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History & Archaeology

We bring you all the latest historical news and archaeological discoveries relating to ancient human history. Read more history news from around the world here at Ancient Origins.

Roman Army & Chariot Experience, Hippodrome, Jerash, Jordan.

Oldest Roman Military Camp discovered in Italy was Built to Fend off Fierce Pirates

An ancient Roman fort has been discovered in Italy by researchers using advanced sensing technology. It is reportedly the oldest military camp built by the Roman army ever found, and the only Roman...
A Chinese archeological research institute working with the help of German experts will restore a pair of 1,400-year-old leather shoes from the Astana Tombs.

Experts restore 1,400-year-old shoes from a Chinese tomb

Chinese archaeologists are restoring a pair of 1,400-year-old goat leather shoes that were found in the Astana Tombs in the capital of the ancient Gaocheng kingdom. Experts from Germany will spend 20...

Elevated Origins: Radical new theory suggests Stonehenge was base of an above-ground celestial altar

The iconic profile of the world renowned prehistoric monument Stonehenge, found in Wiltshire, England, is unmistakable. The hewed standing stones rise up out of the earth in a testimony to ancient...
Seljuk ring discovered in Viking-era grave

Ring discovered in Viking-era grave has Arabic inscription

A silver ring from a Viking-era grave in Birka, Sweden, has a distinctive history: it is the first ring with Arabic inscription from that era found in Scandinavia. The ring, which has an inscription...
Typical fragment of a wall, Lelu Ruins, Kosrae

Coral Tombs Housed Royal Micronesians 700 years ago

Centuries ago on the island of Kosrae in the central Pacific Ocean, islanders cleaned their deceased kings’ bodies, anointed them and then buried them in temporary coral tombs for three months only...
Two 3,500-year-old tombs adorned with vivid paintings unearthed in Egypt

Two 3,500-year-old tombs adorned with vivid paintings unearthed in Egypt

The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt have announced the discovery of two private 18 th Dynasty tombs with beautifully painted walls near Luxor in...
Model of a Neolithic flint mine

Miners in Iberia 5,300 years ago had high social status and rich burials

Stone Age Iberian miners of both sexes 5,300 to 4,300 years ago are believed to have had important status in their community near what is now Barcelona, Spain, as some of their dead were entombed in...
Vast ancient underground city beneath Cappadocia

Vast ancient underground city beneath Cappadocia being excavated

The newly-discovered subterranean city beneath Nevşehir in Turkey is mysterious, intriguing, and rich with history. The caves, tunnels, hidden churches, and escape galleries, which were uncovered...
The head of an ancient Chinchorro mummy from northern Peru

7,000-year-old Chinchorro mummies are turning gelatinous

The Chinchorro mummies of Chile survived more than 7,065 years without deteriorating until about 10 years ago, when moisture began to allow bacterial growth that is making them turn gelatinous and...
The ancient Mexican Codex Borgia of the Aztecs, who came after the Olmecs but who also revered corn, shows Quetzalcóatl

Possible sacred maize object found in stream at Olmec site

Archaeologists have found an artifact made of jadeite at an Olmec site in Mexico that they think represents a cob of corn and that may have been offered to the gods. Corn was a vitally important crop...
Silver coins and other ‘buried treasure’ were located by explorers in a cave in northern Israel. Credit: Israel Antiquities Authority

Explorers find Hidden Treasure in Cave – Coins and Jewelry Dating to Alexander the Great

Hidden treasure found by amateur explorers in a cave is being described as one of the most important discoveries in northern Israel in recent years. Members of the Israeli Caving Club have uncovered...
Stone tool unearthed in Oregon

Stone tool unearthed in Oregon may date back 15,800 years or more

A stone tool believed to be 15,800 years old or older and with bison blood on it, has been excavated from deep under the earth’s surface in Oregon, archaeologists announced. If the scraper, made from...
Prehistoric People

