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Pyramids of Egypt

Egyptian Antiquities Ministry refutes claim that the Great Pyramid is Much Older

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German archaeologists are currently embroiled in a dispute with Egypt’s antiquities ministry after they allegedly removed samples from the Great Pyramid and subsequently announced that the construction date of the Great Pyramid is wrong.

According to latest reports, the three German archaeologists concerned will not be penalised for allegedly removing artefacts from the Great Pyramid because they apparently obtained three official permissions from the Supreme Council for Antiquities tourism company.   Nevertheless, if it is indeed the case that they stole a cartouche from a small compartment within the pyramid, this is a despicable act that should have big consequences.

But we turn our attention now to another controversy that has emerged out of this dispute.  It is said that the German archaeologists removed the artefact and smuggled it to Germany for study, where their research cast doubt on the construction date of the Great Pyramid and consequently the Pharaoh for whom it was built – King Khufu. 

Their results suggested that the pyramid was built in an era before Khufu's reign. It also suggests that the Pyramid is not the burial place for a king but a centre of power.

It is of no surprise that the Ancient Egyptian section of the Ministry of State of Antiquities vehemently refuted such results, brandishing the archaeologists as “amateurs”, and reemphasising that the Great Pyramid belongs to King Khufu, the second king of the fourth dynasty, and that it was built during his reign to be used as his royal burial place for eternity.  They refer to evidence presented by Colonel Howard Vyse in 1837, in which an inscription was found in a small room bearing Khufu’s name.

However, the German archaeologists are not the first to question the mainstream consensus that the pyramid was constructed under the orders of Khufu. 

Some archaeologists have pointed out that most Egyptian funerary structures abound with texts and inscriptions inside them to assist the passing of the dead pharaoh into the underworld, but the Giza pyramids, including Khufu, were devoid of decoration and hieroglyphics. Many have argued that if Khufu had indeed commissioned the building of a pyramid for his tomb, his name would appear prominently inside it. On the contrary, his name appears only once, clumsily scrawled in red paint on a wall tucked away in a small room that was blocked from all access. 

If the pyramids of Giza were mistakenly dated based on the period of reign of King Khufu and other pharaohs, it is possible that the pyramids are in fact much older. Curiously, the shafts inside the pyramids of Giza and the positioning of the pyramids themselves, correspond exactly with the constellation of Orion. But the perfect alignment between the pyramids and the constellation only occurred in the year 10,500BC.  Likewise, the Sphynx corresponds with the constellation of Leo and its alignment also occurred in 10,500BC.  

The German archaeologists were very wrong to steal from the pyramids but this does not necessitate that their research or conclusions were invalid. Science only progresses by keeping our minds open to alternative hypotheses.

By April Holloway



I find it interesting that there is a water pump based on the inner plumbing of the Great Pyramid. If the building coincided with the dating to 10,000 years ago, that whole Giza acropolis would have been a lake or next to a lake and the desert would be tropical forests.

There is perhaps a bigger story here that needs telling. In November 2011 I travelled to Cairo, by fortune my good friend the independent researcher of Egyptian mysteries, Richard Gabriel, was there to meet with me for some of the adventure. We visited the kings chamber up inside the great pyramid. One thing that became very obvious was that one of the large stone blocks making up the chamber walls had been split in two. There was a crack all the way up the middle and embedded in the surface were the cut off heads of two thick metal pins. Our logical deductions were that these had been part of an attempt to pull the block from the wall (no doubt breaking it in the process) so as to explore a known or suspected cavity. It is unlikely this would have been risked unless a cavity had been detected by a remote sensing technology in advance. What great treasure may have been secretly removed? I have photos of the damage described. If you are going to the pyramid any time soon please examine the wall. As you enter the chamber through the small entrance focus on the wall directly ahead of you, now cast your eyes to the right almost to the end of that wall at around head height. It is there you will see the heads of the metal spikes still embedded.

very interesting, since there is no explanation of what the great pyramid was used for, how it was built or when or by who, along with the other megalithic stuff around the planet, it seems only logical to have an explanation rooted in the far far far distant past, beyond any memory of man in any century. none of these places has any connection to our ancestors beyond them also seeing these things and being as equally amazed as us modern day humans. i have always thought our dating techniques were suspect, but astrological dating is outside the methodologies of the chemist and are rooted in physics which if not more correct are certainly a fresh perspective to the events of the past.

Objects found inside of the pyramids cannot accurately date the structure. Thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of years of use are going to create a large inventory of items that may have been left at various times. If you find a dated coin at a dig site you only know that the site is at least as old as the coin not that it is the age of the coin. That the pyramids have been used for different purposes over their very long existence seems patently obvious to me but apparently it is very important to the status quo of modern archeology to perpetuate the belief that they only served as tombs although there is very little evidence that they were ever tombs. Methods for dating such as erosion rates, the movement of the Nile bed and astronomical dating seem like better fits for structures like the pyramids.

There is a wooden rod in one of the "air shafts" in the queens chamber. This and possibly other artifacts in the same location may be able to be Carbon 14 dated. For some reason the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry does not appear to be concerned with getting real proof. There must be some sort of hidden interest for propagating the "tomb theory". It's obvious that we are getting the run around.
Here is a link describing the objects in the shaft and a "theory" regarding them.

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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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