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Painting of the many skeletons found at Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), an exceptional ancient metropolis reduced to ruins for reasons unknown.

The Ancient Civilizations that Came Before: Building on the Ruins of the Ancestors – Part 2

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Read: Self-Eradication, Or Natural Cataclysm? – Part I

The literature of Egyptology is extensive. It is, however, drowned in the – isms: skepticism, relativism, materialism, presentism, obscuritarianism, and scientism. Nevertheless, some theories in outer circles do make sense or actually make more sense than the conventional ones.

We have the Orion Correlation Theory (1993) advanced by Robert Bauval that suggests the three pyramids at Giza plateau were built mirroring the three stars in the Orion constellation, also known as Orion’s belt. Not only that, but Bauval goes further to observe that a shaft within the Great Pyramid was, at some point in the past, oriented towards the middle star of Orion’s belt, which is the star representing the same pyramid.

Khufu's pyramid at Giza shown with inner shafts illustrated.

Khufu's pyramid at Giza shown with inner shafts illustrated. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

These observations have huge implications when we relate them to an astronomical phenomenon called precession of the equinoxes. The phenomenon is a cycle the earth undergoes which lasts, according to NASA, 25,800 years. This cycle is manifested in the observable fact that the background stars and Zodiac constellations in the morning of the vernal equinoxes change across the millennia, making each Zodiac constellation last 2,125 years in those mornings when the day and night are of equal length. This cycle is either caused by the slow wobbling of the earth due to the moon’s gravitational pull, or by the whole solar system moving in a helical orbit.

The first scientific recognition of the precession cycle took place in ancient Greece (129 B.C.) by the astronomer Hipparchus. However, long before that, ancient Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica and Egypt somehow knew about the cycle and we do not know whether this knowledge was handed down from earlier times, or whether they scientifically discovered it themselves. This cycle tracks time across a large span and is, according to writer and journalist Graham Hancock, “extremely difficult to observe, and even harder to measure accurately, without sophisticated instrumentation.”

The Great Sphinx: Marking Time and Space

According to Bauval, the way the Giza plateau is related to the astronomical cycle is that the whole Giza site tracks time. In the immediate vicinity of the pyramids we have the Sphinx which faces east. The Sphinx shape resembles a lion, and thus Bauval claims it symbolizes the Zodiac constellation of Leo. In the morning of the equinoxes, the Sphinx, in the present era, faces the constellation of Pisces and is slightly shifting towards the constellation of Aquarius. However, if we run a computer simulation of earth’s precession backwards, we find that the Sphinx at some point in the remote past used to face the constellation of Leo from 10,970 to 8,810 BC. This is where the great pyramid becomes handy in specifying an exact date. When its shaft is aligned with the middle star of the Orion Belt we get the exact year of 10,450 B.C. Question: what is this date about?

he Sphinx of Giza, Egypt.

The Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. Source: BigStockPhoto

The Orion Theory seems to give a better answer to the question ‘ why’ but what about the ‘how’? No two blocks in the 2.3 million stone blocks have been found to be of equal size or weight in the great pyramid. How do they fit beautifully into a homogenous whole with an intended great precision? You would need a microprocessor to determine where each unique block, of an average of 2.5 to 15 tons, goes. It is now known in engineering and architecture that a structure that is built with unequal blocks is more likely to resist earthquakes and to last longer.

At this point it is even doubtful to think that ancient Egyptians designed and built the Giza Necropolis. We know many aspects of ancient Egyptian daily life with the minutest details. However, there is no single mention of: “ Oh, by the way, we also built the pyramids!” in their hieroglyphs records and no hieroglyph inscription inside the three main pyramids.

The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Some evidence even suggests that the site predates the legendary flood. Encrustations of natural salt were found inside the great pyramid when it was opened for the first time. Also, in his Histories, Herodotus also reported that he observed in the surrounding area of the pyramids seashells and signs of salt water calcification. All this makes one doubt the conventional knowledge of the pyramid builders, the time they were built, and why and how they were built.

