Builders of Teotihuacan Had Remarkable Knowledge of Science and Engineering
In the heart of central Mexico, surrounded by majestic mountains and volatile volcanoes, is the Valley of Mexico Basin. There, hidden in plain sight stands Teotihuacan, a vast vexing complex of pyramids, temples, causeways, and subterranean tunnels. Despite recent attempts by the INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) to alter its name, Teotihuacan means “City of the Gods,” “The Place Where Men Become Gods,” or “The Place Where the Gods Were Created.” The word nemesis is defined as the inescapable agent of someone’s or something’s downfall. Teotihuacan is the nemesis of academic human history paradigms. The more this site’s chronology, iconography, and engineering is analyzed, the greater the magnitude of devastation inflicted on the obsolete narrative.
A Summary of the Crumbling Perspective
Even the authorities concede that the origins and founding of Teotihuacan is a mystery. Their best guess (a biased, preconceived and unfounded notion) is that around 300 - 200 BC, 6,000 unknown Mesoamericans united into a larger group and began to establish the city state. As the fable goes, the erroneously named Pyramid of the Sun was completed around 100 AD and the entire city reached its peak around 450 AD housing 150-250,000 citizens - making it one of the largest cities on Earth at the time.
One undisputed fact worth mentioning is that the mining and processing of obsidian (rare volcanic glass) was a major industry occurring at Teotihuacan, and the city was the source of it throughout Mesoamerica. The Maya, Aztec, Zapotec, Toltec and every other Mesoamerican culture regarded obsidian as sacred and therefore regarded the source of it a place of reverence. Similar to the obsidian production, the mainstream position on the downfall of the city is fairly certain; the elite residences show evidence of fire damage, this combined with other ancient textual evidence from around the region indicates that Teotihuacan’s elite were deposed in a violent revolt between 650-750 AD.
Teotihuacán-style mask, Classical period. (Walters Art Museum/CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Memory of Elephants in the Room
The problems and inadequacies with the conventional positions on Teotihuacan are so numerous and so fundamental, that leading institutions typically just avoid them in both research implications and discussion. At this point, a necessary disclaimer is required; this is not an indictment or underestimation of the ingenuity or capabilities of the ancient Mesoamerican people, it is simply an unflinching exploration of the extreme logistics, utterly unknown identity of these elite rulers, their mysterious methods, motivations, and finally, the cognitive dissonance this site instills in the experts. In her essay on Teotihuacan, Dr. Maya Jimenez sums it up nicely:
“The Aztecs attributed names and significance to its buildings but had no contact with this earlier culture. Very little is known of these people who built Teotihuacan, and as a result much of our knowledge of the site, its art, and Teotihuacan culture is derived from Aztec sources. Largely created before 250 CE, Teotihuacan is a testament to its people, who built the first American city on a grid plan.”
Pyramid of the Sun and the Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacan. (Byelikova Oksana /Adobe Stock)
Complex City Planning From Day One
Recent research has disproven the long held position that Teotihuacan was built and rebuilt in stages over centuries of expansion. A minority of researchers long suspected that the entire city was developed according to an original masterplan, and this has now been confirmed with advances in lidar technology and the deciphering of the “pecked-cross circles” found throughout the city. These markers enabled the engineers to construct the city with very precise geographical and astronomical alignments; furthermore, the San Juan River was modified and diverted to flow through the center of the city before returning to its natural course.
All of these features, the precise longitude/latitude alignments, the diversion of the river, and the grid planning, all are clear implications that these unknown builders were no strangers to such endeavors; not only that, but they were up to something more than simply constructing a place for suitable habitation. In other words, the diversion of the river was absolutely unnecessary in terms of water utilization, as was the orientation and grid system in terms of practical necessity.
Megalithic Materials
One credit to the conventional researchers is a recent study on the provenance of the limestone at Teotihuacan. Barba and Cordova, in their 1999 study, remark on what an astonishing feat the acquisition, processing, and transportation of the limestone must have been. The quantities are staggering and the quarries are between 60 kilometers (37 miles) and 160 kilometers (99 miles) away.
- The Rome of America: What Lies Under Teotihuacan? – The Real City of the Gods
- Uncovering Ancient Pyramid Science at Teotihuacan, Where Men Become Gods
- Archaeologists Uncover a Symbolic Code Hidden in the Crater-Filled Plaza of the Moon in Teotihuacan
“The amount of lime plaster used in the city is amazing: preliminary calculations have allowed an estimation of at least 12 million square meters of architectural surfaces in the whole city, covered with lime plaster.” Unlike Egyptology, in which construction techniques are hotly debated, the Teotihuacan construction is so mysterious that the alleged experts prefer to remain silent on this subject in an attempt to sweep a complex of giant pyramids under the proverbial rug.
