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The 10th Dimension of Pascal’s Triangle and Consciousness

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This article looks closely at the mathematics and sacred geometry related to Pascal’s Triangle as a way to find the key to consciousness and how humans “see” physical reality. The article was written as a response to Andrew Collins’ Ancient Origins article about the discovery of an enormous ring of cylinder-like shafts around Durrington Walls. In this article, Collins points out some very important numbers and geometries, which occur regularly in many megalithic constructions all over the planet. I feel that the information shared in this article may contain something of universal importance for the evolution of consciousness on our planet. The ideas relating to Pascal’s Triangle explored in this article are not necessarily new but build upon a wide range of observations and sources.

The Language Of Creation And Pascal’s Triangle

In my book “ Hallu-Cygns – Language of Creation,” I try to prove that all megalith-builders all over the world at one time used the same numerical matrix to construct and tune their enigmatic stone structures. It is my conviction that this matrix was Pascal’s Triangle, also known as Mount Meru, the Primordial Mound of Creation, and the Tree of Life.

There is one mathematical feature in Pascal’s Triangle (PT) that may finally reveal the deepest secret of the so-called “9-11-enigma.” PT shows how the geometric and mathematical resonance between a circle and its diameter is achieved in the 10th dimension. This knowledge has far more implications than we would first suspect.

We perceive material reality because there is a “boundary” between inner subjective consciousness and outer objective matter. However, we know that a boundary disappears when it is vibrated. Resonance is the ultimate interconnector in the universe. Resonance between living beings yields love, collectivity, procreation, oneness. Resonance dissolves any boundary between different objects.

Imagine that there exists a resonance which “dissolves” the boundary between the subjective observer and objective observed matter. This would mean that both the observer and the observed become one. Quantum physics shows us that matter, when it is not consciously perceived, behaves like a wave form that is everywhere at the same time, and thus not perceptible to the senses. This state in which all matter of the universe exists in an eternal here and now is called the Zero Point Field. And it means that consciousness and matter are not independent of each other. This also means that there must be a specific resonance which dissolves the boundary between the inner and outer life experience. 

What if the 10 th dimension in PT and in the 9-11-geometry explained in this article embodies this “boundary,” functioning as a hyper-dimensional portal through which consciousness “hallucinates” material reality by “thinking” the wave-like quantum state of matter into static material reality.

Comprehending the link between thought/consciousness and material reality, and sharing this knowledge with the whole of humanity may help us to focus our attention towards more harmonic thoughts with which we can heal the planetary ecological system and uplift the average human collective consciousness level!

Would you believe me, if I say that this information has been communicated to Earth by a distant star in the Cygnus constellation? This is not a new idea, but something which has been proposed by Andrew Collins in his groundbreaking book “ The Cygnus Mystery.”

The Connections Between Pascal’s Triangle And Pi

Pascal’s Triangle caught my attention in 2016, when Andrew Collins sent me some numbers received by means of strange light dips emitted by Tabby’s Star, a star in the Cygnus constellation. During the weeks that we exchanged information, it became clear that the numerical codes sent by Tabby’s Star (TS) pointed to the 9 th and 10 th dimension of Pascal’s Triangle.

Something rang a bell because a few years before I had informed Andrew about a strange psychic message that I had received while dozing off on the sofa. This message was “Xeniton 9 – Xeniton 10”. Andrew thought this could have been a sign that some intelligence was trying to communicate with us in some strange, hyper dimensional language. Two specific numbers sent by TS were 132 and 42.

In Pascal’s Triangle, based on the decimal number system, it is remarkable that both these numbers appear in the middle of the 9 th and 10 th dimension. In order to find these numbers, we have to subtract the binomial coefficients instead of adding them. In this way, we get 252 – 210 = 42 in the central axis of the 10 th row and 462 – 330 = 132 in the 11 th row. Both numbers, 132 and 42, yield the number Pi when divided by each other: 132/42 = 3,1428 (Pi). We know that the number Pi is the mathematical constant which creates resonance between the circumference and the radius of a circle.

