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pole shift

Scientists Bring Global Pole Shift Fears Into Focus

Scientists Bring Global Pole Shift Fears Into Focus

Scientists have published a paper revealing the catastrophic effects of a “Laschamps excursion” around 42,000-years-ago. A Lascah-what? A “Laschamps excursion” is better known in today’s vocabulary...
Builders of Teotihuacan Had Remarkable Knowledge of Science and Engineering

Builders of Teotihuacan Had Remarkable Knowledge of Science and Engineering

In the heart of central Mexico, surrounded by majestic mountains and volatile volcanoes, is the Valley of Mexico Basin. There, hidden in plain sight stands Teotihuacan, a vast vexing complex of...
he Earth endured a cataclysm that caused a mass extinction of many large mammals. Source: James Thew / Adobe Stock.

Cataclysm, Mass Extinctions, and the Consequent Myths

According to geologists, in the interval from 10,000 to 8,000 BC, some 35 to 45 species of large mammals became extinct. This is called a mass extinction . Mass extinctions can be defined as species...
Detail of a representation of Earth's Invisible Magnetic Field.

Chaos and Cover-ups: What Evidence Exists of an Ancient Pole Shift?

Magnetic pole shifts are in the news a lot recently because our Magnetic North Pole is racing towards Russia while the Earth’s magnetic field strength is falling fast. The European Space Agency said...
Grain bins were ritually burned down during Africa's Iron Age. The resulting burnt patches have been used in the search for information regarding the South Atlantic Anomaly and the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles.

Ancient Huts Provide New Information on Magnetic Pole Reversal and the South Atlantic Anomaly

Scientists have recently reported that ancient burned patches on the ground in southern Africa provide groundbreaking information about the "weak spot" in the Earth's magnetic field - the South...