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Khanjar dagger. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

A Master Craftsman Makes the Perfect Dagger (Video)

In Oman , the possession of a khanjar is a matter of tradition and pride for men. These curved daggers , tracing their origins to the 16th or 17th century, have evolved from mere weapons to exquisite...
Elise, an 8-year-old student, found the Neolithic stone dagger while playing near her school in Norway.           Source: Vestland County Municipality

Eight-Year-Old Norwegian Girl Finds 3,700-Year-Old Stone Dagger at School

An eight-year-old girl from Vestland county in southwestern Norway was playing outside at her school when she found something unusual lying in a rocky section of the play yard. It was not a toy or...
A researcher holding the bollock dagger that was found at Ypres, Belgium.	Source: VRT

Dropped Your Bastard Sword? Then Whip Out Your Bollock Dagger

If you find the term ‘bollock dagger’ too crude, you could rightfully call this weapon a ‘kidney dagger.’ But that’s how the Victorians attempted to mask the true nature of this horrendous invention...
Kris as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ( CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Indonesian Keris Dagger Forged From Metal, Imbued With Spirit

In 2005, the Southeast Asian dagger, keris , was designated as a Masterpiece of Humanity's Oral and Intangible Heritage by UNESCO. The keris is an asymmetrical dagger with a unique blade design made...
The Roman dagger found by an amateur archaeologist with a metal detector that revealed the “unknown” Swiss Roman battle site, where the twelfth Roman legion fought against local Celtic tribes.			Source: Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen

Archaeologist Discovers Swiss Roman Battle Site and 2,000-Year-Old Dagger

Sometimes experts can get it wrong. And that is what seems to have happened in the case of a Swiss Roman battle site from 2000 years ago. The new site was found between the towns of Tiefencastel and...
Gothic Warrior Found Buried With a Folded Sword in Macedonian Basilica

Gothic Warrior Found Buried With a Folded Sword in Macedonian Basilica

Greece’s second largest city, Thessaloniki, capital of Macedonia, has been the subject of intense archaeological discovery especially in the last decade. In 2010, Thessaloniki’s three-aisled Basilica...
Reconstruction of what the Roman dagger would have looked like with the belt. Source: LWL-Römermuseum Haltern am See / Facebook.

Rare Roman Soldier’s Dagger Restored To Its Former Glory

In Germany, a remarkable Roman silver dagger has been unearthed by a young student. The find has been painstakingly restored and is once again in pristine condition. The silver dagger is believed to...
Meteorite swords came from the heavens. Credit: mdorottya / Adobe Stock  By Aleksa Vučković

Meteorite Swords Forged from the Fire of the Heavens

From the earliest conscious moments of the human race, we looked up into the distant night sky in wonder and amazement. Our early ancestors glanced at the same skies we see today and pondered the...
Bronze hand with a gold rim found near Lake Biel, Switzerland.

3,500 Year Old Metallic Hand Leaves Deep Fingerprint In Swiss Criminal Investigation

Last October, a 3,500 year old bronze hand with a golden cuff was discovered by two metal detectorists near Lake Biel in the Bernese Jura, about 28 miles (45 km) northwest of Bern, Switzerland. Now,...
2,000-year-old Bronze Sword Unearthed in China

Tombs, Treasures, and 2,000-year-old Bronze Sword Unearthed in China

In 2015, archaeologists in China made a spectacular discovery at a construction site in Zhoukou City, Henan Province – a tomb complex containing 21 ancient tombs filled with treasures including a 2,...
With a blade of Damascus steel (similar to Wootz steel), the blade makes this object a treasured piece.

Wootz Damascus Steel: The Mysterious Metal that Was Used in Deadly Blades

Wootz steel was amongst the finest in the world. It is the metal that was used to fashion weapons such as the famous Damascus blades of the Middle Ages. However, Wootz steel dates back much further...
Bone daggers of the Sepik watershed, New Guinea. (a) Human bone dagger attributed to the Upper Sepik River. (b) Cassowary bone dagger attributed to the Abelam people.

