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Fig.1 The experimental henge “Nesshenge” as it looked in 2008. Source: Dr John Hill

Nesshenge Revisited: How Does the Reproduction Neolithic Henge Look 15 Years On?

It is not every day that one gets the opportunity to build a replica Neolithic henge earthwork. Moreover, after 15 years of “weathering”, one is amazingly surprised to see that it not only survives...
Quantum computer-based simulation of a deuteron - when a neutron (in blue) and a proton (in red) bind together within a nucleus. Source: OLCF / CC BY 2.0

Use of Quantum Sensors at Megalithic Sites

The quantum: that pesky stuff hiding sub-atomically. Our world is made up of matter, and that matter is made up of atoms. If we were to grab our tape measure, the quantum space deals with matter...
Panorama of Sacsayhuamán (Diego Delso/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

Hidden Monoliths Beneath Sacsayhuaman Point To Lost Civilization

Sacsayhuaman Archaeological Park, located above the ancient city of Cusco in Peru, hides a secret. Hidden beneath the archaeological sites are some very strange and beautiful stone vestiges, many...
Billy Mag Fhloinn with the remnants of the wedge tomb, Altóir na Gréine, in County Kerry, Ireland. Source: Seán Mac an tSíthigh/RTÉ News

Solar-Aligned Bronze Age "Wedge Tomb" Unearthed in Ireland

Local traditions in County Kerry, Ireland, told of the destruction of an ancient tomb in the 19th century. But now, a folklorist has found the lost “wedge-shaped” tomb, which was aligned with the...
The allegedly manmade megalithic site at Gunung Padang, claimed to be an incredibly ancient pyramid in Indonesia, showing the multitude of rocks under question. Source: uskarp2 / Adobe Stock

New Claims of a 27,000-Year-Old Indonesian Pyramid Spark Controversy

A controversial paper recently published in the journal Archaeological Prospection has generated debate and criticism from archaeologists and geologists alike. In this newly completed study, a team...
Callanish Henge, Isle of Lewis, Scotland.  Source:  swen_stroop / Adobe Stock.

Stonehenge-like Structures Have Been Found All Over the World (Video)

Throughout history, our world has witnessed the emergence of colossal stone circles reminiscent of Stonehenge, dispersed across the globe. These megalithic structures , numbering around 50,000 solely...
Atlit Yam. (Hanay / CC by SA 3.0)

Why the ‘Stonehenge of Atlit Yam’ was Held in Such High Regard (Video)

Located a quarter mile off the Israeli coast, the ' Stonehenge of Atlit Yam' has captivated archaeologists with its remarkably preserved 9,000-year-old settlement. This ancient site, nestled on the...
megalithic, stone circle, Neolithic, Stonehenge, Warwickshire, ley lines, energy

Are The Rollright Stones Actually Ancient Energy Fields? (Video)

In the heart of rural England, hidden away from the bustling roads of Warwickshire, lies the mysterious Rollright Stones . These neolithic monuments, some older than Stonehenge , stand silently,...
Loch of Stenness (edwin/Adobe Stock)

Revisiting The 6,000-Year-Old Submerged North Doggerland Culture Of Tu-lay

A recent find off the northernmost coast of the British Isles, provides evidence that the extreme flooding that occurred in ancient times on a worldwide scale, also affected this region...
The ruins at Yangshan quarry. Source:  Vmenkov/Author provided

Fathoming the Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain and the Biggest Cut Rocks in the World

Along the side of Yanmen Shan mountain, located twenty kilometers to the east of Nanjing, China, the legendary Yangshan quarry can be found. Although it is believed to have been in use from at least...
3D reconstructions of the enclosure of Le Peu and its environment from archaeological data. Source: © Archeovision Production 2018/ Antiquity Publications Ltd

6,300-Year-Old Settlement Was Home to Earliest Megalithic Builders

Archaeologists in France have found evidence of a 6,300-year-old fortified compound and residential site belonging to Europe’s first megalithic builders! These builders constructed impressive...
The three connected earthwork henges at Thornborough. Source: English Heritage

Thornborough Henges: England’s Majestic Stonehenge of the North Finally Opened to the Public

As the culmination of several years of sensitive negotiations, the preservation organizations Historic England and English Heritage have finally secured ownership and full control of two-thirds of...
Some of the hundreds of stones now mapped at the megalithic site in Huelva, Spain. Source: GONZÁLEZ BATANERO, D et al./ Antiquitas

Unbelievable Find of Europe’s Largest Megalithic Site In Spain

How has this not been found before? A site planned for avocado production in southern Spain has revealed what archaeologists believe to be one of the largest megalithic sites in Europe! Dated to up...
Alatri acropolis cyclopean wall by the Porta Maggiorre. Source: Laura Tabone

The Cyclopean Problem: Who Built Italy’s Astounding Ancient Walls?

