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The Architectural Evolution of Egyptian Temples - The Marvels of Ancient Engineering

The architectural evolution of Egyptian temples is a critical glimpse into the ingenuity, religious fervor, and artistic prowess of one of the world's oldest and most enduring civilizations...
The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt.		Source: WitR/Adobe Stock

The Bent Pyramid’s Light Magic - An Intentional Phenomenon?

King Sneferu (Snofru, Seneferu) was the father of Khufu and is famous for being responsible for two pyramids, plus finishing his predecessor’s at Meidum. His two pyramids at Dashur lie within sight...
A new study believes that uranium may be behind the curse of the pharaohs. Source: Shutter2U / Adobe Stock

There WAS a Curse! Was Deadly Radiation Behind the Curse of the Pharaohs?

When Howard Carter broke into the tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922, the treasures he found in the sealed chambers were not the only thing on his mind. He also feared a curse, the legendary curse of...
Illustration of an ancient Mayan village. Source: jdross75/Adobe Stock

What Life Was Really Like for the Maya (Video)

Ancient Mayan life was a complex tapestry of ritual, innovation, and occasional brutality. Spanning Central America, their society thrived on advanced practices, from sophisticated dental care to...
The impressive, restored 3,400-year-old pyramid mausoleum found in Kazkhastan.	Source: Dr. Aibar Kassenali/Arkeonews

Stunning 3,400-Year-Old Pyramid in Kazakhstan Was a Monument to a Deceased Leader

In 2016 the remains of a fascinating pyramid-shaped monument were discovered in the windswept and largely deserted Karaganda region of central Kazakhstan . This five-layered stepped structure was...
Burial of teenage girl found with 180 sheep ankle bones. Credit: Kazakh Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Bronze Age Teenager's Grave with 180 Sheep Ankle Bones Found in Kazakhstan

Archaeologists have unearthed a burial site from the Bronze Age, containing the remains of a teenage girl and numerous artifacts in Kazakhstan . Kazakhstan's premier English news source, The Astana...
Archaeologists with 4,000-year-old pyramid remains in uncovered in Kazakhstan. Source: L. N. Gumilyov / Eurasian National University

4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!

A 4,000-year-old Bronze Age pyramidical structure with links to a horse cult has been uncovered in the ochre-tinted earthen steppes of Kazakhstan. The culmination of almost a decade of research and...
Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Source:  IRStone / Adobe Stock.

Lost Treasures of Chichen Itza: Maya Marvels Revealed (Video)

In a world where Europe languished in the dark ages , the splendor of the Maya civilization reached its zenith. Their majestic temples soared high into the heavens, their intricate hieroglyphic...
Step pyramid of Djoser. Source: Pavle / Adobe Stock.

Tracing the Origins of the First Pyramid (Video)

The Great Pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly some of the most recognizable structures in the world. But just 10 miles south lies the Necropolis of Saqqara , an ancient cemetery that is home to 11...
El Castillo Mayan pyramid. Source: Vectorup / Adobe Stock.

Secrets of El Castillo: A Mayan Pyramid's Hidden Treasures (Video)

El Castillo , an impressive pyramid built by the Mayans over a thousand years ago, has always been a subject of fascination and mystery for archaeologists and historians. Recently, in the sacred...
Khufu pyramid from the northeast view. Source: dynamofoto/Adobe Stock

Is There More to the Mechanics of the Great Pyramid?

At the beginning of March, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities (MOTA) announced a newly discovered chamber above the main (North) entrance to the Pyramid of Khufu, also known as the Great...
Peruvian mummy bundles, representational. Source: Bayamin / Adobe Stock.

