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Ancient places can be found all over Europe. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on European history. Visiting such ancient places in Europe can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Europe, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

The Roman mausoleum found in London. It features a mosaic surrounded by a raised platform, which archaeologists believe was for burials            Source: MOLA

“Completely Unique” 2,000-Year-Old Roman Mausoleum Unearthed Near London Bridge

Archaeologists have made an extraordinary discovery at the Liberty of Southwark development site in London—a “completely unique” Roman mausoleum of unparalleled preservation, now considered the most...
Castellaccio di Messina, Sicily. Credit:

Castellaccio di Messina: Italy’s Most Haunted Castle (Video)

Castellaccio di Messina, an abandoned castle situated in Sicily , carries a rich history dating back centuries. Built in the medieval era, it served as a defensive fortress, guarding the surrounding...
Abandoned village of Granadilla in Spain. Source:  JIRMoronta / Adobe Stock.

Granadilla: The Spanish 'Ghost Town' That Should be Underwater (Video)

The picturesque town of Granadilla, located in Spain , carries a captivating tale of abandonment and longing. With its roots tracing back to the 9th Century AD, this medieval gem thrived for...
Palace of Versailles, France. Source: Mistervlad /Adobe Stock

The Hidden Secrets of the Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is one of the most magnificent and historically significant buildings in the world. This stunning palace was once the residence of French kings and queens, and it has a rich...
Palermo mummies.  Source: Habanero666 / CC by SA 3.0.

Resurrecting the Past: Sicily's Bizarre Mummy Rituals (Video)

Sicily's enigmatic mummy rituals have captivated researchers and historians alike for decades. Originating with the capuchin monks of Palermo , the tradition of mummification rapidly spread across...
Correfoc, Mallorca. Source: Jordi / Adobe Stock.

Correfoc: The “Demonic” Tradition of Mallorca (Video)

On the Spanish island of Mallorca, an ancient tradition known as 'correfoc' has been captivating locals and visitors alike for decades. This unique festival , rooted in medieval street theatre and...
Pictish carvings in Wemyss Caves. Source: SCAPE Trust.

Carved in Stone: Exploring Wemyss Caves' Pictish Symbols (Video)

Hidden within the depths of Scotland's Fife lies a secret world of mystery and artistry, tucked away in the Wemyss caves . These ancient caverns hold a remarkable treasure trove of symbols etched...
Hermitage of San Bartolomé. Source: Al Carrera / Adobe Stock.

Why Did the Templars Mark This Mysterious Spot On the Map? (Video)

Nestled within the majestic Rio dos Lobos Canyon stands the 12th-century hermitage of San Bartolomé, a hidden gem veiled in secrets and symbolism. This enigmatic chapel holds a significant place in...
Scottish broch. Source: ivan / Adobe Stock.

Unlocking the Secrets of Scotland’s 2,000-Year-Old ‘Skyscrapers’

In the heart of Scotland's captivating wilderness, an enigma from the past stands tall, shrouded in mystery and curiosity. These towering stone structures, known as brochs , have silently witnessed...
Neanderthals. Source: Mikolaj Niemczewski / Adobe Stock.

What Really Killed the Neanderthals? (Video)

Unraveling the mystery behind the Neanderthals' extinction has captivated scientists for decades. In the fascinating world of paleoanthropology , theories abound, shedding light on the fate of our...
39 stones near the main attraction here at Carnac have been totally destroyed. Source: Karl Allen Lugmayer / Adobe Stock

39 Prehistoric Megaliths At ‘The French Stonehenge’ Destroyed by Developers

DIY chain Mr. Bricolage is under fire for ‘accidentally’ destroying a vital part of the deeply ancient historical heritage of Brittany – ‘The French Stonehenge’. The unfortunate destruction of thirty...
Church of Santa Maria do Olival in Tomar, Portugal. Source: milosk50 / Adobe Stock.

The Tiny Church at the Heart of the Knights Templar (Video)

Hidden within the charming town of Tomar, Portugal, lies a hidden gem of historical significance - the tiny church of Santa Maria do Olival. Dating back to the 13th century, this Gothic church holds...
Castle Frankenstein, Germany. Source: Dr. N. Lange / Adobe Stock.

