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Stonehenge Druids Pledge Sacrifice To Try To Stop Tunnel

Stonehenge Druids Pledge Sacrifice To Try To Stop Tunnel

Stonehenge Druids in England are planning to lie in front of bulldozers to prevent the new Stonehenge bypass tunnel. When the Romans invaded Britain in the early 1st century AD the island of Anglesey...
Note the separation between rocks in the Sacsayhuamán Archaeological Park.

Mega Earthquake Caused Major Shift in Inca Construction Methodology

A major new scientific study revealed by Peru’s state-run news agency Andina has confirmed that construction of the ancient Inca city, Machu Picchu , located in modern day Peru, was interrupted in...
Atop Gunung Padang mountain / pyramid.

That Ancient Indonesian Pyramid Believed to Be 11,000 Years Older Than Göbekli Tepe Has Been “Discovered” Again

Geologists working on the island of Java using radar images have claimed, like many before them, that they have “located a mysterious ancient pyramid deep within a dense forest,” dating back to the...
Rare Iron Age chariot with horses.

Headless Horses Galloping from the Grave Unearthed in UK Chariot Burial

British archaeologists have made an amazing discovery according to local media reports. Experts have unearthed a particularly interesting Iron Age chariot burial in northern Britain. This particular...
Artist’s representation of the triple burial of Dolni Vestonice

The Prehistoric Triple Burial at Dolni Vestonice - New DNA Evidence Deepens the Mystery

Three decades ago, in the Spring of 1986, archaeologists uncovered the extraordinary burial of three young individuals in a common grave. What they found presented an archaeological mystery – the...
Archaeologists from Mainz reveal new findings on the history of the early-Islamic caliphate palace Khirbat al-Minya

Archaeologists from Mainz reveal new findings on the history of the early-Islamic caliphate palace Khirbat al-Minya

Archaeologists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) started excavations in September 2016 at Khirbat al-Minya, an early-Islamic caliphate palace on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel...
Harder to explain for the archeologists were the remains of animals in the pits.

5,000-year-old site used for fish processing and mysterious rituals involving wolverines and ermine

By Olga Gertcyk / The Siberian Times The find in Novosibirsk region has left archeologists with many questions, since some animals kept alive in two metre-deep pits at the smokehouse were not at the...
A diver securing an artifact found on the sea floor

Spectacular new artifacts recovered from 2,050-year-old Antikythera Shipwreck

Underwater archaeologists have returned to the world-famous Antikythera shipwreck in Greece and have discovered more than fifty new artifacts, including the remains of a bone flute, a bronze armrest...
The Gateway of the Sun from the Tiwanku civilization in Bolivia.

Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Excavations Planned

The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important...
Ancient Antikythera wreck

Researchers to revisit ancient Antikythera wreck using new technology

The Antikythera wreck in the Aegean Sea is a world-famous underwater archaeological site thrown into the spotlight in 1900 when researchers discovered an incredible mechanical device, now known as...
The Taiji Palace complex

Ancient palace ruins unearthed in China

Archaeologists have uncovered the ruins of an ancient imperial palace in Henan Province, China, dating back at least 1,700 years. According to historical records, the Taiji Palace was built by...
Sri Lanka - Oldest Shipwreck

Archaeologists set to excavate 2,000-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Sri Lanka

A team of underwater archaeologists are set to excavate a 2,000-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Sri Lanka, the oldest known shipwreck in the Indian Ocean. It is hoped that the month-long...
Pyramids of Egypt - Construction Theory

Engineer Releases New Theory on How Egypt's Pyramids Were Built

A Welsh engineer has unveiled a new theory concerning how the pyramids of Egypt were built, and his hypothesis completely contradicts what mainstream archaeology claims to be true. According to...
Underground Ruins - Greece, Byzantine Pompeii

Construction work in Greece uncovers 'Byzantine Pompeii'

Extensive construction work to build a new underground Metro system in the city of Thessaloniki in Greece has led to the discovery of a wealth of archaeological finds , leading some to label the area...
Pyramids of Egypt

Egyptian Antiquities Ministry refutes claim that the Great Pyramid is Much Older

German archaeologists are currently embroiled in a dispute with Egypt’s antiquities ministry after they allegedly removed samples from the Great Pyramid and subsequently announced that the...
oldest wine in Israel

Largest and Oldest Wine Cellar of the Middle East Unearthed

Archaeologists have unearthed what may be the largest and oldest wine cellar in the Middle East in Tel Kabri, Israel. The massive cellar contained forty jars, each of which would have held fifty...
Agra Fortress

Archaeologists Dig For Treasure after Tip From Hindu Holy Man

Archaeologists have launched a furious dig for treasure beneath a 19 th century fort in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India after a well-known Hindu holy man predicted a substantial cache of...
Chinese Mummy

Chinese Mummy Preserved for Centuries was Destroyed in a Day

A perfectly preserved Chinese mummy uncovered in a 300-year-old burial area, was almost instantly destroyed once archaeologists opened the coffin – it turned black within hours of the coffin being...
King Solomon Mines

Evidence of King Solomon's Mines Revealed

An archaeological dig at Timna Valley in Israel’s Aravah Desert has revealed evidence that copper mines in Israel thought to have been built by the ancient Egyptians in the 13th century BCE actually...
Romania Ancient Walls

Declassified Spy Photos Reveal Ancient Roman Walls In Romania

Archaeologists in Britain have discovered what appears to be a series of Roman fortifications dating back to the 2 nd century AD by examining declassified spy photos taken during World Wars I and II...
Treasure Hunters - Metal Detectors

British Archaeologists Take on Treasure Hunters

Amateur treasure hunters armed with a metal detector and shovel are digging up valuable treasures across the UK but now archaeologists are speaking out and have accused hobbyists of damaging Britain’...