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Unexplained Phenomena

Ancient Origins brings a section to explore some of the unexplained phenomena, not only current events and reports, but also those unexplained mysteries of the world. Visit us online to learn more about the mysteries which remain unsolved even today.

Detail depicting of the famous crossing of the Alps by Hannibal’s elephants. Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps by Heinrich Leutemann. Source: Public domain

Unsolved Mystery: The Mysterious Origins of Hannibal's Elephants

The saga of the perilous journey of the Carthaginian general Hannibal across the Alps during the Second Punic War was immortalized not only by his military prowess but also by the awe-inspiring...
While on an excursion in Egypt, Gregor Spörri met Nagib, heir to a mummified finger.  This Relic of Bir Hooker measured 35cm and was authenticated with 1960s x-rays. Source: Courtesy of ©Gregor Sporri.

The Relic of Bir Hooker - Proof of a Race of Giants? - Part 1

In April 1988 the Swiss club owner Gregor Spörri traveled to Egypt armed with a number of books recommended by a friend to learn about the ancient Egyptian culture. It was a journey that would change...
Divers studying various underwater discoveries.  Source: nudiblue /Adobe Stock / ShashiBellamkon/flickr / University of Athens

Ten Incredible Underwater Discoveries That Have Captured Our Imagination

Out of all the amazing archaeological discoveries made each and every day around the world, my favorites have got to be those that emerge from the depths of the ocean. I think there is something...
Aerial view of Lake Tere-Khol and Por-Bajin island, the Siberian fortress. Source: Por Bajin Cultural Foundation

1,300-Year-Old Fortress Ruins on Siberian Lake Mystifies Experts

It is one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in Russia – an ancient complex engulfing a small island in the center of a remote lake in the mountains of southern Siberia. At first glance, it...
In the Altai-Sayan Mountains in Siberia, the owner of the Chinese Palace has remained a mystery. Source: henvryfo/Adobe Stock

What Was an Ancient Chinese Palace Doing in the Enemy Territory of Siberia?

Located in the majestic Altai-Sayan Mountains in the south of Siberia, the city of Abakan has a long and rich history going back thousands of years. But in the 1940s, archaeologists found something...
The Hanging Pillar of Lepakshi. Source: Bikashrd / CC by SA 4.0.

The Hanging Pillar of Lepakshi Defies Gravity in Indian Temple

In the heart of Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh, India, lies a marvel of ancient Indian architecture that has puzzled both historians and architects alike – a temple with a pillar that doesn’t completely...
Mayan codex with hieroglyphic alphabet script writing system, Mexico City, Mexico. Source: SL-Photography / Adobe Stock.

9 Mysterious Undeciphered Codes and Inscriptions in History

From Neolithic tablets containing the oldest known system of writing, to a series of letters scrawled on the back of a dead man’s book, some of the most legendary undeciphered codes and texts remain...
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg as printed in an illustrated news notice (described by UFO enthusiasts as an aerial battle of extraterrestrial origin and considered a sun dog by skeptics) Source: Public Domain

Chariots of The Gods, Ships in The Sky: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena of the Past

For thousands of years, people have been describing unexplainable gleaming objects in the sky. Some aerial phenomena like comets, meteor showers, bolides , auroras or even earthquake lightning – all...
The unidentified golden orb discovered on the Alaskan sea floor. Source: NOAA Ocean Exploration

Scientists Find ‘Weirdly Unfamiliar Golden Orb’ on Alaska Sea Floor

Scientists recently monitoring the filming activity of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployed off the coast of Alaska spotted something mysterious and otherworldly. While examining deep sea...
Representational AI generated image of Sambation River. Source: Tech Hendra / Adobe Stock

The Legend of Sambation River and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel

Deep within the realms of ancient Jewish folklore lies a tale of intrigue and mystery surrounding the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and their elusive barrier, the Sambation River. This mythical...
The Sajama Lines in Bolivia, as seen by satellite imagery. Source: Google Maps

The Enduring Mystery and Ancient Artistry of Bolivia’s Sajama Lines

When flying over the desert of the Altiplano plateau in western Bolivia , a fascinating sight awaits. Thousands of impeccably straight paths are etched into the ground of the Andean landscape,...
The Hellfire Club building on Montpelier Hill, Dublin.  Source: © William Alexander

Exploring the Enigma of the Hellfire Club: Dublin's Haunted Secret

Mystical and occult places in the world have always attracted intrigued explorers and lovers of the odd and quirky. Often enough, such places are all around us, nestled in their enigma without us...
Lake monster. Source: scaliger / Adobe Stock.

