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Myths & Legends

All over the world there are extraordinary stories—stories that once upon a time were believed to be true but are today limited to the sphere of ancient myths and legends. The question remains, are those myths and legends something that existed in the minds of our ancestors, or were they based on true events? It is true that most of those ancient myths and legends appear to the scientific world to be fictitious products of vivid imaginations whose goals were purely to explain phenomena beyond their comprehension. Yet is it not arrogant to accuse our ancestors of being uncivilised and ignorant in one breath, then offer them praise and admiration over their monuments, buildings, art, sculptures, and societies in the next? This only proves that our modern society has two contradictory attitudes toward our past.

In this section we will explore some of the most amazing myths and legends from around the world—legends that may hold truths that can unlock the secrets of our ancient origins.

The god Khnum, accompanied by Heqet, in a relief from the mammisi (birth temple) at Dendera Temple complex. Source: Roland Unger/CC BY-SA 3.0

Beyond Fertility: Goddess Heqet’s Extensive Influence on Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Heqet reigned supreme as a symbol of fertility and childbirth. Heqet’s following spanned the ages, from the Old Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period, due to her impact on...
Sirius, the Dog Star, the dominant star within the Canis Major constellation. Source: iryna / Adobe Stock

What Makes Sirius, the Dog Star, So Special?

The accolade of “brightest star in the sky as viewed from Earth” goes to the well-known star Sirius, popularly called the Dog Star due to its role as the dominant star in the Canis Major , meaning...
Mother Shipton’s Cave. Source: GetFocusArt / Adobe Stock.

Mother Shipton’s Cave Turns Objects into Stone… Literally! (Video)

Nestled within the quaint village of Knaresborough lies a place steeped in folklore and mystery – Mother Shipton's Cave . The origins of this age-old tourist attraction are shrouded in uncertainty,...
Representational AI generated image of Sambation River. Source: Tech Hendra / Adobe Stock

The Legend of Sambation River and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel

Deep within the realms of ancient Jewish folklore lies a tale of intrigue and mystery surrounding the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and their elusive barrier, the Sambation River. This mythical...
Unicorns and their alluring influence in ancient civilizations.  Source: Pradeep/Adobe Stock

Beyond Myth and Legend: Tracing the Footsteps of Unicorns in Ancient Cultures

Throughout the annals of history, the unicorn has captivated humanity’s imagination, leaving traces of its existence in the art and artifacts of ancient civilizations. Join us on a fascinating...
Representational image of Tullus Hostilius. Source: Pixel Matrix / Adobe Stock

Fact or Fiction? Tullus Hostilius, the Legendary Roman Warrior King

Tullus Hostilius, the third legendary king of Rome, is a figure shrouded in myth and legend. Hostilius strictly adhered to the law and held firm beliefs regarding the importance of Roman religious...
The Stronsay Beast. Source: YouTube Screenshot / History Channel.

Mystery of the Stronsay Beast, Scotland’s Other Monster (Video)

The Mystery of the Stronsay Beast has intrigued researchers and cryptozoology enthusiasts for centuries. In 1808, the shores of Stronsay, a small island in Scotland, witnessed the astonishing...
Lake monster. Source: scaliger / Adobe Stock.

The Enigma of Sweden's Great Lake Beast (Video)

Sweden's Great Lake monster, often referred to as "Storsjöodjuret" or the Storsjö Lake Monster , is a legendary creature said to inhabit the depths of Lake Storsjön in Jämtland County. Similar to...
Illustration depicting the Kaspar Hauser legend of his incarceration. Source: Public domain

Smallpox Vaccine Sheds New Light on Mysterious Kaspar Hauser Legend

In May 1828, the Bavarian city of Nuremberg was gripped by the sudden appearance of a young man named Kaspar Hauser. Clutching two letters of introduction, his arrival revealed a story of isolation...
Numa Pompilius giving the Laws to the Romans.  Source: Public Domain

Numa Pompilius: The Legendary Second King of Rome

Every great kingdom and empire have to start somewhere, right? One of history’s greatest realms was the Roman Empire, but even so, it began as a struggling city-state, supposedly led by kings. But...
The Tower of Babel. Source: FrankBoston / Adobe Stock.