Carving details of Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Teotihuacan Ruins in Mexico. (diegograndi /Adobe Stock)
Insight on Teotihuacan’s Chronology
Academic researchers have noted that while the primary alignment of the city grid is very precise, they don’t point to the current North or South cardinal directions, but to the Northern most point of the city, which seems to have been very important, as the entire complex was designed around this coordinate. But what these experts are failing to consider is that the site may be much more ancient than they are prepared to accept, and hypothetically, if it were much more ancient, than this alignment begins to make more sense.
There is substantial archaeological evidence that the Valley of Mexico was inhabited in extremely ancient times. Tlapacoya is the most ancient site studied in the valley. Human remains alongside obsidian daggers (which must be mined) have been dated as far back as 20,000 BC, and naturally, these dates are disputed by the prevailing authorities because of the irreparable harm done to their paradigm.
Tlapacoya style figurine, 1200-900 BC, Walters Art Museum. (Public Domain)
The Research of Dr. Mark Carlotto
Dr. Mark Carlotto is a veteran aerospace engineer with a degree from Carnegie-Mellon University and he is an expert in satellite imaging, pattern recognition, as well as signal and image processing. Carlotto has taken a more literal approach to the Mesoamerican “mythological” chronology. This chronology holds that there has been a series of cataclysms and each one corresponds to the destruction of an era of human civilization. This series of civilizations is known today within the Mesoamerican worldview as the “Legend of the Five Suns.”
Carlotto combines this semi literal approach with Charles Hapgood’s theory of crustal displacements, which were endorsed by Albert Einstein, and states that the Earth’s magnetic poles periodically shift, altering the axis of the Earth, wreaking ecological havoc, and potentially eradicating ancient civilizations. Hapgood was able to mathematically determine with relative accuracy the previous pole positions, and Teotihuacan’s precise alignment points directly to the Greenland pole which was the North Pole between 130,000-83,000 BC.
Aerial view of Teotihuacan. (Gian /Adobe Stock)
Worldwide Ancient Chronology Paradigms
Ancient cultures from Mesopotamia, to Egypt, to India, and all the way to China recorded in great detail what modern scholars regard as mythological histories. While the modern academic paradigm adamantly asserts that in Africa hominid human species diverged from apes somewhere between 2-4 hundred-thousand years ago, eventually developing into the end all be all of evolutionary culmination: the great Homo sapiens.
Modern humans then went on to abandon hunting and gathering in favor of agriculture some 15,000 – 30,000 years ago. But according to texts like the Sumerian Kings List, or the Egyptian Turin Papyrus, deities established civilization 200,000 – 300,000 years ago by way of demi-god dynasties (human/deity hybrids) and it was they who erected many spectacular monuments in prehistory.
Interestingly, the latter portions of these lists are confirmed by experts as accurate, but as the lists reach further back and become more bizarre, experts insist these portions are where the texts become mythological. Equally interesting are the parallels between these cross cultural kings lists and how well they generally align themselves with the emergence of hominin and Homo sapien species so long ago.
Mercury and Mica Mysteries
In 2014, within the enormous, man made tunnels beneath the Teotihuacan complex, large quantities of liquid mercury were discovered within miniature landscape models. These pools of mercury represented the region’s bodies of water. This is not an isolated discovery, in the Maya city Lamania, beneath the ritualistic ball court, a similar large pool of liquid mercury was unearthed.
The ceilings and walls of the Teotihuacan tunnel were also deliberately encased with powdered magnetite and pyrite, which is yet another mystery compounded by the discovery of hundreds of pyrite spheres. Evidence of human sacrifice was also uncovered, including ceremonial objects like pyrite mirrors. These ritual mirrors were used in shamanic practices and were believed to serve as portals into another realm. Great quantities of mica in the form of huge sheets have also been found around the so called Pyramid of the Sun and lining the chambers nearby.
Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan. (R.M. Nunes /Adobe Stock)
For What Function?
Mica is a silicone with unique properties and these unique properties make it an ideal insulator of heat, water, and electric currents. In modern applications, mica is used in a variety of high technologies including chemical processing, electronics, space travel, and nuclear energy production. Mercury is a rare, volatile substance, superconductor (once cooled), and is also utilized in similar modern, high-tech applications. For example, magnetically levitated trains use liquid helium to cool mercury to create the gravity defying, magnetic levitation effect.
Mercury also has unique acoustic transmission properties, which is relevant because acoustic effects of nearby Maya pyramids (as well as other megalithic sites worldwide) are now being studied. Although pyrite is commonly known as fool’s gold, its name is derived from the Greek roots lithos and pyr, which combined mean ‘stone which strikes fire,’ and has long been used as a source of ignition. Recent research on potential applications of pyrite suggest it may be used to advance magnetic data storage and solar panels.
