The Battle of Visby was a violent medieval battle near the town of Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland, fought between the inhabitants of Gotland and the Danes, with the latter emerging victorious...
Deep beneath the dark waters of the Baltic Sea lies a time capsule, a frozen battlefield that has intrigued adventurers for centuries. It is the resting place of the legendary warship, Mars , whose...
Mining is an industry that really doesn’t sound all that entertaining or enigmatic. Rocks, drills, and pickaxes - not much happens in the world of a miner. But when it does - it tends to be...
Marine archaeologists have discovered two well-preserved 17 th century warships off the coast of Stockholm in Sweden. Last Tuesday Stockholm’s Vrak Museum of Wrecks announced in a press release that...
A controversial new proposal might see Swedish state schools dropping history classes from the national education curriculum to make space for “postmodernism and democratic values”, such as gender...
Beneath the frigid waters of the Baltic Sea , investigators have discovered perhaps the best-preserved ship from the Age of Discovery. It was found on the seafloor and it is almost intact. The...
One would expect "boneless" to describe a man without a lick of bravery. Or perhaps a man without a shred of compassion in a heart of ice. Yet in the case of the infamous Ivar the Boneless, son of...
Adolf Frederick was a Swedish king who lived during the 18 th century. Although Adolf Frederick ruled Sweden for almost 20 years, it was unremarkable and nothing of great note took place during his...
On 9 December 1594, Gustav II Adolf was born. From the time of his birth until his coronation, his upbringing involved many lessons in politics, literature, military science, and physical development...
The Mars, named after the Roman god of war, was once the largest and fiercest warship in the world and the leading ship in the fleet of King Eric XIV of Sweden. But in 1564, during the Northern Seven...
Earlier this year, Swedish divers made a unique and rare discovery in the Baltic Sea – Stone Age artefacts left by Swedish nomads dating back 11,000 years. Media sites went a little berserk with...