Pascal’s ‘Ka’ Triangle

Pascal’s ‘Ka’ Triangle

Interestingly, this “Pi portal” is also found in sacred geometry because when we draw a circle with a diameter of 9 units and a square with a diagonal of 10 units, we see that both have the same circumference.

Using sacred geometry, we can draw a circle with a diameter of 9 units and a square with a diagonal of 10 units.

Using sacred geometry, we can draw a circle with a diameter of 9 units and a square with a diagonal of 10 units.

As we can see in the diagram above, the 9-1-1-geometry yields a very simple system to square the circle, one of the mathematical enigmas that occupied mystics and sages since time immemorial. Squaring the circle symbolizes the universal resonance between the two complementary forces in the universe. The diagram above shows how a square with a diagonal of 10 has the same circumference as a circle with a diameter of 9, thus reflecting the same Pi-resonance as in Pascal’s Triangle’s 9 th and 10 th dimensions!

This “Arc” (pronounced like the ancient Egyptian Akh which meant “immortal spirit”) is the electrical discharge between two opposite electric poles. And the resultant shape forms the symbol for the mathematical constant Pi.

This “Arc” (pronounced like the ancient Egyptian Akh which meant “immortal spirit”) is the electrical discharge between two opposite electric poles. And the resultant shape forms the symbol for the mathematical constant Pi.

A very important etymological key is revealed through the above discovery. We know that the number 1 was once called El, since El signified “First,” “Light” or “Life” in proto-Indo-European languages. It was represented as a vertical line because it symbolized the First Pillar on which the First Sun rose. Twelve hours later, the First Sunset fell on a Second Pillar, forming the El-Evening. This might be the reason why we still call the number 11, “El-Even,” today.

However, when we examine the above diagram more in detail, we see that the length of the square’s diagonal is not determined by the most outer points of the two external circles but by their centers or nuclei, thus measuring 10 instead of 11 units (small circles). In other words, the point of resonance, although yielded by the numbers 9 and 11 (1-9-1), is the number 10! This connection between the two outer nuclei is what I call “Divine Nucleic Arching.” This “Arc” (pronounced like the ancient Egyptian Akh which meant “immortal spirit”) is the ‘El’-ectrical discharge between two opposite electric poles. As we can see, this forms the symbol of π. I will return to the Pi symbol later in this article!

Everything Culminates In The 10 th Dimension

Pascal’s Triangle and its relation to the Fibonacci sequence.

Pascal’s Triangle and its relation to the Fibonacci sequence.

When we look at Pascal’s Triangle, we see that each row begins and ends with the number 1 or El, thus creating different El-Even’s or ‘arcs. However, in the 9 th and 10 th dimensions things seem to culminate in the number Pi, the mathematical constant symbolized by two vertical lines connected by a horizontal line. Strangely, this symbol also resembles a trilithon portal of a megalithic temple.

In the geometric diagram of the squared circle, on the other hand, we also see that Pi-resonance is found between the 9 th and 10 th dimension. When we apply this geometry to the planet Earth, we see some remarkable features. We know that the diameter of the Earth is 7920 miles (12746 km). Dividing this by 9 gives 880 miles (1416 km) per small circle in the diagram. It should not be surprising that the length of the sticking-out angles of the square is 440 units, a number which occurs regularly in Durrington Shafts and in all megalithic constructions all over the world!

For example, the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza measures 440 royal cubits! We know that the number 440 is closely linked to another number which also appears regularly in sacred geometry: the number 144. We know that 440 meters equal 1443 feet, which is close to 10 units of 144 feet!

Now, looking back to Pascal’s Triangle, we see that the diagonals count up to the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence where 144 is the 10 th (counted from the first sum 1 + 1) number in the sequence:

The number 144 matches the Schumann Resonance of 7,83 Hz, since the wavelength of this frequency is 144 feet.

The number 144 matches the Schumann Resonance of 7,83 Hz, since the wavelength of this frequency is 144 feet.

What is even more special about the number 144 is the fact that it resonates with the Schumann Resonance (SR) of 7,83 Hz since the wavelength of this frequency is 144 feet.

