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AI image of ancient Egyptian temple ruins.

Fickle Sovereignty: Exploring Egypt's Third Intermediate Period

Characterized by political fragmentation and foreign rule, the Third Intermediate Period in Egypt saw a country divided among competing nations and religious adversaries, ushering in an era founded...

The Architectural Evolution of Egyptian Temples - The Marvels of Ancient Engineering

The architectural evolution of Egyptian temples is a critical glimpse into the ingenuity, religious fervor, and artistic prowess of one of the world's oldest and most enduring civilizations...
Photo of the Nefertiti bust in Neues Museum, Berlin.		Source: Smalljim/CC BY-SA 3.0

Nefertiti is Still in Germany and Hasn’t Been Returned (Video)

The bust of Nefertiti, a 3,400-year-old artifact valued at around 400 million euros, has been in Germany for over a century, displayed at the Neues Museum Berlin . The artifact's continued presence...
Left; Mummified skull of Ramesses II, Right; Reconstructed face of Ramesses by Cicero Moraes	.	Source: Left; G. Elliot Smith/Public domain, Right; © Cicero Moraes

Wise Face of Egypt’s Most Powerful Pharaoh Moments Before Death

The face of Ramesses II, or Ramesses the Great, one of ancient Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs, has been meticulously reconstructed by scientists using advanced 3D modeling techniques. This recreation...
Egyptian sarcophagus of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Crowns of the Pharaohs: Missing Artifacts or Artistic Symbols of Divinity?

In Ancient Egypt, the gods and pharaohs were depicted with a crown, which, according to Egyptologists, w as also taken into the grave for the afterlife. However, these crowns have never been found...
The curious structure has been found in Giza’s prestigious Western Cemetery, in the shadow of the Great Pyramids. Source: Motoyuki Sato et al / Archaeological Prospection.

Curious L-Shaped Structure Found near Giza Pyramids is 4,500-Years-Old

An international team of archaeologists has stumbled upon a mysterious L-shaped structure buried within a cemetery adjacent to the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza. The structure is 4,500 years and...
The Egyptian Royal Retreat is along a well-used military route and would have been a convenient place of rest for the pharaoh when campaigning east. Source: Live Science / Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Royal Retreat Found in the Sinai Desert

The remnants of a 3,500-year-old ‘royal fortified rest area’ have been uncovered by an Egyptian mission at the Tel Habwa archaeological site in the Northern Sinai Archaeological Area. Constructed of...
AI portrait of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh king. Source: Andrea Raffin/Adobe Stock

Why Did Egyptian Pharaohs Have Five Names?

Ancient Egyptian pharaohs were not merely rulers; they were considered divine beings, the living embodiments of gods on Earth. Their names were imbued with profound significance, reflecting their...
Epic events shook the ancient Egyptian world during the Era of Menophres. Source: FantasyLand86 / Adobe Stock

Ancient Markers of Traumatic Events: The Era of Menophres, Sothis, Osiris, and Noah

In his work De Die Natali (The Birthday Book), written in 238 AD, Censorinus, a Roman grammarian and author, discusses the concept of the Great Year in Chapter XVIII. He writes “The 1461st year by...
The top of the Merneptah Stele includes a carving of Merneptah receiving a sword from the god Amun, but it is the text of the stele which is most fascinating. Source: Alyssa Bivins / CC BY-SA 4.0.

The Merneptah Stele: Proof Ancient Egypt Knew of the Israelites

The Merneptah Stele, also known as the Israel Stele or Victory Stele of Merneptah, in considered to be one of the most significant archaeological artifacts ever discovered in ancient Egypt. Carved...
Detail of Narmer smiting an enemy, portrayed on the Narmer Palette, Nekhen, Egypt.	Source: Public Domain

Narmer's Reign: The Epic Beginnings of Ancient Egypt (Video)

In the 31st century BC, Narmer , an ambitious king of Upper Egypt, orchestrated a pivotal conquest, uniting both Upper and Lower Egypt and establishing himself as the first ruler of the combined...
Image of ancient god Akhenaten.	Source: Vlad/Adobe Stock

The Mystery of Akhenaten's Revolution (Video)

In the ancient annals of Egypt, a mysterious chapter unfolds around Akhenaten , a Pharaoh who dared challenge millennia of entrenched beliefs. Around 3,000 years ago, this audacious ruler initiated a...
Egyptian pharaoh. Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock.

