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Ancient Origins Premium offers a wealth of knowledge and a variety of learning methods (articles, eBooks, webinars, expeditions and more) that will help you embark on a journey you will never forget!

Nuclear explosion( victor zastol'skiy/Adobe Stock)

Archaeology Uncovering the Great Forgetting

For 13 days in October of 1962, our civilization was poised on the edge of nuclear destruction. American president John F. Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev engaged in a faceoff. The world...
Resounding geomungo, praiseworthy lotus from Hyewon pungsokdo (1805).Gansong Art Museum in Seoul, South Korea (Public Domain)

Gungnyeo, the Ranks and Regiment of Women Serving Korean Royalty

The smooth running of Korean royal households depended upon the unseen hands of gungnyeo; the seamstresses, cooks, chambermaids, water- and firewood bearers and other servants. Behind the scenes a...
Glastonbury Abbey, legend or King Arthur  (BMDstudio / Adobe Stock)

Psychic Archaeology Uncovers Lost Structures at Glastonbury

‘The Company of Avalon’ was a group of monks who allegedly directed excavations at Glastonbury Abbey from behind the scenes, so far behind the scenes in fact from the ‘other side’. In the early 1900’...
Malta, Shrouded in Megalithic Mystery

Malta, Shrouded in Megalithic Mystery

The crowd waited expectantly at Malta’s ancient Mnajdra Temple for the spring equinox sun to peek out from behind a nearby hill. Suddenly the sun broke through the low-lying morning mist. Warmed by...
Antikythera Mechanism -  National Archaeological Museum, Athens by Joy of Museum (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Antikythera Mechanism: Who Designed the World’s Oldest Astronomical Computer?

Since its discovery in a shipwreck near Greece in 1900, an ancient metallic astronomical clock, called the ‘Antikythera Mechanism’ still baffles scientists. Research articles on the clock offer loose...
Pope Formoso and Stephen VI by Jean-Paul Laurens (1870) (Public Domain)

Synodus Horrenda: The Macabre Trial of the Corpse of Pope Formoso

In AD 897 the holy space of the Basilica of St John of Lateran, Rome , was violated by a truly sinister event inside the dark walls of the house of God. In the august presence of the Emperor Lamberto...
A pair of wooden shiziguo type lions decorated with gilt and polychrome.  The female has a cub, symbolizing a happy family.  Chinese, early Ching Dynasty (Image: © Walther G. von Krenner)

Chinese Lion Kings: Winged Lions, Foo Dogs and Gaimei

The King of the Beasts triumphs in Chinese mythology, albeit in many shapes and forms. Chinese artists combined different creatures’ attributes to create a composite beast, which they called pixiu (...
Lower right part of the three-sided border: an archer shooting at a dragon, and a grotesque, in Brunetto Latini's Le Livre du Trésor. (circa 1315-1325)France, N. (Picardy) (Public Domain)

The Twisted Phenomena and Strange Features of Medieval Art

Why would knights be fighting snails? Medieval art is a complex weave of surreal, bizarre and sometimes disturbing imagery and artists took creative license to a whole new experimental level. With...
'Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs' by Luca Giordano, The Hermitage (Public Domain)

Half-Human Half-Beasts Love and Lust in Mythology

Half-human half-beast creatures are found loving and lusting, warring and whoring in myths and legends of nearly every, if not all, cultures in the world. Although many of them made their debut in...
The Blue Cloak or The Topsy Turvy World, painted by Pieter Breugel the elder (1559) Gemäldegalerie, Berlin. (Public Domain)

Dirty Dark Secrets Behind Ancient Fairy Tales

Presumed innocent, yet dirty dark secrets are imbedded in the bedtime stories told to children. Fairy tales are magical narratives that pervade the young minds of children so deeply, leaving imprints...
Tramin (South Tyrol. )Saint James church in Kastelaz: Romanesque frescos (1210s ) showing fantastic creatures. (Public Domain)

Hiding in Plain Sight: Medieval Mermaids in Churches

Why would an ancient, folkloric, but non-Biblical, character such as a mermaid find its way into so many medieval European churches? And can such mermaid imagery and symbology be correlated with the...
Cicero proudly shows his discovery of the 'Tomb of Archimedes' by Martin Knoller (1775) (Public Domain)