Unraveling the Tower of Babel: Myth or Reality? (Video)

The ancient ruins of Babylon , located in central Iraq, have long captivated historians and archeologists alike. Among its remnants lies a structure that has stirred intrigue and speculation—the...
Depiction of Death in an 18th-century Russian icon.

Ivan Turbinca – The Man Who Belonged in Neither Heaven Nor Hell

Myth, legend and literature are full of tales about people ending up in either Heaven or Hell. However, every now and then a story arises about someone who belongs in neither. Such is the tale of...
Gold Aztec coin. Source: breakermaximus / Adobe Stock.

Is Montezuma's Treasure in Arizona? (Video)

Montezuma's gold is a legendary treasure said to have been hidden by the Aztec emperor Montezuma II during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. According to folklore, the treasure consists of vast amounts...
Castellaccio di Messina, Sicily. Credit:

Castellaccio di Messina: Italy’s Most Haunted Castle (Video)

Castellaccio di Messina, an abandoned castle situated in Sicily , carries a rich history dating back centuries. Built in the medieval era, it served as a defensive fortress, guarding the surrounding...
Representation of Dwarka underwater. Source:  Amith / Adobe Stock.

Dwarka's Submerged Secret: Finding the Lost Kingdom of Krishna (Video)

Dwarka , a city steeped in mythical and historical significance, holds a unique place among the seven holy pilgrimage centers of India. Its prominence lies in its association with the ancient kingdom...
Black Dog. Source: Maya Kruchancova / Adobe Stock.

Curse of the Night: Legend of the Black Dog (Video)

In the depths of eastern England lies a tranquil village, yet beneath its serene facade, an ancient legend lurks. Passed down through generations, the tale tells of a chilling encounter with a...
Representation of Egyptian super god, Ra known also as Ra-Horakhty. Source: AkuAku/Adobe Stock

The Egyptian God Ra - Lord of Life and Light

The Ancient Egyptian pantheon was filled with imaginative deities of all kinds. In fact, this pantheon numbered hundreds of different gods and goddesses, whose importance often waned over the passing...
Representation of lost white city of Honduras. Source: Michael Böhm / Adobe Stock.

The Quest for the Lost White City of Honduras (Video)

Nestled deep in the heart of the Honduran jungle, there is said to be a long-lost city that has eluded explorers for centuries. This fabled city, known as the "The White City" or "La Ciudad Blanca,"...
A 1572 depiction of the city of Kilwa on Kilwa Island from Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg's atlas Civitates orbis terrarum. Source: Public domain

The Kilwa Sultanate: The Island State That Dominated Medieval East Africa

The Kilwa Sultanate was a powerful and prosperous city-state that once dominated the Swahili coast of East Africa. For centuries, this kingdom thrived as a hub of international trade, connecting the...
Abraham ready to sacrifice his son Isaac. Source: Stig Alenas / Adobe Stock.

Biblical Myth or Historical Fact? Child Sacrifice in the Age of Abraham (Video)

Was the bible story of Abraham and Isaac inspired by real religious traditions? Recent archaeological excavations in Israel may be evidence of child sacrifice in ancient Israel . The excavations have...
Venus mourning Adonis by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Source: Public domain

5 Heartbreaking Roman Myths That’ll Captivate You

Roman myths are an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization, and their significance extends far beyond their religious context. These tales of romance, heroism, and tragedy have captured the...
A representation of Jötunn (Giant) Surtr of Norse mythology. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

Surtr: Norse Mythology's Giant God of Fire and Apocalypse

Giants, demigods, dwarves and elves - all these creatures made the Old Norse mythology so colorful and captivating. Preserved for posterity in the Norse sagas and manuscripts, these myths and legends...
Tablet depicting Aryan warriors. Source: Justin Gauraqv Murgai / CC BY NC ND 2.0

Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction

Today, the word "Aryan" has become synonymous with all sorts of negative connotations, including theories of racial superiority and white supremacy . This association has led to a widespread...
Beltane pagan celebration. Source: Karrrtinki / Adobe Stock.

5 Pagan Traditions That Will Leave You Spellbound (Video)

Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still...