Scant Evidence that Early Prehistoric People were Warlike, Anthropologist claims

The earlier Stone Age seems to have been a time of peace and not war, says an anthropologist specializing in war who has studied the published work of dozens of researchers. Unfortunately for many...
The Temple of Mars Ultor, constructed under Caesar Augustus in Rome’s Forum of Augustus

Researcher won’t render unto Caesar his claim of transforming Rome to marble

It turns out Caesar Augustus was an undeserving braggart. He claimed, “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” But new research by a university professor has found that only a...
The 2.8 million-year-old fossilized jawbone with small teeth which may be a transitional fossil between primitive and modern man

Jawbone found in Ethiopia set to rewrite history, push back origins of humans

An extraordinary fossil find in the desert of Ethiopia is pushing back the dawn of humankind by approximately half a million years, and rewriting what we know about the evolutionary branching that...
Reconstructed Temple of the Night Sun in Mortuary of Queen Hatshepsut

Reconstructed Temple of the Night Sun in Mortuary of Queen Hatshepsut opens to the public

More than 1.2 million rotations of the Earth on its axis since her death, Queen Hatepshut has not been eradicated from memory by her ancient successors. Far from it. Still today, nearly 3,500 years...
Archaeologists with the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) plan to test the DNA of the remains.

Old skeletons, possibly plague victims, found under Paris grocery

Archaeologists have unearthed the skeletal remains of 200 people underneath a supermarket in Paris on the site of an old hospital where victims of the Black Plague had been known to be buried. It was...
Unique lead coffin found under a parking lot in Leicester, England has been opened to reveal the skeleton of an unknown elderly woman.

Lady in Lead: Coffin found at Grey Friars near King Richard III opened, revealing mystery woman

Archaeologists have been met with surprise upon surprise as they excavate coffins and remains found at the medieval grave site of England’s King Richard III. The opening of a unique lead coffin found...
Artist's depiction of Stone Age peoples

Stone Age Britons traded with European farmers 8,000 years ago

Archaeologists have concluded that pre-agricultural Stone Age hunter-gatherers on the Isle of Wight 8,000 years ago obtained domesticated wheat from farmers on the continent of Europe. That is 2,000...
Excavation of fortress established by Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan unearthed in Mongolia

Military stronghold for Mongolian Conqueror Genghis Khan Found by Archaeologists

Scenes depicted in a Chinese medieval travel book gave clues to researchers, helping them locate what is said to be a 13 th century military outpost used by Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan. As...
A 'were-jaguar' effigy, likely representing a combination of a human and spirit animal, is part of a still-buried ceremonial seat, discovered in a cache in ruins deep in the Honduran jungle.

Archaeologists find untouched ruins in their search for the Lost City of the Monkey God

Two years ago, an aerial search of the dense jungle of Honduras fuelled by local legends of a lost ancient city, revealed miles of seemingly man-made features. Announcements quickly spread that...
Britain's oldest brain

Decapitated Skull Holds Remarkable Find - Oldest Preserved Brain in Britain

Archaeologists stumbled upon a surprising find in 2009 when they uncovered a preserved brain in a skull, buried in an Iron Age pit in Yorkshire, England. Known as the Heslington Brain, the find has...
The medieval manuscript King René’s Book of Love, written by that 15th century king of Sicily and Duke of Anjou himself, beautifully illustrates knighthood and chivalry

Excavations turn up medieval bones which may be a knight and his family

Archaeologists in Edinburgh have excavated several skeletons this year, including a discovery last month of bones believed to belong to a medieval Scottish nobleman or knight, now dubbed Sir Eck...
Fatal wounds to the front and back of the skull thought to be caused by axe blows.

3,600-year-old bones of king Senebkay show Egyptian pharaoh met brutal end

King Senebkay, pharaoh during the Abydos Dynasty, was brutally killed during a fierce battle, researchers believe, and his remains were returned home to be mummified long after his death. Dr. Josef...
