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  • Reply to: The First Genome Data from Ancient Egyptian Mummies: Ancient Egyptians Were Most Closely Related to Ancient Populations from the Near East   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Ranamen 1

    There is zero cultural data or connections to the near east. Ancient Egypt is a Black African society and abundance of cultural data that links black Africa to ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians identified and represented themselves within there artwork and literally writings as being a part of the black population of africa. Somebody is not telling the true and these lieor based on a racist agenda against black African ancient Egypt.

  • Reply to: Like a Virgin? The Controversial Account of Mary, Mother of Jesus   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Kerry Hitzke

    Not sure about others, but Catholics do not worship Mary and have never done so. The word is Honour. From Honour your father and mother. It implies respect for the role of parent and, in Mary's case, consideration and modelling of her humility and great faith.

  • Reply to: Can a Ghost Make You Ill? The Ghost Sickness Belief of the Native American Indians   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Cousin_Jack

    In a way, yes, an experience happened to me where an entity supposedly attached itself to me and manifest itself through my dreams. My home is said to be built on an execution and burial ground and I kept getting dreams about the area, if slightly different, I believe looking as it once did. No concrete evidence though to back up the story, although we’ve found a structure where the gallows was said to be and what could’ve been an iron plaque whereabouts where the grave should be. Nothing concrete but its spooky when family members share the same dreams.

  • Reply to: The Tale of Teucer – Legendary Archer of the Trojan War and Founder of Ancient Salamis   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Veronica-Mae Soar

    The statue of a Trojan archer - (often suggested as being Paris) which appeared on the West pediment of the Temple of Aphaia was in the semi kneeling position, not standing upright in the way modern archers do. This stance appears on some vases also. I believe this may be what Xenophon describes when he says " when they shot they put out the left foot and rested the bottom of the bow against it as they drew back the string." Since he says that their bows were "between 4 and 5 foot long" this action is impossible if you are standing upright. but reasonable if you adopt the semi kneeling position I have yet to do more research on this but find it a fascinating point for study.

  • Reply to: 4th Year Anniversary - Unravelling Ancient Myths and Legends FREE Ebook   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: chris6a2

    I'm sorry to hear about your proboblem. Can you please send me a screenshot to [email protected]. I will see if I can recreate this problem on my end.

  • Reply to: 4th Year Anniversary - Unravelling Ancient Myths and Legends FREE Ebook   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Knowledge Quest

    Hi, I tried to DL 1 of the ebooks using the Kindle option but it opened up a scrambled mess. There were occasional letters & numbers but for the most part the entire "text" just showed up as diamonds with question marks inside them! ??? I've never saw this happen. Any help with this DL would be appreciated.

  • Reply to: The Relic of Bir Hooker & The Giants of the Past - Part 2   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: danny boonstra

    lets get one thing straight...a 7 or 8 feet giant is not the same as a 35 feet giant..7 or 8 feet people are alive now.and not weird at all ...stop saying these examples are the same...the mystery lies in the 35 feet giant referenced in old text. Is it possible? who knows not enough proof has been presented to make it a fact.. it is interesting though...Because there has been found enough proof to make it thought provoking.

  • Reply to: New Member introduction   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Derek

    Greetings everyone, I’m located in Canada,
    As I'm new to the site, however, I'm not new to the ancient myths/mysteries or metaphysical realms. Just trying to pull my rubbers out of the muck & mire of the dogmatic imprinting I gatherer over the years. Most of my answers have come about by tediously sifting through my own imprinting which I gained from family, social, educational and cultural understandings and very little information about the spiritual aspects of life.

    Searching for my meaning of life and wanting answers to questions no-one could/would answer; started later in life, as I was busy telling the world to move over, I'm coming through. It wasn't long after my search began when I was knock down a few pegs and realized (using my real-eyes) that there actually was more to life than we are lead to believe. I now know that it is our beliefs (along with a few other things) that create our reality.

