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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


The Cosmic Future of Earth

The Cosmic Fate of Earth

Assuming that human life on earth survives all the perils that are outlined in today’s media – food shortages, resistance to antibiotics, asteroid impacts and super viruses, the next challenge is to...
Panspermia Theory

New Study Provides Further Evidence for Panspermia Theory

A new study conducted by a team of Geneticists at the National Institute on Ageing in Florida has suggested that life started about 10 billion years ago, long before Earth. The implications are that...
Extinct Animals

Could we see a return of extinct early humans?

Scientists in Russia and South Korean have been working on bringing back extinct species such as the woolly mammoth by cloning their DNA. Could ancient humans be the next to return? The possibility...

Doomsday odds to improve

According to a new analysis, the chances of human civilization surviving long enough to colonise other planets may be better than previously thought. The doomsday argument predicts humanity’s...
Ancient Phallic Decorations

30,000 Year Old Phallic Decorations Give Insights into Ancient Ancestors

Spanish researchers Javier Angulo and Marcos García have spent many years cataloguing depictions of sexuality, reproduction, and eroticism from the Upper Paleolithic Period (40,000 to 10,000 years...
Global Warming Hoax

Is Global Warming a Myth?

Global warming is a hot topic and has been for the last few decades. It became more serious with the Kyoto Protocol which was adopted in 1997, where 191 countries agreed to limit and reduce their...
Kepler - NASA Habitable Planets

7 Planets found in habitable zones of other Solar Systems

Yesterday was a big day for Space Exploration with the announcements on NASA TV by the Kepler’s Scientific team, NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field. Kepler Mission is NASA’s effort to...
Homo Floresiensis - Hobbit

'Hobbits' did exist and were a separate species

I am sure many of our readers are fans of The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien, which means that you would have heard of the Hobbits, a race of dwarf humanoids playing a major role in the events of...
Ancient Language in Scotland

New Language Dating Back to Iron Age Discovered in Scotland

A new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A, has revealed that a written language belong to the Picts, a tribe that existed in ancient eastern and northern Scotland between 300...
Kepler - NASA Habitable Planets Mission

New Habitable Planets Findings – Live on NASA TV

Today at 6pm GMT (2pm EDT) during the news conference at NASA’s Ames Research Center new discoveries will be announced from the Kepler Mission. Kepler Mission is NASA’s effort to discover Earth-size...
Life on Mars Deep

Life May Lie Deep Below Mars Surface

For those interested in the big question ‘Does Life Exist on Mars’?, it is an anxious wait to hear reports coming back from the Mars Curiosity Rover. To date, the Rover has been taking surface...
Alien in Sirius Documentary

More details on tiny Alien to be revealed in ‘SIRIUS’ Documentary

All of us are waiting for the premiere of the important UFO documentary ‘Sirius’ of Dr Steven Greer, in April 22. The research project is going to disclosure facts about UFOs, extra-terrestrial...
Mars One Colony Project

Are you ready for a One-Way trip to Mars? Apply now!

Who would believe that we would reach the point where volunteer astronauts would be required for a one-way trip to colonize Mars? A non-profit organization called Mars One plans to create a global...
Darwin Theory

Moving on from a Darwinian World View

Darwin’s vision of the world significantly influenced biology in the 20 th century, despite persistent questions posed by factors such as lateral gene transfer, neutral evolution, and chaotic...
Belief in God programmed in Brain

Belief in ‘God’ is programmed in our brains

Old news but current. Back in 2009 a scientific study had shown that the belief in ‘God’ or supernatural force that is above everything is programmed in different parts of our brain. This is...
Invisible Life Forms Earth

Are we sharing our planet with unusual and invisible lifeforms?

In the Atacama desert in Chile, the Mojave desert in California and many other arid locations, a strange ‘sheen’ made up of manganese, arsenic and silica can be found on rock surfaces. Despite...
Vatican for Extra-Terrestrials

Vatican Astronomers Join Search for Extra-Terrestrials

According to two evangelical authors and researchers, Tom Horn and Chris Putnam , Vatican astronomers are using an observatory in Arizona and another telescope with the acronym LUCIFER, to search for...
Enceladus Thrusters

The ‘Thrusters’ on Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus

Enceladus is one of the moons of Saturn, bearing the Greek Mythology name of one of the Giants, child of Earth and Uranus, with serpent like lower part of the body. Enceladus is connected to...
Neolithic Carpenters - Water Well

First Carpenters in Europe more than 7,000 years old

Wood was one of the first materials to be used by the early humans. Many different artefacts like wooden tools have been found in Tanzania, England and Germany but even more depicted in the paintings...
Stephen Hawking, Mankind Survival in Space

Hawking Claims Mankind Must Leave Earth to Survive

According to British physicist, Stephen Hawking, human beings will need to go out into space and find habitation on another planet in order to survive, and has called on scientists to embark on...
Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization – One of the Oldest and Most Neglected

In the same period that the Egyptians were building their pyramids, the people in the Indus Valley (located in what is today Pakistan and western India), were building India’s first cities. Evidence...
Nazi Holy Grail

Nazis did search for the Holy Grail like in Indiana Jones

In a recent exhibition in Bremen in Germany it was shown that Heinrich Himmler visited Spain in order to hunt for the Holy Grail. Himmler was a leading member of the Nazis, as well as one of the...
UFO Disclosure Washington

Unprecedented Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Presence to take place in Washington

On 29 th April to 3 rd May, an unprecedented event will take place in Washington – the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race (CHD). The purpose is to...
Telescope to spot Earth like planets NASA

A satellite made to find Earth like planets is funded by NASA

A press release from NASA a few days ago, revealed that a satellite made to track planets will be one of the projects that NASA will fund. The Satellite is called TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey...
