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Napoleon at the Battle of the Pyramids, 21 July 1798, oil on canvas, 1810. By Antoine-Jean Gros; design by Anand Balaji.	Source: Public Domain

Napoleon in Egypt: Battle of the Pyramids (Video)

In May 1798, General Napoleon Bonaparte led a monumental French expedition to Egypt, aiming to disrupt British trade routes and extend French influence. With a fleet of over 300 ships, including the...
Ancient biblical text. Source:  SVasco / Adobe Stock.

The Texts That Rocked the Foundations of Christianity (Video)

In 1831, Robert Curzon, an English nobleman, left Oxford without completing his studies, symbolizing the restlessness of his era. Disenchanted with England, he sought solace in Egypt , captivated by...
The Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan and the Pyramids in the background, Cairo, Egypt. Source: AlexAnton / Adobe Stock

10 Must See Ancient Cities to Add to Your Bucket List

Everyone ought to have a bucket list and for passionate history buffs, that list invariably includes visiting ancient cities. While reading about them in history books, or in news reports about...
4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

Archaeologists have uncovered stone blocks and other interesting fragments that are helping them piece together the history of the once magnificent and extraordinary temple, dedicated to the sun god...
The Pharaoh’s parade is a stunningly inventive way to lift spirits during the Covid-19 pandemic, while transporting the remains of these ancient kings and queens to their new home.

Pharaoh’s Parade: Mummified Display of Egypt’s Glorious Past

When you utter the name “Egypt,” the first thing that comes to the mind is the storied past hidden in the deep recesses of fantastical pyramids. Not to forget, unending expanses of beautiful, golden...
The Old Kingdom, or more appropriately the ‘Age of the Pyramids’, was the first period the ancient Egyptians announced themselves as a colossal civilization. Pictured: ancient Egyptian corridor with hieroglyphs on the wall.       Source: boscorelli / Adobe stock

The Old Kingdom of Egypt – Dynasties That Changed the World

The Old Kingdom is the name given to the period in ancient Egyptian history that spans from the 27th to the 22nd century BC. This period begins with the Third Dynasty, and ends with the Sixth Dynasty...
Four ancient Egyptian sphinxes pictured at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor.     Source: Anton / Adobe stock

Four Ancient Egyptian Sphinxes Sacrificed In Political Chess Match

Four ancient Egyptian sphinxes are controversially being reallocated to a busy roundabout in Cairo and Egyptologists are warning they will be exposed to air pollution, which will cause irreversible...
Beyond the Pyramid Ramp: Unravelling Egypt’s Most Elusive Enigma

Beyond the Pyramid Ramp: Unravelling Egypt’s Most Elusive Enigma

The mystery of how the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built continues to elude scholars, even in the 21 st century. As famed Egyptologist Flinders Petrie records in his The Pyramids and Temples of...
The inside of measuring shaft of the Roda nilometer. (Baldiri / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Nilometers: Ancient Egypt’s Ingenious Invention Used Until Modern Times

For thousands of years, nilometers measured the water level of the Nile River during the annual flood season. This, in turn, was used to predict the fortunes of the annual harvest, the taxes to be...
The statue of a pharaoh found in a Cairo mud pit. It is believed to depict Ramesses II.

How Did an Enormous Statue of an Egyptian Pharaoh End Up Fragmented in a Mud Pit?

A team of archaeologists have unearthed fragments of a gigantic statue, possibly portraying Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II, in a muddy pit at the ancient Heliopolis archaeological site in Cairo, as...
Eliminating the Competition: Selim I, A Grim Conqueror Who Vastly Extended the Ottoman Empire

Eliminating the Competition: Selim I, A Grim Conqueror Who Vastly Extended the Ottoman Empire

Selim I (known also by his epithet ‘Yavuz’, which, translated from Turkish, means ‘the Grim’) was the 9th sultan of the Ottoman Empire who lived during the second half of the 15th century and the...
The Mystery of the Screaming Mummy

The Mystery of the Screaming Mummy

Mummification in ancient Egypt was performed using clearly defined routines and religious rituals. However, an unidentified mummy found in 1881 had not been prepared in accordance with custom. What...
One of the papyri in the ancient logbook which documented some details on the later construction period of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Ancient Egyptian Logbook of Inspector Who Helped Construct the Great Pyramid Revealed

Some of the details of the construction of the Egyptian Great Pyramid are revealed to the public for the first time when they go on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The information comes in...
Interior of the synagogue and a Hebrew manuscript with Babylonian vocalization

The Hidden Treasures of the Cairo Geniza

The Cairo Geniza (spelt also as Genizah ) is the name given to a collection of Jewish manuscript fragments that was discovered in Cairo. It is estimated that there are over 350000 individual...
The Abusir boat.
The ancient Egyptian sky goddess, Nut, arching over the earth. The human figures represent stars and constellations.

Ancient Egyptians Discovered the Period of Algol Three Millennia Before Previously Thought and Used the Information for Divination

There have long been theories that the mythological texts of the ancient Egyptians contain scripture related to astronomical phenomena. It is also known that as part of their cosmology, the Egyptians...
Part of the shrine showing Pharaoh Nectanebo I, who was the last native king to rule Egypt before the Greeks conquered.

Shrine dedicated to King Nectanebo I unearthed in Egypt

An Egyptian and German archaeological team sifting through the ruins of a temple dedicated to the ancient King Nectanebo I has found building blocks and parts of the ceiling, which was decorated with...
The ruins of Sahure’s pyramid

Archaeologists find 4,500-year-old statue of little known Egyptian king

A broken statue with the name of King Sahure, a pharaoh who ruled nearly 4,500 years ago, has been excavated in Egypt by Belgian archaeologists. Little is known of King Sahure, who reigned during the...
3,400-Year-Old Underwater Temple from Era of Thumosis III near Cairo

3,400-Year-Old Underwater Temple from Era of Thutmosis III Discovered near Cairo

The Minister of Antiquities in Egypt has announced the discovery of an ancient Egyptian temple near Cairo, from the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III. The ancient temple was found beneath a house,...
Cairo Islamic Art Museum Bombing

Ancient Islamic art decimated in latest Egypt bombings

Cairo's Museum of Islamic Art —home to more than 100,000 priceless artefacts that comprise one of the world's most important collections of its kind—was significantly damaged in a suicide car bomb...
Valley of the Kings

Many Royal Tombs Still Awaiting Discovery in Egypt's Valley of Kings

According to Egyptologists, the Valley of the Kings still contains many royal tombs and hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered. Their conclusion is based on one of the most extensive exploration...
Pyramids of Egypt

Egyptian Antiquities Ministry refutes claim that the Great Pyramid is Much Older

German archaeologists are currently embroiled in a dispute with Egypt’s antiquities ministry after they allegedly removed samples from the Great Pyramid and subsequently announced that the...
Egyptian Love Story

A 4,400-Year-Old Egyptian Love Story

Hidden amongst bedrock and surrounded by a court of tombs in the vast, ancient burial ground of Saqqara , archaeologists made a unique discovery – a 4,400-year-old tomb belonging to a couple, their...
Secret Tomb found in Egypt

Archaeologists find 4,000 year-old tomb of prominent doctor to pharaohs southwest of Cairo

A Czech archaeological mission in Egypt has discovered a 4,000-year-old tomb which belonged to a prominent doctor to the pharaohs in the fifth dynasty, which began its rule shortly after 2,500 BC...