The Enigma of Sweden's Great Lake Beast (Video)

Sweden's Great Lake monster, often referred to as "Storsjöodjuret" or the Storsjö Lake Monster , is a legendary creature said to inhabit the depths of Lake Storsjön in Jämtland County. Similar to...
Illustration depicting the Kaspar Hauser legend of his incarceration. Source: Public domain

Smallpox Vaccine Sheds New Light on Mysterious Kaspar Hauser Legend

In May 1828, the Bavarian city of Nuremberg was gripped by the sudden appearance of a young man named Kaspar Hauser. Clutching two letters of introduction, his arrival revealed a story of isolation...
Four of the Tucson Artifacts  Source: The Tucson Artifacts / Photographs by Robert C. Hyde. © Donald N. Yates, 2013. All rights reserved. Used by special permission.

Mystery of the Latin Inscribed Artifacts Found in Arizona (Video)

Charles Manier's serendipitous discovery in 1924 led to the unearthing of 32 lead artifacts inscribed with Latin text near Tucson, Arizona . Dating back to the 9th century A.D., the Tucson artifacts...
Haunting spirits of ancient ghost stories.  Source: Владислав Ройко/Adobe Stock

Haunting Tales: Exploring 4 of the Most Famous Ancient Ghost Stories

Ghosts have been a part of human folklore and legends for centuries, captivating our imaginations and sending shivers down our spines. From ancient Rome to modern-day Japan, some of the most famous...
Cleopatra’s Death as depicted in a painting entitled ‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens. Source: Public domain

The Enigma of Cleopatra's Death: Was it Suicide or Murder?

Accepted historical accounts claim that Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of ancient Egypt, committed suicide. Cleopatra assumed the throne of Egypt after the demise of Alexander the Great during...
The Taizhou mummy was discovered accidentally by road workers and was found immersed in a mysterious brown liquid. Source:  GU XIANGZHONG, XINHUA

Accidental Find of Impeccably Preserved Ming Dynasty Taizhou Mummy

Mummies often evoke thoughts of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated mummification rituals. These practices aimed to create a seamless transition between life and death and led to remarkable...
Man standing in underground city of Derinkuyu, Turkey. Source: Parilov / Adobe Stock.

Discoveries of Ancient Underground Cities Around the World

Beneath the surface of our world, hidden under layers of soil, stone, and history, lie remnants of ancient civilizations - vast networks of tunnels, expansive underground cities , and complex...
The ruins at Yangshan quarry. Source:  Vmenkov/Author provided

Fathoming the Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain and the Biggest Cut Rocks in the World

Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Although it is believed to have been in use from at least...
Ark of the Covenant. Source: pamela_d_mcadams / Adobe Stock.

Sacred Treasure Hunt: In Pursuit of the Elusive Ark of the Covenant (Video)

Discover the enigmatic disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant , a sacred relic mentioned in the Book of Exodus. The Ark, believed to have housed the Ten Commandments, was built with exact...
Neolithic stone balls in the British Museum. Source: British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Neolithic Stone Balls: The Northern Rosetta Stone?

Neolithic stone balls are mysterious petrospheres found in Scotland, Ireland, and Norway that have puzzled archaeologists for centuries. But an explanation for these objects may finally be revealed,...
Representational image representing a UFO flying over Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock

UFO Author Will Lead Exploration of Rendlesham Forest Encounters Site

One of the most celebrated and debated UFO incidents of all time took place in Rendlesham Forest near Suffolk, England just after Christmas in 1980. United States Air Force personnel stationed at two...
Tablet depicting Aryan warriors. Source: Justin Gauraqv Murgai / CC BY NC ND 2.0

Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction

Today, the word "Aryan" has become synonymous with all sorts of negative connotations, including theories of racial superiority and white supremacy . This association has led to a widespread...