SR’s are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. At every second, some 100 lightning discharges touch the surface of the Earth at the same moment, which submerge the planet in a constant hum of which the fundamental resonance is 7.83 Hz. Now, we will see that the 10 th Dimension of PT brings the mathematical constants Pi, Phi and the SR in alignment with the dimensions and thus frequencies of the Earth itself!

The fact that we have to subtract instead of adding up the binomial coefficients in PT in order to find Pi in the 10 th dimension, incited me to draw a complete Negative “Ba” Triangle based on subtractions instead of additions.

Positive “Ka”Triangle and Negative “Ba” Triangle

Two versions of the Negative 'Ba' Triangle

In the Negative Ba-Triangle above we see that a vertical axis of zeros (0) appears. In the center of the 9 th and 10 th row, we find the mathematical constant Pi by dividing the number 132 by 42. We have also seen that we find the Fibonacci sequence in the diagonals of the Positive Ka-Triangle and that the 10 th number (144) points to the Schumann Resonance. When we now look to both triangles, we can say that we have a (Negative) Pi- and a (Positive) Phi-Triangle, both “fusing” with each other in the 10 th dimension:

Positive “Ka”Triangle and Negative “Ba” Triangle ‘Fused’

Positive “Ka”Triangle and Negative “Ba” Triangle ‘Fused’

A Piece Of Pi

I also wondered if the two numbers 252 and Pi (central numbers in both triangles’ 10 th dimensions) would determine some kind of sacred ratio. Therefore, we have to divide both numbers:

252/Pi = 80,214… => nothing of special interest.

Multiplying both numbers, however, gives:

  • 252 x π (132/42) x 10 = 7,920, the exact diameter of the Earth in miles!!!


  • 252 = 9/13th of 365 days => This is equal to nine moons or the time (approximately) of the human gestation period.
  • If we keep dividing 252 by two to get its ground tone, we get 126, 63, 31.5 (which approximates Pi x 10). The next divisions give 15.75 and, ultimately, 7.875 which is close to the SR’s basic frequency of 7,83 Hz!

In other words, the numbers 252 and Pi seem to harmonize global plasma activity through resonance with the dimensions of the earth.

It’s only logical that we find the same relationship on the geometric plane. The 9th and 10th portions of the earth’s circumference measured from the center of the earth’s landmass in Giza would logically indicate the most resonant places to construct facilities that enable the activation of the All-Seeing Eye. To clarify, the All-Seeing Eye symbolizes the resonated “boundary” between consciousness and matter!

The best candidate for such a facility would be a construction that transduces the planetary infrasound from the earth and from the sky into bioelectricity. It is this bio-electricity – not like electric shockwaves – which we need to raise the vibration of our consciousness. A temple made of a resonant stone type (containing quartz and/or calcite crystals) and in the dimensions matching those of the earth could function as a piezo-electrical transducer of the mechanical sound waves of the planet.

The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, were designed using specific mathematical constants that relate closely with Pascal's Triangle. (John Smith / Adobe Stock)

The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, were designed using specific mathematical constants that relate closely with Pascal's Triangle. (John Smith / Adobe Stock)

It is therefore highly significant that we find the two oldest and most enigmatic resonant stone structures in Europe at a distance of exactly 9% and 10% of the Earth’s circumference from the Great Pyramid of Giza:

  • Stonehenge (and Durrington Walls) lies approximately 2236 miles (9% of 24,900 miles) from the Great Pyramid of Giza.
  • The Bru na Boinne in Newgrange, Ireland, lies at 2490 miles (10% of 24,900 miles) from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Today we know that the “breathing rate” of the earth is the frequency of seismic waves. On earth, the lowest possible seismic wave is 54 minutes. In other words, 5.4 or 54 is a key moment which dictates the energy impulse to life on the Earth. Since the earth’s seismic activity is mostly regulated by the moon, it is highly significant that the sum of the earth’s and the moon’s radius equals 5,040 miles! Whereas 54 might be the frequency of Mother Earth, we also know that Father Sky has its own frequencies, which are called the Schumann Resonances (SR). The fundamental SR is 7.83 Hz. Interestingly, when we divide this 7.83 Hz by 5.4, we get 1.45 Hz, a frequency which is known today as the psychoacoustic baseline frequency.

