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John Hill

Dr John Hill is an experimental archaeologist who investigates the architectural designs of British Neolithic structures - domestic and ritual monuments.  He uses his experimental methods to determine how the Neolithic communities could have constructed complex architecture using both rudimentary methods and materials (methods and materials which he believes were available to these communities).

He gained a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Liverpool in England, where he has been a tutor in Archaeology for the Continuing Education Faculty for over a decade.

Dr Hill has written and published two books about Prehistoric Architecture; Design your own Stonehenge using the Occam’s Razor Solution and The Recumbent Stone Circles of Aberdeenshire: Archaeology, Design, Astronomy and Methods, the latter which is now available from Cambridge Scholars Publications:

You can make contact with Dr Hill at

[email protected]



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Fig.1 The experimental henge “Nesshenge” as it looked in 2008. Source: Dr John Hill

Nesshenge Revisited: How Does the Reproduction Neolithic Henge Look 15 Years On?

It is not every day that one gets the opportunity to build a replica Neolithic henge earthwork. Moreover, after 15 years of “weathering”, one is amazingly surprised to see that it not only survives...
Majestic sunrise at Castlerigg Stone Circle in the Lake District, one of many sites located on ley lines. Source: Danoz/Adobe Stock

Ley Hunters: Were Bronze Age Britons Really Following Ley Lines?

Google Earth is an amazingly useful tool for investigators to explore the sacred landscapes of prehistoric Britain. For sure, its accuracy cannot be denied. Indeed, one can even survey and measure...
The entrance to Wayland's Smithy, one of the Cotswold-Severn Group Neolithic stone structures, seems primitive but megalithic mathematics can be found here, and experimental archaeology proves it. Source: Msemmett / CC BY-SA 3.0

Megalithic Mathematics Revealed at the Cotswold Severn Long Barrows!

During the British Neolithic, circa 4000-2500 BC, we witness the appearance of numerous ceremonial and domestic monuments dominating the prehistoric landscape. Providing an absolute total of how many...
Darvill’s Stonehenge solar calendar theory is fascinating and the author of this article put it to the test!		Source: Author provided

Putting Darvill’s Stonehenge Solar Calendar Theory To the Test!

When an academic heavyweight with the credentials of a professor of archaeology proposes a new theory about Stonehenge, the media takes immediate notice. Such is the current excitement raised by...
How megalithic builders in the UK probably designed stone structures using experimental archaeology.		Source: Author provided

The Silent Language of the Megalithic Builders

Our understanding of the methods of design involved before any British prehistoric structure was physically built, that is from the moment when its form had been conceived in someone’s mind up to the...
In this 17th-century depiction of Stonehenge from the Atlas van Loon one wonders where the Scotsman Stonehenge architect of Dr John Hill’s convincing theory is working and on what. 	Source: Blaeu, J / Public domain

The Scottish Stonehenge Architect and His Aberdeenshire Stone Circles

Sooner rather than later I hope that my fellow archaeologists will accept the fact that Stonehenge was designed by a very small number of exceptional Neolithic architects and one of those Stonehenge...
Dunnideer Hill in Scotland. Source: Scott K Marshall / Adobe Stock

Data Testing Julian Cope’s Dunnideer Hill Alignments Theory

In his popular guidebook to British prehistoric monuments, The Modern Antiquaria n, rock musician and poet Julian Cope proposed that a distinctive Aberdeenshire hill in Scotland , the 264 meter (866...
Stonehenge and surrounding earthworks.

Natural Harmony: How did the Stonehenge Druids Measure the Landscape?

What were the Proto-Druids up to at Stonehenge? Advances in GPS technology and other sophisticated mapping software allow their prehistoric surveying activities to be investigated in ways that were...
The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

The Neolithic Builder of the Aberdeenshire Recumbent Stone Circles

In my recently published book, I write “It is astonishing that so much attention is given to the prehistoric monuments of both Stonehenge and Avebury henge when the remains of a far greater Stone Age...