Castle Frankenstein: The Real Inspiration for a Monster (Video)

Perched upon a hill in southern Germany, overlooking the enchanting city of Darmstadt, lies a castle steeped in mystery and whispers of inspiration. Welcome to Castle Frankenstein , a medieval ruin...
Black Dog. Source: Maya Kruchancova / Adobe Stock.

Curse of the Night: Legend of the Black Dog (Video)

In the depths of eastern England lies a tranquil village, yet beneath its serene facade, an ancient legend lurks. Passed down through generations, the tale tells of a chilling encounter with a...
Artist’s reconstruction of the Swedish shaman. Photography by Gert Germeraad, Trelleborgs Museum.

Sweden's Exceptional 7,000-Year-Old Burial That Defied Tradition (Video)

The discovery of 'Burial XXII' in Sweden during the early 1980s generated considerable excitement among archaeologists. This unique Mesolithic grave , located in Skateholm on the southern coast,...
Grotte di Osimo. Source: Giulia Lavagnoli / CC by SA 4.0.

Uncovering Templar Secrets In the Grotte di Osimo (Video)

Beneath Osimo, Italy, lies a concealed network of tunnels and chambers connecting the city's palaces. This underground maze carries an air of mystery, as it once held strategic importance for the...
Lisbon Marquis of Pombal. Source: Downunderphoto / Adobe Stock.

Lisbon's Cataclysm: The Earthquake that Shook History (Video)

In the year 1755, the vibrant city of Lisbon awakened to a day like any other. Little did its inhabitants know that this would be a fateful All Saints' Day that would reshape history. As the sun rose...
Left, Representative AI generated Iron age house; Right, Iron Age house remains from the 10th to the 9th century BC in Thorikos, Attica/Greece.	Source: Left, AI generated; Right, Thorikos Archaeological Project Gent-Göttingen

Archaeologists Excavate Earliest Greek Iron Age House Ever Found in Thorikos

A team of archaeologists got quite the surprise when they were digging at a well-established Mycenaean site in Greece located south of Athens. While performing excavations near Thorikos, the...
Sintra, Portugal at the Initiation Well. Source: LALSSTOCK / Adobe Stock.

Knights Templar Symbols in Sintra's Inverted Tower (Video)

The Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra , Portugal, houses a mesmerizing architectural wonder known as the initiation well or inverted tower. This awe-inspiring structure is steeped in strange symbology,...
A special metal frame allows archaeological digs of one square meter in the area the Rungholt church has been detected on the tidal flats. Source: Universitaet Mainz

Sunken Sanctuary and Settlement Rediscovered on German Coast

A sacred coastal building was drowned and lost during a storm surge in 1362 AD. Now, archaeologists in Germany have rediscovered the sunken medieval structure, which some media outlets are calling “...
Silver diadem. Source: Trustees of the British Museum.

Bronze Age Treasure Revealed Female Rule of the Argarics (Video)

Deep within the ancient La Almoloya archaeological site in southern Spain, an extraordinary revelation has emerged, shaking the very foundations of our understanding of power and politics in the...
Divje Babe flute (Peter Milosevic / CC by SA 4.0)

Ancient Harmonies: Neanderthal's 60,000-Year-Old Flute (Video)

In 1995, archaeologist Ivan Turk made a groundbreaking discovery in the Divje Babe cave located in Slovenia. Among the remnants of a Neanderthal fire pit, as well as stone and bone tools, Turk...
Skeletons in a mass grave. Source: EKH-Pictures / Adobe Stock.

Grim Discovery: Uncovering London's Plague Burial Ground (Video)

In August 2015, an astounding discovery was made in the heart of London that sent shockwaves through the archaeological and historical communities. Researchers announced the unearthing of a mass...
Representative image of human skulls in one of the famous catacombs around the world. Source: mila103 / Adobe Stock

Tales from the Crypt: Exploring the World's Most Famous Catacombs

Beneath the streets and buildings of many of the world's most historic cities lie mysterious and ancient catacombs. These underground burial sites hold the remains of thousands of people and have...