Were Humans Recovering from Cataclysm?

One thing for certain is that the 10 th millennium BC is a significant date to the pyramid builders and to our conventional wisdom as well. It is when the late ice age ended, when wooden buildings and human settlements in the Americas appeared, along the domestication of animals. The remains of humans in caves, and a remarkable transformation marked with the introduction of farming, date back to the same era. All these sudden developments could signify two possible scenarios. The first is that humans were witnessing the most significant step in their long chain of evolution. The second suggests that humans were actually recovering from a worldwide cataclysm. The evidence does not matter, it is how we look at it that gives it meaning.

The ruins of Göbeklitepe in Turkey, the oldest temple in the world. What do these mysterious stones communicate to us about the very ancient past?

The ruins of Göbeklitepe in Turkey, the oldest temple in the world. What do these mysterious stones communicate to us about the very ancient past? Wikimedia Commons

One of course would not expect survivors of a cataclysm to build cities right from the start. They would have to spread out over the earth. Thus, keeping track of one another would not be possible due to the absence of a means of communication. This would eventually result in linguistic deviation, and distortion of historical accounts. Instead of progressing forward, man would have had to go through a phase of silence, struggling with nature, and using archaic tools. The knowledge we have about early archaic human cultures of the Lower Paleolithic period (Oldowan, Acheulean and Mousterian tool cultures) provides a fine description of post-cataclysm man trying to survive upon the ruins of their ancestors.

All cultures seem to have started emerging simultaneously with no substantial signs of preliminary phases in the era that followed the great decline. They went from being hunter-gatherers to becoming citizens with rights and responsibilities.

Upon the Ruins of the Ancestors

“How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of ‘development’. But in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is of course obvious but, because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered. Egyptian civilization was not a ‘development’, it was a legacy.” – John Anthony West, 1979

This emergence of civilization was undoubtedly supported by ancient wisdom and this wisdom still lingers even up to present day. The heliocentric picture of the world has its earliest traces in the ancient Sanskrit texts (e.g. Yajnavalkya, ca. 900 BC, Aryabhata ca. 476 AD) and later Aristarchus of Samos (circa 230 BC). This makes the Copernican revolution rather a revival of lost knowledge. Add to that, the 12 Zodiac constellation artificial division with a precision of 30 degree in each constellation is untraceable to any culture.

“Contrary to history as we know it, in that remote period we call ‘prehistory’, there subsisted an embarrassing wealth of astronomical knowledge. And may I suggest that the more one looks into it, the more one feels that a race of scientific giants has preceded us.” – Johnathan Gray, 2004

Electricity was not actually discovered but rediscovered. There are many items made of aluminum that have been found in archaeological sites, e.g. in the burial site of General Zhou Chu (265-420 AD) while aluminum is believed to have not been created until 1854 because the process of making it strictly requires electricity.

Ancient Hindu texts describe great battles taking place and an unknown weapon that causes great destruction. A manuscript illustration of the battle of Kurukshetra, recorded in the Mahabharata.

Ancient Hindu texts describe great battles taking place and an unknown weapon that causes great destruction. A manuscript illustration of the battle of Kurukshetra, recorded in the Mahabharata.  Image source: Wikipedia

Besides physics, ancient maps gave a push to maritime exploration. The Piri Reis map perplexes modern man for its accuracy and its depiction of Antarctica long before the continent’s discovery in 1819. The map shows with fine exactitude the continent without the ice cap, detailing mountains and rivers that correspond to the Swedish-British-Norwegian seismic-echo-sounding profile in the Antarctic Expedition of 1949 (Ohlmeyer, the USAF Commander, in a letter to Charles Hapgood, 1960).

In the meantime, academia preaches that the Antarctica landmass has been under the ice cap long before mankind even ‘evolved’.