Human Bone Daggers in New Guinea were Used to Strike the Fatal Wound

Prized as symbols of a warrior’s strength, prestige, and power, bone daggers were once widespread artistic and functional tools in New Guinea. New research on the subject shows that not all the bones...
A new study has found that all iron tools from the Bronze Age, including King Tutankhamun's dagger, were made from meteoric metal.

New Analysis Proves Most If Not All Bronze Age Iron Came From Space

A new French study suggests that all iron tools from the Bronze Age, including King Tutankhamun's dagger, have extraterrestrial roots. Bronze Age Iron Objects Have “Alien” Roots When an X-ray...
The remains of the ancient warrior.  Picture: Channel12

Ancient Warrior Unearthed Marching to Afterlife with his Dagger Drawn, Wearing Stylish Earrings

By Anna Liesowska A fighter from almost 3,000 year ago was ready to impale his enemies, expecting battles after death, with a 'mirror' on his eye. The extraordinary find of this Bronze Age warrior -...
10 Innovative Medieval Weapons: You Would Not Want To Be At The Sharp End Of These!

10 Innovative Medieval Weapons: You Would Not Want To Be At The Sharp End Of These!

Long before modern warfare, there was a time of knights in shining armor atop equally armored horses fighting for the hand of a maiden or in pitched battle. However, the weapons that these knights...
Dagger blade from Structure 10.049 (PP4-Montelirio sector).

Amazing Crystal Weapons Discovered Within 5,000-Year-Old Megalithic Tomb in Spain

Archaeologists in Spain have unearthed an extremely rare set of weapons, including a long dagger blade, twenty-five arrowheads and cores used for creating the artifacts, all made of crystal! The...
Fallen star sword.

Why did Tutankhamun Have a Dagger Made From a Meteorite?

Scientists have long speculated that the ancient Egyptians used metal from meteorites to make iron objects. An analysis of a dagger found in Tutankhamun’s tomb has given us strong evidence that this...
Standard of Ur, 26th century BC, "War" panel.

The Sumerian Military: Professionals of Weaponry and Warfare

Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, lies a land once known as Mesopotamia. It was here that humanity found suitable land to rip open and seed. Once the seeds took root, civilization was born...
Wupatki National Monument Arizona - First Light.

More than 1,500 Petroglyphs, including a Solar Calendar, Found in Northern Arizona

Archaeologists who explored the remote mesas of Northern Arizona have identified a previously undocumented group of petroglyphs, one of which confirms the presence of a prehistoric solar calendar...
The Racton Dagger, the earliest dated bronze object ever found in Britain

Earliest bronze dagger ever found in Britain rediscovered with ancient chieftain

Now dubbed by the media as the ‘Bronze Age superman,’ the remains of a prominent member of prehistoric society were excavated from fields in the hamlet of Racton in 1989, after resting under farmland...
Rare ancient 3,500-year-old ceremonial dagger

The rare 3,500-year-old ceremonial dagger that was used as a door stop

An object pulled up by a plow in a field and used to prop open an office door was identified by archaeologists as an extremely rare and valuable Bronze Age ceremonial dagger, known as a dirk, one of...
Bronze Age microscopic gold work from around Stonehenge

The astounding Bronze Age microscopic gold work from around Stonehenge

Archaeologists have revealed the process utilized by highly-skilled craftsmen to create the magnificent gold artifacts that were found around Stonehenge. According to Discovery News , the gold work...
Ancient Tomb in Oman

Ancient tomb discovery reveals traces of Indus Valley civilization in Oman

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient tomb dating back 2,300 years in Oman, which contains weapons that trace back to the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization, according to a report in the Times...
Ancient dagger artefact link between Japan and northern China

Ancient dagger artefact suggests link between Japan and northern China

Archaeologists in Japan were astonished to discover the molds for a dagger dating back nearly 2,500 years which bears a striking resemblance to artefacts found in remote areas of northern China. The...