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Right; Entrance to the chamber tomb discovered near Naples.	Source: Left; Italian Ministry of Culture, Right; Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

2,000-Year-Old Tomb of Cerberus Sarcophagus Opened

Ongoing investigations into the contents of the Tomb of Cerberus, discovered in October 2023 in Giugliano, Naples, led to the decision to open one of the two sarcophagi found there. The stone box had...
The deceased nuns were left in seated positions to decompose. Source: Yellow.Cat from Roma, Italy/ CC BY 2.0

Daily Prayers with Decomposing Corpses: Death Chairs at Aragonese Castle

The Aragonese Castle is a castle built on top of a rocky islet next to Ischia, a small Italian island on the northern end of the Gulf of Naples. Whilst a stronghold is said to have already been built...
Fresco in Tomb of Cerberus discovered near Naples. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

Unearthed 'Tomb of Cerberus' Features Pristine Frescoes from Ancient Roman Era

In a historic revelation, archaeologists have discovered a sealed chamber tomb featuring a captivating fresco of Cerberus, the renowned three-headed dog from Ancient Greek mythology said to guard the...
Submerged remains of Emperor Claudius' nymphaeum. Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae (Ruthven / CC 1.0)

Time Travel Below Waves: Baiae's Ancient Party Town (Video)

Diving among the ancient ruins of Baiae is an extraordinary experience, providing a tangible connection to the decadent past of the Roman Empire. Located near Naples , this once-thriving resort town...
Fontanelle Cemetery, Naples. Source: Massimo Santi / Adobe Stock.

Fontanelle Cemetery and Naples’s Cult of the Souls of Purgatory (Video)

The Naples's Cult of the Souls of Purgatory centers around a unique belief system related to the souls in purgatory . The Fontanelle Cemetery, a symbolic location for this cult, evokes an eerie...
Erotic fresco in Pompeii. Source: Aleksandr / Adobe Stock.

Intimate Secrets: Pompeii's Forbidden Erotica Exposed (Video)

Within the National Archaeological Museum in Naples lies a captivating chamber known as the 'Secret Chamber,' where a remarkable assemblage of erotic art from Pompeii and Herculaneum is exhibited in...
Underwater archaeologist exploring the ancient remains of Baiae. Source: Naumacos / Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park

Stunning Roman Villas Unearthed in Underwater Ruins of Ancient Baiae

Underwater archaeologists working in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Naples, off Italy’s western coast, recently discovered the ruins of spectacular Roman villas. Built 2,000 years ago, or possibly...
Top Image: Speleologists explore the Aqua Augusta, a Roman aqueduct that was previously the least-documented aqueduct in the Roman world. Source: Associazione Cocceius

Uncharted Section of Augustan Aqueduct Discovered Beneath Naples

Built in the early first century BC during the Augustan era in Naples, Italy, the “Aqua Augusta” is one of the largest and most sophisticated aqueducts in the Roman Empire. Now, a previously unknown...
Ferdinand I Dressed Up His Murdered Enemies and Displayed Their Mummies

Ferdinand I Dressed Up His Murdered Enemies and Displayed Their Mummies

Throughout history, many rulers have turned to drastic measures to ensure success. But how many have created a museum of corpses to frighten their subordinates into following their commands? So far,...

Naples’ Hidden Ancient Aqueducts Could Save the City from Unbearable Heat

The modern city of Naples lies on some extremely historical waterways, some over 2,000 years old. Scientists heading a novel project in contemporary urban spaces suggest that these historical water...
Scenic view of typical narrow alleyway lined laundry lines in the Medieval Centro Storico of Naples ( lazyllama/ Adobe Stock) and Munaciello according to popular imagery ( Lady of a times /CC BY-SA 4.0)

Mischievous Munaciello, A Folletto Character Of Neapolitan Folklore

Every country in the world has its own rich folklore , every city and village has its own legends about fantastic creatures and supernatural beings told by grandparents to parents to children,...
A small stretch of the ancient Naples necropolis known as the Ipogeo dei Cristallini or the Hypogeum of Cristallini Street is set to open to the public in mid-2022, shedding new light on the Italian city’s Greek history and Greek cultural origins.		Source: Ipogeo dei Cristallini