Chinese Mercurial Mirroring
Across the globe, beneath another pyramid in Western China, rests the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang - which according to ancient writings, contains a miniature model of his entire kingdom with all the bodies of water made of liquid mercury. Also, the entire tomb is said to be surrounded by a moat of mercury which the emperor believed promoted immortality. How can this be that these ancient cultures who had no contact with each other dedicated such tremendous effort and resources to similar ambitious projects which seemingly lacked utilitarian value?
Legitimately brilliant scholars like Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell have suggested such parallels are due to manifestations of a collective human subconscious. Surely this can explain a certain extent of archetypal patterns, beliefs, and corresponding behaviors, but erecting giant pyramids devoted to dragon deities with miniature models and liquid mercury beneath them? It is quite doubtful this is a sufficient explanation.
Dragon Deities and Demi Gods
There are many deities revered in the iconography at Teotihuacan, but principle among them is the feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl. Who is this deity? The Nahuatl word Quetzalcoatl means “precious serpent,” “Quetzal-feathered Serpent,” but allegorically, these names mean the wisest of men. He was either depicted as a man or as a flying dragon, very similar to the feathered flying dragon kings of Chinese mythology.
According to the Mesoamerican worldview, it was he was the overseer of the current “sun” era and it was he who was responsible for bestowing knowledge of civilization onto humanity in the distant past. This deity is virtually identical to and synonymous with the Maya Kukulkan, the Inca Viracocha, and others.
Quetzalcoatl head at Teotihuacan. (Josue /Adobe Stock)
Perhaps the most interesting myth relating to Quetzalcoatl and his deeds is one account of his Earthly death followed by a heavenly resurrection. In the Chimalpopoca Codex is a story in which after a long time of righteous living on Earth, Quetzalcoatl becomes intoxicated with his celibate priestess sister, makes love to her, and thereby neglects his religious obligations. The next day, he and his subjects construct an enormous stone chest, within which he laid, adorned entirely with jade, and is set ablaze. His ashes and heart then rise up into the heavens whereupon he became the morning star.
It can be reasonably speculated that whoever these elite builders were, they were no strangers to physics, chemistry, engineering, city planning, or geology, and they were up to much more than the construction of a prosperous city. It can be reasonably deduced that there is a link to ancient Chinese culture regarding the mercury pools and models beneath the pyramid of Emperor Qin. And these structures built by ancient bloodlines of despotic rulers seem to be linked to myths of dragon-men deities and their establishment of civilization long ago.
It also is within objective reasoning to suggest that the entire chronology regarding the development of human civilization is in desperate need of reevaluation, and since scientific authorities are unwilling to do so, it falls to independent researchers to use every atom of their imaginations, reason, and resources, to solve these mysteries and illuminate humanity’s origins.
Top Image: New research is rewriting the story of Teotihuacan and human history! Source: CYSUN / Adobe Stock
Acosta Ochoa, Guillermo. "Las ocupaciones preceramicas de la Cuenca de Mexico Del Poblamiento a las primeras sociedades agricolas" (in Spanish). Archived from the original on February 25, 2009. Retrieved November 25, 2008.
Carlotto, Mark. Before Atlantis: New Evidence of a Previous Technological Civilization. Revised and expanded edition. 2018. Pp 35. Pp 60.
F. Decremps,1,aL. Belliard,2B. Couzinet,1S. Vincent,2P. Munsch,1G. Le Marchand,1and B. Perrin21Institut de Minéralogie et Physique des Milieux Condensés, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6,CNRS UMR 7590, 140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France2Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, CNRS UMR 7588,140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France. Received 28 April 2009; accepted 5 June 2009; published online 8 July 2009.
Luján, Leonardo López; Nadal, Laura Filloy; Fash, Barbara W.; Fash, William L.; Hernández, Pilar (2006). "The Destruction of Images in Teotihuacan: Anthropomorphic Sculpture, Elite Cults, and the End of a Civilization". RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics. 49–50 (49/50): 12–39
Manzanilla, LR (2015). "Cooperation and tensions in multiethnic corporate societies using Teotihuacan, Central Mexico, as a case study". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112 (30): 9210–5.
Matthew Shaer, Janet Jarman (photos). A Secret Tunnel Found in Mexico May Finally Solve the Mysteries of Teotihuacán, Smithsonian Magazine, June 2016
Moskowitz, Clara. “The Secret Tomb of China’s 1 st Emperor. Will We Ever See Inside?” August 17, 2012.
Paul Laity. Lakes of mercury and human sacrifices – after 1,800 years, Teotihuacan reveals its treasures, The Guardian, 24 September 2017 18.52 BST
Pendergast, David M. (6 August 1982). "Ancient maya mercury". Science. 217 (4559): 533–535
Readings in Classical Nahuatl: The Death of Quetzalcoatl". Retrieved 26 January 2017.
