

The Man who Assyria Feared: Demon Gallu and King of the Universe

In 660 BCE, mighty Assyria was about to be shaken. A Scythian named Dugdammi united many nomadic tribes into a confederation. This nomadic confederation pushed at the borders of Assyria which so...
Astronomically Aligned Temple in Siwa Oasis is Ancient Calendar Device

Astronomically Aligned Temple in Siwa Oasis is Ancient Calendar Device

Ever wondered what would become of humanity if the power grid were to collapse, nulling every technological advancement man has ever made? Long before ego tricked humans into thinking they were the...
Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God, by Matejko. In background: Frombork Cathedral.

Trying to Align Forbidden Love, God, and Science: The Secret Relationship of Nicolaus Copernicus and Anna Schilling

Nicolaus Copernicus is one of the most famous astronomers in history. As a man of the Renaissance, his life and work were never focused on just one discipline. However, a secret relationship also led...
The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn: fresco by Giorgio Vasari and Cristofano Gherardi, c. 1560

Wandering Sky Gods: The Personification of Astronomical Phenomena in Ancient Times

It is 1000 BC, roughly 3000 years ago. Things have changed in the civilized world. The Bronze Age is fading, to be replaced by the time of Iron. Armies strive across portions of the Near East and the...
Image of the world - Medieval Theory of Multiple Universes

Medieval bishop’s theory resembles modern concept of multiple universes

A 13th century bishop’s theory about the formation of the universe has intriguing parallels with the theory of multiple universes. This was uncovered by the Ordered Universe project at Durham...
Universe is not flat

Universe may not be flat as we thought

One of the main perspectives in the scientific community regarding the shape of the Universe is that it is flat. However, new research done at the University of Edinburgh in the UK suggests that the...