Knowing this, the Great Pyramid of Giza might have been built as an instrument to balance the fundamental Schumann frequency of the Earth’s atmosphere (7.83 Hz) and the fundamental frequency of the Earth itself (5.4 Hz) into the Third Eye frequency of 1.45 Hz.

The Connection Between Pascal’s Triangle And Ta-Bee’s Star

One day in 2017 or 2018, I woke up in the morning with the words “ Tabitty, Land of the Bees” sounding in my head. As if struck by lightning, I ran downstairs and picked up The Venus Blueprint by Richard Merrick in which I was sure I had seen these words. I was not to be disappointed, as “Tabitty” was, indeed, the ancient Egyptian name for “Land of the Bees.” Immediately, I made the link with the name Tabitha Boyaijan, the discoverer of KIC 8462852, the “Tabby’s Star.” Could this be a coincidence? Was there really a link between a human name, a distant star’s light dips, Pascal’s Triangle and the bees?

But how could a subjective human name be purposely chosen by a star and be linked to completely objective mathematics? If we were to believe that this is not a coincidence, then we have to accept that Tabby’s Star is a conscious entity which influences consciousness, language and cygni-phi-cation on earth by broadcasting a “Hallu-Cygno-Genic Matrix.”

Another argument to support this bold statement is the resemblance between the three following symbols, which are known to make up the most basic values in our universe.

The similarity between 3 of the most important symbols on planet earth.

The similarity between 3 of the most important symbols on planet earth.

Many numerical relationships of the bees’ acoustical matrix can be found in Pascal’s Triangle. When we count up the numbers of the horizontal rows, we get the doubling sequence: 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512 . . . (the Pythagorean C-note sequence). And when we add up the diagonals this results in the Fibonacci numbers (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21,…). All this leads us to the Phi-based acoustical matrix of the bees.

The Negative Triangle, on the other hand, seems to focus on the number Pi between the 9 th and 11 th dimensions. In other words, we have both a Phi-Triangle (Golden Spiral) and a Pi-Triangle (Ring). Could these two triangles be the polar electromagnetic vortices that must fuse in order to create the Unified (or Pi‑Phi-ed) Field? When we do this by converging both triangles at the eleventh row (10th dimension), we see that the numbers 252 and zero (between 132 and 132) overlap and form: T-Bee or Ta-Bee, the Path of the Bee!

The two Ka- and Ba-Triangles fused together top to top.

The two Ka- and Ba-Triangles fused together top to top.

Now, watch what happens when we stick both triangles to each other at their base instead of at their tops.

The two Ka- and Ba-Triangles fused together bottom to bottom resulting in the Egyptian Akh symbol.

The two Ka- and Ba-Triangles fused together bottom to bottom resulting in the Egyptian Akh symbol.

Are we up to something of universal importance? Is this the lost (Ankh) key of ancient civilizations?

More information can be found in my book “Hallu-Cygns – Language of Creation.” With many thanks to, Andrew Collins, Alexander Putney. Contact me at [email protected] or visit my website,

Top image: The moment of resonance in water is easier to see while the resonance related to Pascal’s Triangle is consciousness, which is invisible.             Source: Kenjo / Adobe Stock

Diagrams supplied by author.

By Igor Oakwood



Bruce i didn't read your comments before posting mine. I think you are right on track!

Deonte N. Ferino

I know this connection has already been made somewhere... Now Im also starting see the Pi symbol in stone henge. Maybe they serve a ancient tuning devices or acoustics. Gotta love useless knowledge. Lol

Deonte N. Ferino

Wow this is heavy stuff. A little over my head but I should come around to understand it. Just so happened to purchase a book Mozart the Freemason from a used book store before boarding a flight and I took a glance at this article and immediately noticed that the Pi Symbol is the same as musical note

Deonte N. Ferino


Deonte N. Ferino

Igor Oakwood's picture

Hi Jaz,

Thank you for your positive reaction and for buying my book! May it enlighten your Path!



Igor Oakwood's picture


Igor Oakwood is born in Brussels on 20 September 1979. He grew up in the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium but now lives with his family in the French-speaking part, next to the wonderful Han-caves where he works as a tourist guide... Read More

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