Like Atlantis (Richat Structure), and the Great Pyramid, these megalith complexes were likely built progressively over thousands of years, likely using domesticated mammoths for all the heavy load work. They may have used large, tempered iron swing blades to cut the stone, or something that, unlike non-ferrous artifacts, rusted away over time – tens of thousands of years. BTW, the pyramids were constructed overtop natural aquifers - cave man engineering using mass to pull the water up. The mercury would have been used for additional mass, as it is the easiest form of mass for purpose, and flows into and fills its container. Even at the very end of these civilizations, upon the Atlantis event (calling it Atlantis, but similar happened in many other places where megalith stone work is damaged, such as Indus Valley and the subterranean ruins of China) and sudden emergence of the resulting dark global nuclear winter/Ice Age that ended ALL Atlantean era cultures, even where the stonework, like in Mexico, was left undamaged. The most intriguing part of the truth is the miraculous survival of some Atlantean-era people (the fair-haired), who were there occupying the old ruins upon the time the black-headed people (Sumerians, who were later called semites, meaning semi man, product of aboriginal women and Annunaki men, as described in some ancient Sumerian texts), but over-run by the explosion of the black-haired race, who were the people of Genesis of the Old Testament.
Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.
So many cultures in varied places around the globe have histories that have been consigned as myths by “mainstream” self-professed experts. For years, in the Americas at least, Clovis First was maintained, even to the point of trying to prevent any exploration of layers older than 13,000 YA. National Geographic published an article in 2015 touted the discovery of “The first American”, a 13,000year old skeleton from Mexico.
Many sites in North and Central America have been dated to much older times, but denied by those trying to maintain the “status quo”, and I believe it is not only possible, but highly likely that this site dates back to a much older time.
Hi All,
Happy New Year Everybody.
The Big Bang Theory is a favorite show of mine I watch
re-runs on KFOX T.V. I'm enjoying Young Sheldon, it deals with life in the 1980s my year and so my interest in the comedy prompts a little nostalgia for that Time.
But There's this one episode that sticks out to me in Young Sheldon.
Sheldon had a brief visit to the dentist; he had to be gassed and so while knocked out Sheldon spoke to Thoth, Egyptian deity the Knowledge of all thing's.
Sheldon proceeded the next hour of the Show trying to make contact with Thoth; calling the dentist so he could be gassed again; the dentist refused, so he tried going under by drinking Tea Sludge hoping that would help.
Instead Albert Einstein's picture spoke to Sheldon, and a whole slew of Physicist hanging on his wall also chimed in the message was for Sheldon to know absolute everything like Thoth takes away from the Mysteries of Science at least, that's what I got from that Episode.
What does Young Sheldon have to do with Teotichuacan City?
We're obsessed with wanting to know everything it's part of Human nature to be curious though many don't believe in this concept I myself do we've been curious ever since Eden. We aren't satisfied with It Just Is.
But in one's rush to be right they can do irreparable harm to the people whose Ancestors that has called this place home dismissing their Feelings is very inconsiderate. One should extend a measure of respect towards The People in question.
Why can't we as a people simply take a step back and just admire the Ancient City, in Mexico. If one were to take it too the Next level when people's minds aren't cluttered like ones closet or office space try Listening to the City when visiting, it for those expeditions.
The other thing I'd like to share with this discussion is the belief between the Mythical World and The Natural World; how they in fact correlate, with each other.
In the article it says "According to like Sumerian King's Lists or the Egyptian Turin Papyrus, deities established Civilization 200,000-300,000 year's ago by way of Demigod Dynasties
( human-hybrid Race) it was they who built these monuments in Prehistory that stands today.
So in my background growing up I was raised in a household where God in The Bible came first. When I heard the stories of prehistory like that of Gilgamesh, or The Greek Stories due to what I was learning through the Ten Commandment's, I ignored those stories.
I wouldn't come around to Gilgamesh & The Olympians to the till I got my hands on some Biblical Text expelled from the original Scriptures; based on my understand I came away with the conclusion, I came away with feeling that our Ancient Ancestors, were telling the Truth.
I recognize however, that the Truth would never be accepted by reason and logic, and Science. It doesn't add up to how the Natural World is Defined. Therefore these demi-gods or in the case of The Bible Nephilims/Rephalims doesn't add up.
Perhaps the question regarding Teotichuacan should be asked if there title names are bestowed upon that City in question I guess I'd recommend retracing one steps and then listen too the story behind the Three Name's of Teotichuacan to figure out how the city came to be.
I'll end it here with this discussion about Teotichuacan until next time Everyone, Goodbye!