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Eye looking into the future. 	Source: Author provided.

Chronicles from the Future: The Amazing Story of Paul Amadeus Dienach

Introductions typically attempt to present the essence of a book, highlighting the most important elements of the story you are about to read. My introduction does not do that. Rather, I will be telling you the story of how this unique text came to be and its journey from the 1920s until today.

This is a book that contains the diary of a man who never intended his words to be revealed to the world. It chronicles an experience that was never shared for fear of ridicule and disbelief. As you work your way through his very personal memoire, the reason for secrecy will soon become clear – the author claimed to have lived in the future and returned back to his original era, 20th century Central Europe, to record a detailed account, outlining exactly what happened during his journey.

The real protagonists of this amazing, true story are two persons: Paul Amadeus Dienach, the author, and the man who claimed to have lived in the future; and George Papahatzis, Dienach’s student of German language studies to whom he left his notes - the diary you hold in your hands today. After making the first acquaintances, let's start unravelling their story step-by-step.

Chronicles from the Future tells the story of Paul Amadeus Dienach. (Author provided)

Chronicles from the Future tells the story of Paul Amadeus Dienach. (Author provided)

Who Was Paul Amadeus Dienach?

Paul Amadeus Dienach was a Swiss-Austrian teacher with fragile health. His father was a German-speaking Swiss and his mother was an Austrian from Salzburg. Dienach travelled to Greece in the autumn of 1922, after having recovered from a one-year coma caused by a serious illness, hoping that the mild climate would improve his condition.

During his time in Greece, Dienach taught French and German language lessons in order to provide himself with a minimum income. Amongst his students was George Papahatzis, a student that Dienach appreciated more than any of the others. Papahatzis describes his teacher as a "very cautious and very modest man that used to emphasize the details.”

Dienach, as we learn from Papahatzis, was born in a suburb of Zurich and lived his adolescence in a village near the large Swiss city. He later followed humanitarian studies with a strong inclination to the history of cultures and classical philology. It is believed that he eventually died from tuberculosis in Athens, Greece, or on his way back to his homeland through Italy, probably during the first quarter of 1924.

Before Paul Dienach died, he entrusted Papahatzis with part of his life and soul – his diary. Without telling Papahatzis what the notes were, he left him with the simple instructions that he should use the documents to improve his German by translating them from German to Greek. Papahatzis did as he asked. Initially, he believed Dienach had written a novel, but as he progressed with translations, he soon realized the notes were actually his diary… from the future!

Old Painting of Zurich (Author provided)

Old Painting of Zurich (Author provided)

Back to the Future: Time Travelling to the Year 3906 AD

At this point we have to clarify something crucial. Dienach is thought to have suffered from encephalitis lethargica, a strange neurological disease that develops an immune system response to overloaded neurons. The first time Dienach fell into a lethargic sleep it was for 15 minutes. The second time it was for a whole year. During this year that Dienach was in a coma in a Geneva hospital, he claimed to have entered the body of another person, Andreas Northam, who lived in the year 3906 AD.

Once he recovered from his coma, Dienach didn't talk to anyone about his remarkable experience because he thought he would be considered crazy. However, what he did do was write down the entirety of his memory relating to what he had seen of the future. Towards the end of his life, he even stopped his teaching job in order to have as much time as possible to write everything he could remember.

Dienach describes everything he experienced of the environment and people of the year 3906 AD, according to the mind-set and limited knowledge of a 20th century man. This was not an easy task for Dienach. There were many things he claims not to have understood about what he saw, nor was he familiar with all their terms, technology, or the evolutionary path they had followed.

In his memoires, he claims that the people of the future fully understood his peculiar medical situation, which they called "conscious slide", and they told Dienach as many things as they could in relation to the historical events that took place between the 21st and 39th century.

The only thing they didn't tell him was the exact story of the 20th century, in case Dienach’s consciousness returned back to his original body and era (as he did) – they believed it would be dangerous to let him know his immediate future and the future of his era in case it disturbed or altered the path of history and his life.

