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Featured Image: Britomart viewing Artegal from  The Faerie Queene, (1895-1897) W. Crane (Wikimedia Commons)

Britomartis: The Original Virgin Huntress

The Minoan mistress of hunting and sea navigation, Britomartis is considered to be one of many goddesses to have been absorbed into classical Greek mythology. Britomartis appears to have played an...
“Zeus and Thetis” Painting by John Duncan, 1811.

Dikteon Cave: The Legendary Birthplace of Zeus

The Dikteon Cave is one of the most important and famous cult places of Minoan Crete. It is located in the high mountains on the island of Crete in Greece and is associated with the birthplace of the...
Phaistos Disc

New Research suggests recent phonetic decipherment of the Phaistos Disc is implausible

Last month, Dr Gareth Owens, a researcher at the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, claimed to have cracked the code of the enigmatic Phaistos Disc , a 4,000-year-old artifact containing...
4,000-year-old Phaistos Disc

Have researchers cracked the code of the 4,000-year-old Phaistos Disc?

The Phaistos Disc is a fired clay plate from the 2 nd millennium BC with both sides showing a spiral of strange stamped symbols. Ever since its discovery in 1908, in a palace called Phaistos on the...
The Teresh of The Sea Peoples

Identifying the Teresh of The Sea Peoples

It has long been suggested that the Teresh, an ethnic group listed among the Sea Peoples in Egyptian sources, were one and the same as the Tyrrhenians (also referred to as Tyrsenians in other Greek...

The ancient origins of the legendary griffin

The griffin is a legendary creature with the head and wings of an eagle, and the body, tail, and hind legs of a lion. As the eagle was considered the ‘king of the birds’, and the lion the ‘king of...
Sea Peoples - Philistines

In Search of the Origins of the Philistines – Part 2

(Read Part 1 here ) Commonly referred to as the modern Queen of the Philistines , archaeologist Trude Dothan, believes that in some part, the Philistines originated from the island of Cyprus to the...
Delilah’s Betrayal and Samson’s Imprisonment by the Philistines

In Search of the Origins of the Philistines - Part 1

They would be immortalized as ancient Israel’s worst enemy in the scriptures of the Old Testament. They are the Philistines. Much like the ancient Israelites, the Philistines were strangers to the...
Akrotiri Greece

The ancient settlement of Akrotiri and the mass exodus of Therans

Akrotiri is a Minoan Bronze Age settlement situated on the Greek island of Santorini (classically and more recently referred to as Thera), in the southern Aegean Sea. Buried underneath ash and pumice...
Stone Labyrinths of Bolshoi Zayatsky

The Ancient Stone Labyrinths of Bolshoi Zayatsky

On a small collection of remote islands in the White Sea of Russia lies the highest concentration of ancient labyrinths on the planet. Despite numerous theories, archaeologists and historians have...
War Minoan Europe’s first civilisation

War was central to Europe’s first civilisation – contrary to popular belief

A new study has revealed that Europe’s first civilization, known as the Minoan civilization , was characterized by war and was not the peace-loving culture that it was believed to be. The ancient...
minoan Frescos Israel

Traces of the Minoan Civilization from Egypt to Syria

The Minoan Civilization was one of the greatest Ancient Civilizations and is known for stories of superheroes , flying machines , Godly intervention, a powerful army and an advanced civilization. It...
Minoans not Egyptians

New Study Reveals that Mysterious Minoans Were not Egyptian

A new study published in the Journal of Nature Communications has revealed that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European and not Egyptian as previously believed. The...
King Minos

King Minos of Crete

The most important king of the Cretan civilization was King Minos, for whom the civilization was named. Minos ruled during the peak of the Minoan civilization, and the city of Knossos was the largest...