Naples Necropolis Reveals Room-Like Tombs and Rare Greek Art

The Ipogeo dei Cristallini or the “Hypogeum of Cristallini Street” is part of an ancient necropolis in Naples dated 2,300 years ago. It is uniquely Greek, or Hellenistic and will open to the public...
A medieval baker with his apprentice. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. (Public Domain)

From Peasant To Pharaoh: The Popularity of ‘Pizza’ in the Ancient World

Since the ancient times, people have been eating pizza in one form or another. By 2200 BC, Egyptian flatbread was topped with a spread called dukkah and evidence of flatbread consumed in Italy also...
The Lupanare and Houses of Pleasure in Ancient Pompeii

The Lupanare: Prostitution and Houses of Pleasure in Ancient Pompeii

Mad emperors, fierce warriors, brutal entertainment, and lascivious lifestyles. These are the familiar images of ancient Rome, but what was it really like? Rumors abounded regarding Roman emperors...
The casts of two men, believed to be a master and his young slave, have been unearthed in the excavation of a villa outside Pompeii. Source: Parco Archeologico di Pompei

Tragic Remains of Master and His Slave Found in Pompeii

Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a master and his slave from Pompeii , victims of the cataclysmic volcanic eruption that destroyed the city. They were found in the heart of the ruins of...
Left: St Januarius’ blood being examined in Naples. Credit: The Catholic Herald. Right: An early portrait of Saint Januarius. Note the two blood ampoules in the lower left corner. (Louis Finson / Public domain)

The Blood of Saint Januarius and The Miracle of Liquefaction

Saint Januarius is a saint venerated in the Roman Catholic Church . He is the patron saint of Naples but is best-known for a miracle that happens several times each year – the liquefaction of what is...
Unexploded Pompeii bombs from World War II may be hidden in the ancient ruins. Source: Evdoha / Adobe Stock.

Encased In Pompeii’s Volcanic Ash ’10 Unexploded Bombs’ Take Over Italian Headlines

In a conflict that killed almost 70 million people, it hardly comes as a surprise that archaeologists dig up so much left over junk . But events in Italy over the last 24 hours remind the heritage...
The child skeleton recently discovered at Pompeii.

Skeleton Found in Pompeii Belonged to Child Seeking Shelter from Deadly Volcanic Eruption

Among the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, archaeological excavations have revealed the skeleton of a child who died in a volcanic eruption. Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD and destroyed the...

Underwater Archaeologists Discover Submerged Ruins off the Coast of Naples

Back in September 2017, underwater archaeologists met a decade-long goal in discovering the submerged ruins of the port of Neapolis. Now, they have identified the location of the port which preceded...
A diver explores the Baiae Underwater Archaeological Site

Hedonistic ‘Sunken City of the Caesars’ Recaptured By Divers After 1,700 Years

The sunken city of the Caesars that was lost for over seventeen centuries under the blue waters of Italy's west coast, has been uncovered in impressive new pictures taken by divers who were permitted...
Supervolcano That May Have Wiped out Neanderthals Comes to Life Again

Supervolcano That May Have Wiped out Neanderthals Comes to Life Again

A huge area of volcanic activity near heavily populated Naples, Italy, is reaching a critical point and scientists think it could erupt. The 12-kilometer (7.46 miles) caldera or volcanic cauldron...
The bodies of about 20 victims of the volcanic eruption of 79 AD are on display through September 27, 2015, in an ancient amphitheater.

Decaying and Looted Pompeii Gets a Big Infusion of Care from the Italian Government

Pompeii, the city frozen in time by a super-hot gas cloud and ash that erupted from Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, has been placed under the protection of the Italian government from degradation by the...

Historians claim to have tracked down remains of Vlad the Impaler

A team of Estonian scholars believe they have finally discovered the long-lost location of Vlad the Impaler, the 15 th century Prince upon which Bram Stoker based his 1897 gothic novel ‘Dracula’...
Baiae - Italy

Floods expose Roman ruins near famous Gulf of Baiae crossing

Heavy flooding south of Naples has caused a series of landslips, exposing old Roman walls at Baiae (now known as Baia), an ancient Roman seaside resort on the Bay of Naples in Italy, much of which is...