World War I painting. (Author provided)

World War I painting. (Author provided)

Whatever Happened to Dienach’s Chronicles from the Future?

By reading Dienach's unique personal narration page by page, you will be able to decode what he claims to have seen in relation to mankind, our planet, and our evolution. Many may wonder – what happened to the diary in all that time, from the distant year of 1926 until now, almost a century later?

George Papahatzis gradually translated Dienach's notes – with his not so perfect German – over a period of 14 years (between 1926 and 1940), mostly in his spare time and summer breaks. World War II and the Greek Civil War delayed his efforts of spreading the amazing story that landed on his desk all those years ago.

On the Eve of Christmas in 1944, Papahatzis was staying with friends at a house which was also occupied by the Greek Army. When the soldiers caught sight of Dienach’s notes, which were of course in German, they confiscated them because they considered them suspicious. They told Papahatzis that they would return them only after they had examined their contents. They never did. But by then, Papahatzis had already finished the translation.

George Papahatzis tried to track down information about Dienach, by visiting Zurich twelve times between 1952 and 1966. He could not find a single trace of him, nor any relatives, neighbors, or friends. Dienach, who is thought to have fought with the Germans during World War I, probably never gave his real name in Greece, a country that had fought against the Germans.

After the end of World War II and the Greek Civil War, Papahatzis gave the translated diary to some of his friends – masons, theosophists, professors of theology and two anti-Nazi Germans. Once everybody realized what they had in their hands, the diary was kept within a close philosophical circle and in the Tectonic Lodge, in which he was a member.

The book was taken very seriously by the Masons, who did not want the information spread to a larger circle. They considered the book to be almost holy, containing wisdom about the future of humanity, and better kept only for the few.

Finally, after strong disputes, George Papahatzis decided to publish Dienach's diary. It was during the period that Greece entered the hardest phase of its seven-year dictatorship in 1972. Strong protest from certain church circles – who considered the book heretic – and the fall of the dictatorship a year later, condemned the first edition to oblivion. No one was interested in the future when the present was so intense and violent.

All these factors, along with the difficult language and the rough style of Dienach’s notes, which mixed together elements of his past, along with his experience of the future, made the diary even more difficult to understand. Only a few had the time, patience, and knowledge to decode the secret knowledge that lay encoded within almost 1,000 pages.

Another edition followed in 1979 in Greece. However, again the book disappeared and it was hardly mentioned again, apart from the few that knew of its existence. After all the silence, Papahatzis died, and his family did not wish to carry on with his work.

Illustration of Paul Amadeus Dienach writing his Chronicles from the Future. (Author provided)

Illustration of Paul Amadeus Dienach writing his Chronicles from the Future. (Author provided)

Saved from Oblivion: Achilleas Syrigos and the Chronicles from the Future

Twenty-two years passed before the diary was picked up again by Radamanthis Anastasakis, a high ranking member of the Masonic Lodge in Greece, who decided to publish the book on a small scale, exactly as it was previously written.

That's when I discovered the book for the first time and started to "restore" it, without the sentimentalities that kept Papahatzis from doing something more than an exact translation of the “holy” scripts of his teacher. Almost a century after the original script was written, this was a task that had to be undertaken so that a 21st century reader could really understand what a 20th century man wanted to say.

And so I did it, making sure not to change any of the content, but filtering out irrelevant notes pertaining to Dienach’s early life and emphasizing his experience of the future, but in a simpler language and without the gaps that Dienach’s narration had.

I have tried to keep the true essence of his story intact. This was my debt to Dienach, whose chronicles of the future completely changed my perspective of life. Nothing more, nothing less. My only goal was to make it accessible to all of you, because if Dienach’s experience was indeed real, this book contains revolutionary information – something the Masons clearly recognized – and has the potential to radically change your view of the world and mankind.

