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Pyramids of Egypt - Construction Theory

Engineer Releases New Theory on How Egypt's Pyramids Were Built

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A Welsh engineer has unveiled a new theory concerning how the pyramids of Egypt were built, and his hypothesis completely contradicts what mainstream archaeology claims to be true.  According to conventional beliefs, the pyramids were built by tens of thousands of workers who hauled massive blocks up ramps.  However, according to engineer Peter James, this would have been impossible.

"Under the current theories, to lay the two million stone blocks required, the Egyptians would had to have laid a large block once every three minutes on long ramps,” said Peter James, who has been studying the construction of the pyramids for more than twenty years. He also maintains that the ramps would have had to have been at least a quarter of a mile long to get the right angle for the bricks to be taken to such great heights.

Structural engineer James and his team at Cintec International in Newport, South Wales, who are world leaders in restoring ancient sites, controversially claim that 90% of the pyramids are rubble and that the pyramids were built from the inside out, not the other way around as is currently believed.

James is aware that this hypothesis is already attracting vicious backlash from archaeologists around the world. However, James responds to his critics by posing the question: “if you wanted a house built would you use me or an archaeologist? Archaeologists have never had the engineering experience."

James and his team have assisted in reinforcing burial chambers in the 4,600-year-old Step Pyramid and the Red Pyramid. Inside the Step pyramid in Egypt, they discovered that a massive tonnage of small stones was being held up only by the trunk of a palm tree thousands of years old.  The engineers believe that the pyramids were formed by piling up rubble on the inside and attaching large blocks on the outside afterwards.

While James’ theory may or may not be correct, we give him full credit for daring to question long-established perspectives and being willing to face the barrage of opposition that inevitably comes with challenging mainstream beliefs.

To view another alternative theory as to how the pyramids were built, there is a great animation video here.

By April Holloway



Here's a new pyramid building idea that hasn't been considered yet:

1. Use graphite to facilitate sliding the blocks.

2. Install the first course of blocks (no ramp is needed).

3. Build temporary sandbag or other material platforms, next to the outside of two opposing diagonal corners of the pyramid, level with the top of the blocks and fill with loose sand.

4. Build temporary sandbag ramps, filled with loose sand, along the sides of the pyramid to the previously built sandbag platforms.

5. Repeat the technique for each block course.

6. Disassemble the sandbags while finishing the pyramid from top to bottom

This gives building ramps on four sides of the pyramid.

Here's a clarification of the idea:

I've read that each side of the pyramid base is about 756 feet. If the first course of blocks are 10 feet high, you could use about a 700 foot ramp for an upward slope. This is used to build the second course and as a staging area to build the slope up to the third course. You alternate the opposing diagonal corner platforms on each course up. Basically it's a modified zigzag ramp on four sides of the pyramid. Use a carpet to drag the blocks up the slope. Use wet sand, wood or bamboo on the sandbags. Build the pyramid from the center outwards. These are short ramps up parallel to the four sides of the pyramid. The length of the ramps depends upon the maximum permissible steepness of the ramp, which can be variable at each course. The maximum course ramp length is about 700 feet. Use animals to help with the pulling.

Just saw the documentary made with James and Lehner. Lehner is suggesting Giza was important as a port, which I have advocated for some years. What isn't appreciated is how far the sea encroached on the land at the time. I suggested the Pyramid was a permanent lighthouse powered by the sea that signalled entry to the port - no alien intervention or out-of-sequence engineering because it was within the capabilities of a sea-faring civilization. Please take a look and see what you think -

The engineer is dead on when he breaks down the duration of stones placed per hour. I would argue every eight minutes instead of 3. Remember this is using our knowledge of conventional construction. The most relevant question today is wether or not the large pyramid was built before the last ice age?

Oh, Peter, they had and still use, water wheels to bring water UP inclines and such were powered by the flow of river water to begin with, have been in use for ages, and function like a perpetual motion machine. Roaps or chains could be used for higher elevations, and there could be staging.

There is a lot about the building and functions of the Pyramids that are not being told us.
Zachariah Sitchen found Sumarian references to what is obviously the Great Pyramid, and that it origionally functioned as a weapon. We now know that it somehow produced energy through the useag of water and Crystal stones. Just how we don't know. We don't have the blueprints for it, obviously. I suspect the innerworkings used a water ram of some sort. There is also a network of water channels and sonic tuned rock underneath.
That leaves the question of what the other two great pyramid's functions were, perhaps also energy production. There is also the south American pyramid complex that had water surrounding it, and the large pyramid with a layer of Malachite, (looted by a lazy and opertunistic 'archaeologist'), and supposedly water running though that also created an energy field of some type.
It was the later, imitation / duplicate pyramids that may or may not be filled with rubble. South American ones were built over, becoming layered.
Take a good look at them, as well a Angor Watt (misspelled), though and then look at the original temple and pyramid complexes of the ancient Sumerians. It almost seems an exact match between them and the South American ones, complete with the enclosed square courtyards.


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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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