The Tomb of Archimedes, Genius of Syracuse, Concealed by a Naiad

First century AD Roman statesman and orator, Cicero’s claim that he had found Archimedes’ tomb may be refuted. In Greek mythology Ciane is a freshwater nymph, who tried to save Persephone from being...
Panoramic view from the summit of the Pyramid of the Moon, with the Pyramid of the Sun on the far left (Rene Trohs /  CC BY-SA 4.0)

Orion: Archaeoastronomy Inspiration for the Pyramids of Giza and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan

As ancient Egyptian architects gazed up at the night sky and built the three pyramids of Giza based on the celestial plan of the Constellation of Orion , so millennia apart and at the other side of...
Qilin (kongkiatnt/ adobe stock)

Chinese Unicorns: Harbingers of Good Omens

Considering that fanciful animals, which the Chinese collectively dub pixiu ( pi hsieh ), typically stem from a real creature, the question must be asked: Were there once horses with horns? Although...
Göbekli Tepe PIlars in the Sanliurfa museum. (Cobija / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Common Cosmic Symbolism: Is Göbekli Tepe Ancestral to Ancient Egypt?

Since its discovery in 1994, 10,000-year old Göbekli Tepe has been an enigma, gradually revealing its ancient secrets to archaeologists and scientists. Meticulously excavating the site from soil that...
Druid greets the dawn at Stonehenge (heywoody  / adobe stock)

Who Kept the Ancient Wisdom of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments in the world. Although it stands in isolated countryside in south-central England, miles from any major town, it is one of Britain’s most popular...
Architecture Karnak Temple Luxor Travel Egypt (CC0)

Questing the Most Impressive Ancient Religious Temples in the World

What is the largest temple ever built on earth and do these man-made structures reveal secrets relating to the cosmos? To begin the quest for the largest religious temple, one needs to establish what...
Peace between Hamilcar and Rome by Jacopo Ripanda. Musei Capitolini - Rome (José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Hunting Hamilcar: The Battle of the Saw Uncovered

Hamilcar Barca , the father of the battlefield genius, Hannibal , is considered even today as one of the greatest military commanders of all time, yet so little is known about the man and his battles...
the forbidden city in Beijing (chungking/ adobe stock)

Chinese Fantastic Beasts: The Taotie Demon Who Eats Humans

A strange animal that preys upon unsuspecting travelers, who devours them but cannot swallow them, may be representative of the human sin of gluttony, as the taotie, a Chinese mythological fantastic...
Hecate: Procession to a Witches' Sabbath by Jusepe de Ribera  (1591–1652) (Public Domain)

The Fate of English Witches: From Water Torture to Divine Retribution

During the Early Modern period of European history – from the Renaissance (1500) to the French Revolution (1800), hundreds of thousands of witches suffered the terrible fate of being burned at the...
Sack of Rome by Alaric - sacred vessels are brought to a church for safety in Augustine, La Cité de Dieu (circa 1475) (Public Domain)

The Enigma of the Tomb of Alaric, King of the Visigoths

Legends tell that Alaric, King of the Visigoths, who sacked Rome in the fifth century AD, was buried along with his horse and a vast amount of treasure, in the bed of the Busento River in the Cosenza...
Sketch for 'The Battle of Trafalgar, and the Victory of Lord Nelson over the Combined French and Spanish Fleets, October 21, 1805' by Clarkson Frederick Stanfield  (1793–1867) (Public Domain)

The Age of Sail Recaptured: Model Maritime History in Mauritius

Gazing at model replicas of the HMS Victory and the Bucentaure one conjures up the naval Battle of Trafalgar; breathing the toxic gun smoke, gagging on the smell of gun powder, deafening booms of...
Orpheus Charming the Animals by Jacob Hoefnagel (1613)

Legendary Ancient Musicians Charmed Beasts, Sirens and Even Hades Himself

Music has had the magical power to charm wild animals, seduce shrewd sirens and even sway Hades himself. Music provides the notes for mythology, where mortals melt the frozen hearts of ancient gods...
Portrait of Jesse James. (Deriv) (pict rider / Adobe Stock)

Jesse James’ Secret Map May Lead to Templars’ Treasures

Descendant of Jesse James, author Daniel J Duke , uses a template, encoded with Kabbalah gematria and provided by the American Civil War secret society, Knights of the Golden Circle, to link sites of...