  • Reply to: Can a Ghost Make You Ill? The Ghost Sickness Belief of the Native American Indians   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Rene

    Absolutely, YES, a ghost or spirit of the dead can make you very ill because it happened to me. This came about from what I thought was innocent noble gesture on my part to clean up a long neglected and abandoned grave site as well as scrub and polish the old head stone of a woman who passed in the 1920’s. That evening I began to feel ill and sick to my stomach in ways that I never felt before. That night I had very disturbing dreams and was restless. Two days later I was weak, nauseous, and began having nose bleeds and eyes that would fill blood. When I went to my doctor she had no idea what was making me so ill and couldn’t explain it as all of my lab-work came back fully normal.
    Then it really got weird. We heard knocking and thumping from inside the house walls. Doors would mysteriously open or slam shut. Lights flickered. Things would fall off of shelves that were fully secure otherwise and things inside of dresser drawers were all messed and looked as though they had been searched and tossed. We’d find things in the house that didn’t belong there. Then we heard the most awful clamor in the basement that sounded like two cars in an accident.
    Our dog would growl and bare her teeth while looking at the walls or at a darkened but empty hallway. She also came running out of a room and sat next to be alarmed and looking at me and then back at another room and was extremely resistant about entering it with me to what was going on. There was nothing there… but to her there was and she wasn’t having any part of it.
    We finally figured out we had a full blown possession going and it was attached to me. Finally, the nightmares got so bad and vivid – I had to seek someone who could help. So, I talked with our minister and told him about it. At first he thought it was a joke and didn’t take it seriously. Then one day while visiting us – he heard a loud thump and bang! He asked; “what was that?” we told – That’s what we’re dealing with – everyday. His eye got as big as saucers. This is when I told him that the woman from an old grave site was bothering me and making me sick because she was so unhappy and angry over the way she was buried.
    Apparently she was buried in a coffin too small for her and both of her legs were broken just below the knees and then crammed into the too short cheap wooden coffin. She wanted help. I told her repeatedly I could not help her…
    Two days later he brought another Minister and a group who in prayer told the “woman” to go away and return to her grave. It was a Banishment and a blessing of the house and us.
    It went away and never returned. Poor tormented soul. Now, I refuse to go into any cemetery for any reason. When I die – I’m going to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled into Lake Michigan and then I want my family to have a big party and celebrate as if it national holiday. Don’t morn me.

  • Reply to: 7.2 million-Year-Old Pre-Human Fossil A Challenge to Out of Africa?   7 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: El Del

    Religion has nothing to do with it.

  • Reply to: Historians Draw Closer to the Tomb of the Legendary King Arthur   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Mike McCloud

    Hi Jack, Your observation on the lack of Cornish,(or even Welsh for that matter), history has me wondering if the lack of research is the animosity, or indifference to Britain's history if it doesn't involve 'English' matters? We have a like problem here in the USA; because the Smithsonian appointed John Wesley Powell as Director of all things archaeological & historical, the 'Smith' declared 'there is no history before European discoveries', so evidently, our indigenous tribal folk ( Indians), appeared, as if by magic---somehow. We're catching up with reality, naturally, but it shouldn't have been with the Smith's animosity to open research in archaeology, or any other field they deem as 'Anti-Establishmentarianism'. Wonder what your views might be in this aspect? Thanks for you Comment & site reference, Mike

  • Reply to: The First Genome Data from Ancient Egyptian Mummies: Ancient Egyptians Were Most Closely Related to Ancient Populations from the Near East   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: imbs author

    i don't think anyone except for academics pushing pseudoscience are shocked by these findings. i had a college professor who tried to convince his class that all of ancient egyptians were sub-saharan africans. total PC garbage. they were cousins of the same group of anatolians and phoecisns and minoans, etc. it's common sense.

  • Reply to: The true meaning of Paganism   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: jesus banuelos

    to study and read

  • Reply to: Practical Magic: The Secret Teachings of the Book of Raziel the Angel   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Salilou

    Magnificent view

  • Reply to: More Than A Game: The True History Of Ouija Boards   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: MichaelD

    I assume that you will understand that when you make a comment like " Interestingly, though this practice did prove the falseness of the spiritual claims, experiments revealed it was caused by the aforementioned accidental movements or muscular twitches by the participants." you are making a claim exactly parallel to saying "experiments did prove the falseness of medical research".