Burial Bundles with Painted Bodies in Fabric Found in Peru Pyramid

Archaeologists in Peru have uncovered a monumental temple site where they discovered unique human burials wrapped in fabrics printed with bizarre zoomorphic designs. These bundles contain the remains...
Cahuachi pyramid at Nazca, Peru.	Source: Daniel Prudek/Adobe Stock

Cahuachi Necropolis, Sacred Burial Ground of the Nazca

We can learn a lot about a civilization from how it treated its dead. The Nazca of Peru, for example, often carried their dead to Cahuachi, an important religious center, to be buried. Even though...
Cañada de la Virgen is a protected national monument in Mexico. Source: INAH

1,000-Year-Old Cañada de la Virgen Monument Given Protected Status in Mexico

Mexico has a new protected archaeological monument. The site is a 1,000-year-old ceremonial center of the Otomi or Hnahnu people, an indigenous group that still inhabits the area around the Sierra...
Does the fabled 1,000-ft White Pyramid of Xian in China really exist? Source: EvgeniyBobrov / Adobe Stock

In Search of the Fabled 1,000-ft White Pyramid of Xian in China

Scattered across an isolated, flat plain in Shaanxi Province, near the ancient capital of Xi’an, lie dozens of spectacular pyramid mounds that are little known outside of China. Mixed in with the...
A photo composition of the nearly 14 known megalithic stone slabs from the site of San Miguel Ixtapan. 	Source: Marco M. Vigato

Precision Stone Carvings of San Miguel Ixtapan – the Mexican Tiwanaku?

Over the past century, dozens of carved megalithic stone slabs of unknown origin and function have been uncovered in the southern part of the state of Mexico and the north of Guerrero, mostly around...
El Salvador’s Campana Maya pyramid structure, with the San Salvador volcanic complex in the background.	Source: A. Ichikawa / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Huge Maya Pyramid In El Salvador Built In Response To Volcanic Eruption

Archaeologists performing excavations around a massive Maya pyramid located in El Salvador’s Zapotitán Valley near the ancient village of San Andrés, close to Lake Ilopango, discovered something...
King Sahure. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

King Sahure and His Beautiful Pyramid: A Rare Peaceful Pharaoh?

Sahure was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who lived during the Old Kingdom period. He was a ruler of the 5th Dynasty, and his reign was marked by peace and prosperity. Amongst other things, Sahure...
The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark:  Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I

The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I

Two phenomena that have been haunting humanity for a long time are Noah’s Ark and the Great Pyramid of Giza. It has however rarely been suggested that these two are connected. One, the Ark, is part...
Deriv; Step Pyramid of Djoser, Egypt., El Castillo (pyramid of Kukulcán) in Chichén Itzá, Mexico, Candi Sukuh in eastern Central Java

Mysterious GodSelf Icon Found Worldwide: Lost Symbol of an Ancient Global Religion?

Significant evidence now exists that ancient cultures worldwide were all connected by a powerful religious symbol which I call the “GodSelf Icon,” that is especially conspicuous among the pyramid...
The Oldest Maya Murals and Royal Violence at San Bartolo, Guatemala

The Oldest Maya Murals and Royal Violence at San Bartolo, Guatemala

In 2001, deep in the sweltering jungles of Guatemala, completely by chance, archaeologists stumbled into the substructure of a lost Maya pyramid, which was the discovery of San Bartolo. To their...
LiDAR Tech Unearths “Supertantalizing” Hidden Tikal Architecture

LiDAR Tech Unearths “Supertantalizing” Hidden Tikal Architecture

Back in 2016, a group of scholars and researchers from the Foundation of Maya Cultural and Natural Heritage (PACUNAM) set out to study the rainforests of Guatemala using LiDAR remote-sensing...
Teotihuacan, Mexico

Uncovering Ancient Pyramid Science at Teotihuacan, Where Men Become Gods

Teotihuacan’s Lost Kings , a television special, took an hour long look at the great city, its inhabitants, and the excavation of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, (also known as the Feathered Serpent...
Is the mythology surrounding the Tower of Babel somehow connected to that of the Great Pyramid of Cholula in Mexico?

Parallel Twin Ziggurats: The Tower of Babel and Pyramid of Cholula

From the oasis sands of the biblical cradle of Mesopotamia all the way to the volcanic Valley of Mexico, parallel pyramids and mirroring myths have endured across the ages. Isolated from each other...