Now that you know the background to this unique story, I will simply deposit the future in your hands with an abstract from the introduction of the 1979 edition of the book by George Papahatzis, the man who personally knew Dienach:

The translator of the original texts, knew Dienach personally. His belief is that the inspiration and writing of these texts wasn’t an imaginary creation of Dienach, based on his education and insightful abilities. It is a true phenomenon of parapsychology that was linked to his life. Maybe he has also added his own things, maybe he didn’t see or live all of the events that he so vividly describes and presents. What is certain is that most of the basic elements of his texts are true experiences that he had; he lived in advance a part of the future to come and a metaphysical phenomenon of incredible clarity happened to him - a phenomenon of parapsychology that rarely happens with such an intensity and roughness. Because of him, what is going to happen on Earth starting from the last decades of the 20th century up to 3906 AD, is now known to us, at least in general terms.

I have to tell you that while Papahatzis was just a student at the time of receiving Dienach’s diary, he went on to become a very respectable man of his era. He was Vice President of the European Movement (National Council of Greece), Founding Member of the Greek Philosophical Society, and a Professor of Philosophy and Culture. He risked a lot in publishing Dienach’s work and this on its own reflects his unwavering belief in its authenticity.

Now I leave you with Dienach’s diary, a chronicle from the future…

23rd May 2015

Chronicles from the Future  is now available in Kindle or paperback format through  Amazon.

Chronicles from the Future  is now available in Kindle or paperback format through  Amazon.

Copyright Achilleas Syrigos. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be republished.

Top image: Eye looking into the future. Source: Author provided.

By Achilleas Syrigos


Thanks so much.


Architect_Universe's picture

Very interesting article. I have a lot of friends inside the Lodge, so I will search for this translated diary… Thanks a lot for this information.



Basil Vasiliou


this is no future information

Doesn't seem to be much here. I guess releasing it in tiny, tiny bits is a way to ensure people see all the advertising on the page as much as possible. I smell a rat... (there were more negative comments earlier but have vanished).

Read the book!

PiratesCut's picture

I’ve read many out there articles here but this thing takes the cake. I scanned through this whole thing.

People fall for this BS?!!!…..WOW!!!!

What crap!!!


Phelisha's picture

Someone made the comment that it has no interest to anyone! I'm very interested and had the story not surfaced on this website, I may never have encountered it! I'm so looking forward to reading the story! Yes, the ads are tiresome but often needed to help support interesting sites such as this one. 

I just want to know how to get a copy of the book. :(

The book is available on Amazon.

Google P D F Version of book -

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Hi there and thank you for the great story ! Just a little mistake : You mentioned Zurich as a capital of Switzerland. Zurich is not the capital of Switzerland. It is Bern, You can call Zurich a (big) city in Switzerland. All the best,

Achilleas Syrigos's picture

Thank you!


When will the translation (book) be published?

Achilleas Syrigos's picture

In a couple of months


is the book available yet ? if so i would be very interested on getting hold of a copy !

Please find a way to notify us as the new entries come out. It drives me crazy waiting for them.

I am really eager to read the next part, Please update ASAP

What happened to chronicle from the future? It is starting to look like a conspiracy is occurring.

summer in Greece is hot. I guess he just needed a break. ;-)

please make a facebook page about this

I don't understand. If the Germans seized all of the notes during the war but never returned them, as George Papahatzis says in the forward, then how could any of what we're reading be accurate, let alone be the "real" thing?

In thinking about this case and I think I have heard it previously and acutally recall that a recording was made many years ago of Dienach or Papahatzis reciting the diaries. If it isn't publicly on Youtube it is on a personal account on Youtube that I linked to from an article discussing this. I tend to wonder if by trance or just the ability to tap into some unversal mean of thought if Dienach and Edgar Cayce weren't tapping into that same everygy...allowing one to live vicariously in the future as Dienach or getting answers vicariously from another regarding matters of health and future happenings as with Cayce. It seems it is this ability to brain slide or tap into some universal conciousness that opens these two up to experience something new or unheard of. I doubt they are alone in this ability and look forward to those that can also do such things to come forward with these abilities. That is "IF" they aren't ridiculed much in the way that Cayce and Dienach were in their time. Seems ridiculous such things still happen to those with gifts such as this.

can i download like any book in internet?

This story appears to be clickbait. Not much about the future in the article.