  • Reply to: Is the Universe Only 6,000 years old? Young Earth Creationists Say Yes!   7 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: William Bradshaw

    Most people either believe in creation or evolution but not both. I am the first person in the world to prove that BOTH creation and evolution are correct. Remember that God, in Sanskrit, means “one to whom you pay tribute”. The God from the Bible is only a tetraploid human, a giant. Their cranial capacity is almost twice that of us  normal diploid humans. They are an advanced race of humans that have been around for about 12,000 years and we share a common ancestor. My book explains EVERYTHING using science. 

    Creation of humans (only some) occurred around 7,800 years ago in a breeding project by the tetraploid humans. Many humans are actually genetically modified such that a more sedate breed would take over the planet. This is so that the tetraploid humans could control us more easily without fear of being overwhelmed by violent humans. The existence of RH- humans is PROOF that some humans are genetically modified. Those are the ones that have divine right to rule while they created other lower status humans as well.

    These Hidden Ones or Serpent People (just the name of their clan) want us to be like bonobos rather than chimpanzees. They created humans as well as many other plant species by increasing the ploidy level (e.g. wheat, sequoia trees) and thus they consider themselves the CREATOR. They are known liars as evidenced by the Sumerian Kings List and their refusal to tell us the truth. Their plan is secret and their agenda is the eventual enslavement and/or eradication of mankind.

    The TETRAPLOID HUMANS wrote the Bible and they occupied the roles of God, Satan and Lucifer. They were the angels and demons of old. All of the PROOF is in my book, Secrets of the Pink Kush.

  • Reply to: Is the Universe Only 6,000 years old? Young Earth Creationists Say Yes!   7 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: marilynn

    I don't know what Bible you read but the sun, the moon, the stars, were created on the 4th day. The 2nd day God divided the waters and made the firmament,. Nice try though.

  • Reply to: An Ancient Australian Connection to India?   7 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Brian White

    Max Planck Institute has confirmed that approximately 4300 years ago there was a major injection of Indian DNA into the aboriginal genome.

    This article is on the money. Only male DNA has been confirmed, the matriarchal line goes back unbroken over 50,000 years.

  • Reply to: Is the Universe Only 6,000 years old? Young Earth Creationists Say Yes!   7 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Jagganatha

    God's time is the best time, as a Bach cantata, one of the best, says. There are among us theoretical physicists who hold the Buddhist beliefs that ultimately Maya, or illusion, not only governs all of our own actions, but that its activities extend to both historical time and physical time and distance, but nobody sane has ever suggested they are certain about the age of anything at all, beyond that which can be measured in our own historically documented period, attested to by film and by photographs, that are in fact the only visual evidence that we have that events occurred at all.

    Once the humans extant during the Nazi epoch are all dead, we shall only have film and photography as proof that either the Holocaust or World War II itself ever happened, and that is why the camera is the single most important human invention, as it provides evidence words and unreliable dating systems cannot.

    However there is in fact in the Mind of God itself an exact record of the totality of everything that has ever occurred within our Deity's jurisdiction, but it is very seldom revealed to anyone at all.

    There have been visionaries who have experienced life in Christ's time, and in other periods, But as have yet to see the Creators home movies ourselves, we have no idea, and cannot, and should not even begin to guess the age of anything older than we are, as we have each of us in fact only our parent's word for it that we are the age claimed for us now, and in many societies even this first record of our own beginnings is a mystery, because nobody filmed it or wrote anything down, or kept hospital records. If you were not born in a hospital, or if you were and its records are lost or destroyed, only oral tradition records your birth, and those who experienced it, once dead take even that tiny fact (which is completely irrelevant to you as a person anyway, with them.

    Any form of speculation about the age of the earth or the cosmos is as irrelevant. It does not matter, won't make you happier, and cannot solve mankind's and the environments problems.

    Its not even an arcane form of theology: but it is burying your heads in the sand(s of Time!)

  • Reply to: Did the Ancient Egyptians know the Distance between the Inner Planets?   7 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Don Barone

    I am a little sorry that an article as inaccurate as this is allowed to be published. I have spent almost 20 years studying Giza with a view to the solar system and Dave Carr's work is simply so inaccurate as to be labelled wrong. Here is an example. after this analysis I stopped as it was obviously not working. Top is what we need to make his theory work, second row is actual measurements ... Here is a diagram ...

    Don Barone