The Only Thing Bigger Than Khufu’s Pyramid Was His Ego! (Video)

Khufu , the fourth dynasty pharaoh credited with overseeing the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza , has left an indelible mark on ancient Egyptian history. Despite the scarcity of direct...
Colossi of Memnon. Source:  Leonid Andronov / Adobe Stock.

Rebuilding an Ancient Egyptian Statue is a Huge Challenge (Video)

Reconstructing the colossal statue of Pharaoh Psamtik I presents a monumental challenge for archaeologists at the Grand Egyptian Museum. With 1,900 fragments recovered from the site, the experts face...
Head of Tutankhamun. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Face of the Boy King: The Deeply Human Story Behind Tutankhamun's Head (Video)

This exquisite limestone sculpture, currently an exhibit at the New York Met, captures the youthful innocence of Tutankhamun , the boy king, at the tender age of six. Crafted with meticulous detail,...
A Hippopotamus. Source: Aintschie / Adobe Stock.

Hunting Hippos Was a Royal Sport in Ancient Egypt

To the modern observer, the hippopotamus might seem a curious creature - large and often languid in its watery habitat. However, in ancient Egypt, the hippo was regarded as one of the most ferocious...
Ancient frescoes often depict scenes from the daily life, religious rituals, or important events of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Source: EdNurg/Adobe Stock

A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Pharaoh

Ancient Egypt, one of the greatest civilizations to have ever existed, spanned a vast timeline, lasting for approximately 3,000 years. For much of that time, it was ruled over by god-kings known as...
Left is the original photo of the Khafre statue; right is the photo cut in half and flipped.	Source: Author provided.

The Brilliance of ‘Pre-diluvian’ Sculpture - Cannot Be Hand Made!

I'm still digesting our recent tour to Egypt; the temple and the pyramids - just the atmosphere of the ancients was a lot to take in. Each time I visit, I’m stunned at the beauty, sophistication, and...
Cleopatra’s Death as depicted in a painting entitled ‘The Death of Cleopatra’ by Jean-André Rixens. Source: Public domain

The Enigma of Cleopatra's Death: Was it Suicide or Murder?

Accepted historical accounts claim that Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of ancient Egypt, committed suicide. Cleopatra assumed the throne of Egypt after the demise of Alexander the Great during...
The Story of Sinuhe, one of ancient Egypt’s treasures. Source: art_of_line/Adobe Stock

The Captivating Story of Sinuhe: A Powerful Glimpse into Ancient Egypt

One of the most captivating tales in Egyptian history is The Story of Sinuhe, one of the most well-preserved works recovered from the Middle Kingdom Period (2055-1650 BC). Set during the reign of...
Egyptian pharaoh. Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock.

How Egyptian Pharaohs Projected Divine Power (Video)

For centuries, the imposing monuments of Giza have fascinated people from all over the world. From the Great Sphinx of Giza, with its massive stature and enigmatic smile, to the sun temple of Pharaoh...
Ancient Egypt hieroglyphics. Source: Andrii Vergeles / Adobe Stock.

15 Incredible Discoveries from Ancient Egypt (Video)

Egypt is a civilization that continues to fascinate, enlighten, and puzzle people to this day. Archaeologists are constantly discovering new artifacts and learning more about this ancient...
Relief in the Karnak Temple showing Thutmose III slaying Canaanite captives from the Battle of Megiddo, 15th Century BC. (Olaf Tausch/CC BY 3.0)

Thutmose III, the Famed Warrior King of Ancient Egypt

The power that marked the rise of Ancient Egypt’s New Kingdom period rested solely on the shoulders of capable pharaohs. Such a vast realm could never thrive if it weren’t for leaders that were bold...
Silver Coffin of Psusennes I, a.k.a. the Silver Pharaoh. Source: Aidan McRae Thomson / CC BY-SA 2.0

Psusennes: The Silver Pharaoh with Treasures to Rival Tutankhamun's

Amidst the chaos of the Second World War in Western Europe, a French archaeologist named Pierre Montet unearthed a stunning treasure in 1940 in Tanis, Egypt. The find was on par with the legendary...