 “The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.”— Tom Clancy

Any ‘anomaly’ in science could be a twinkle of a new discovery or paradigm shift that may be left unnoticed or even denied for fear of misoneism—the hatred of change. A true scientific and intellectual honesty will never be achieved unless we take into consideration the anomalous by trying to adjust or even reconstruct our theoretical assumptions accordingly— until the anomalous, as Kuhn puts it, becomes expected. We are in a desperate need not only for a paradigm shift but, most importantly, for a scientific renaissance.

Knowing our past is of great value and has huge implications on the present and future. The past, the present and the future are all one chain of events. The more we know about the past, the more we know ourselves and where we are headed. The question that remains is: do the pyramids point to the date of the cataclysm?

Featured image: Painting of the many skeletons found at Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan), an exceptional ancient metropolis reduced to ruins for reasons unknown. Image source: Wikimedia

By: Zakaria Bziker


Bauval, R., & Gilbert, A. (1994). The Orion mystery: Unlocking the secrets of the Pyramids. New York: Crown.

Dinwiddie, J. (2001). Revelations: The Golden Elixir. Lincoln: iUniverse.

Gray, J. (2004). Dead men's secrets: Tantalising hints of a lost super race. Bloomington, Ind.: AuthorHouse.

Kuhn, T. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

West, J. (1979). Serpent in the sky: The high wisdom of Ancient Egypt. New York: Harper & Row.



25800 divided by 12 = 2150. The month of our solar year is represented by the moon. 2160 is a number associated with the moon also. (It's diameter) I remember reading that the month of the great year was 2160 x 12 = 25920. Perhaps the Younger Dryas Event shifted our pole (It was until then at Hudson Bay) and axis of rotation, changing the times and numbers I've just listed. If you want to know more about the Pyramids, look up Randal Carlson on Sacred geometry international. Incredible details and knowledge for you all to absorb. 

I've seen a lot of the work I've done over the last 9 years showing up here and there with other peoples ideas about what it means. I don't personally feel that we have enough information to be sure of very much yet. See what you think.

you are confusing archaeology with hard sciences, going from point a to point be in history (thus in archaeology) is not a straight line. Anyone thinking it is not worse any other answers

Tsurugi's picture

Those "mountains of evidence" you refer to are actually just stacks of assumptions coated in a thin layer of evidence. Convincing from a distance, perhaps, but fails to hold up under close scrutiny. Advcocates are aware of this problem, which is why there is an ongoing effort to stifle discussion and dissuade serious research into the topic by using mockery and ridicule.
Ad hominem is strong evidence of a weak any debate.

Also, using astrology to date historical sites is not inaccurate, it's impossible. Astrology is a mystical tradition that infers meaning upon the positions of celestial objects during subjectively significant moments in time. A date must be provided for it to even it cannot possibly be used to date anything.

Astronomy, on the other hand, can be used to date things. In fact, astronomy is the branch of science from which we derive all of our metrology of time. Our calendar, for instance, is based on various astronomical cycles. and can be checked against them.

I do find it amusing that you so catgorically state that using astronomical dating methods is "almost always inaccurate". Really? Inaccurate based on what....the dates arrived at by mainstream archaeologists using conventional methods?

Begging the Question much?

You mean all the marble vase found in Egypt made in one piece who could only have been drilled by diamond drill set on CNC lathe? Or like each stone of the pyramids have been cut into different shape and yet each one has it place perfectly fit to resists almost any earthquake? The list goes on. In Peru some of gold jewelries could only been made by "fritage" (sintering in English). Of course for that you need to have knowledge of chemistry, the melting point of metals and how much pressure to give... and you have that knowledge right?


Zakaria Bziker's picture

Zakaria Bziker

Zakaria Bziker is a Ph.D. student at Ibn-Tofail University (Kenitra, Morocco). He obtained his bachelor degree in general linguistics and his master degree in education (TEFL). He is currently preparing his dissertation on intercultural communication and working for the Center... Read More

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