Megalithic cyclopean masonry is found in many parts of Italy, including Lazio , Abruzzo, Campania, Umbria, Tuscany and Molise. This type of masonry involves fitting together huge differently shaped...
The entrance to Wayland's Smithy, one of the Cotswold-Severn Group Neolithic stone structures, seems primitive but megalithic mathematics can be found here, and experimental archaeology proves it. Source: Msemmett / CC BY-SA 3.0

Megalithic Mathematics Revealed at the Cotswold Severn Long Barrows!

During the British Neolithic, circa 4000-2500 BC, we witness the appearance of numerous ceremonial and domestic monuments dominating the prehistoric landscape. Providing an absolute total of how many...
The National Trust has bought land near Stonehenge to protect it from continued agricultural exploitation. Source: Nicholas / Adobe Stock

England’s National Trust Buys Threatened Land Near Stonehenge

The United Kingdom’s National Trust has been assigned to protect and maintain England’s most famous monumental site at Stonehenge , and the challenges they face are never-ending. The National Trust...
A new research study has “proven” the Stonehenge solar calendar theory, and reveals that the solar calendar concept was likely “imported” from Egypt.		Source: Vic / Adobe Stock

Stonehenge Solar Calendar Theory “Proven” by Study

Many scholars have suspected that the monuments of Stonehenge were carefully arranged to function as some type of calendar. Proof of this concept has been hard to come by, however, as even the most...
How megalithic builders in the UK probably designed stone structures using experimental archaeology.		Source: Author provided

The Silent Language of the Megalithic Builders

Our understanding of the methods of design involved before any British prehistoric structure was physically built, that is from the moment when its form had been conceived in someone’s mind up to the...
A photo composition of the nearly 14 known megalithic stone slabs from the site of San Miguel Ixtapan. 	Source: Marco M. Vigato

Precision Stone Carvings of San Miguel Ixtapan – the Mexican Tiwanaku?

Over the past century, dozens of carved megalithic stone slabs of unknown origin and function have been uncovered in the southern part of the state of Mexico and the north of Guerrero, mostly around...
Mount Shasta's Mysteries. (Image: © 2021 D.W. Naef)

The Earth-Energy Hotspot Of Mount Shasta

Ever since prehistoric times spiritual seekers have acknowledged Mount Shasta, in Siskiyou County, California, as a sacred mountain. Could the unique geology and location of Mount Shasta have...
Ta’ Cenc dolmen, one of the best-preserved Megalithic dolmens in Malta, sits on the edge of the Ta' Cenc Cliffs.

Secrets Of The Stones: Malta’s Lesser-Known Megalithic Design

Malta’s prehistory is as dazzling as it is opaque. The excavations and research by archaeologists and other academics have been incredibly thorough, and have helped to create fantastic insights into...
Prehistoric Calendar Revealed at Stonehenge

More Than Summer Solstice - Prehistoric Calendar Revealed at Stonehenge

As the Summer Solstice for the northern hemisphere has come around, the craving to celebrate at the world-famous Stonehenge Neolithic site has again proven irresistible to crowds of people wishing to...
Plain of Jars

The Plain of Jars: A Megalithic Archaeological Mystery in Laos

The Plain of Jars on the Xieng Khouang plain of Laos is one of the most enigmatic archaeological points of interest on Earth. The unusual scattering of thousands of megalithic jars across nearly one...
Megaliths Covered with Mysterious Engravings Unearthed in France

Megaliths Covered with Mysterious Engravings Unearthed in France

In 2018, archaeologists working for the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research, or INRAP, uncovered an expansive and unusually well-preserved megalithic site near the...
