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Gregor Spörri has provided information about his findings in Egypt. To this date, no further evidence of a connection to a past race of giants has been linked to The Relic of Bir Hooker. Source:  © by Gregor Spörri, Switzerland

The Relic of Bir Hooker & The Giants of the Past - Part 2

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Ancient Origins Part 1 of the relic of Bir Hooker outlined the true account of Swiss club owner Gregor Spörri and his encounter with an elderly farmer in Egypt, Nagib, a descendant of an ancient family of grave robbers. Nagib showed Spörri a relic that had passed down through his family – a wooden box containing a mummified finger that measured 35 centimeters (13.77 in) in length, along with documents proving its authenticity, including x-rays carried out on the artifact in the 1960s. 

The Unsellable Relic of Bir Hooker and Giant Mythologies

Nagib refused to tell Spörri where the finger was found but made allusions to a hidden room in the basement of the Great Pyramid where huge, empty graves are located. Nagib made it clear that the relic was not for sale as it was too important for Nagib's family. Before he returned to his hotel, Spörri took a number of photos where he put a banknote next to the finger in order to indicate the size.

Photo of the mummified finger with measurements, (Courtesy of ©Gregor Sporri).

Photo of the mummified finger with measurements, (Courtesy of ©Gregor Sporri).

On the way back to Cairo, Spörri realized that what he had seen was very special.  In the years following his viewing of the giant mummified finger, Spörri did not speak much about what he had seen. The times when he did speak about it showed him that scientists were not interested in it, simply because it did not fit in with their existing theories. So instead Spörri embarked on intensive research into the possibility of the existence of giants in ancient times.

He studied sacred texts like the Bible (the Gospel of Judas), the Torah (Talmud), the Koran, and many other writings containing tales and mythologies. He was surprised to discover that there are in fact frequent references to giants.

The Bible speaks about Nephilim (the Hebrew word for giant but also for fallen), a race of giants created by the mixing of the sons of Gods and the daughters of men. Researchers and historians have presented different theories to explain what these Nephilim really were, ranging from fallen angels (unfaithful to their origins), the descendants of Seth (the third son of Adam and Eve), or a product of extraterrestrials interbreeding with humans.

Genesis 6:4

Even after the flood you can find reports of giants, this could be because the Nephilim were spiritual beings and therefore were not bothered by the flood, unlike their earthly offspring. The Israelites came across these giants when they explored their promised land.

“In those days - and also afterwards - there lived  giants on the earth, because the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of men and they bore sons to their community. They were the famous tyrants of old time.”

The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Hieronymus Bosch, based on Genesis 6:1–4 (Public Domain)

The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Hieronymus Bosch, based on Genesis 6:1–4 (Public Domain)

Numbers 13:33

“We also saw the  giants there, Anakim, which come of the giants, and we were like grasshoppers in our own eyes and in their eyes.”

In the writings of Enoch and Moses we can also read about giants. In 79 AD Flavius ​​Josephus mentioned giants in his writings about the Jewish war:

“There were giants. Much larger and shaped differently than normal people. Terrible to see. Anyone who has not seen it with his or her own eyes cannot believe they were so big.”

Through the ages, writings in which giants play a role have resurfaced time and again:

The Anakim have been identified with the Nephilim, the giants of the antediluvian age. (Image provided by author)

The Anakim have been identified with the Nephilim, the giants of the antediluvian age. (Image provided by author)

Ancient Artifacts and Anomalies

Delving into historical records and mythologies, the pervasive theme of giants emerges. Scattered fragments of evidence and ancient accounts beckon us to consider the existence of giants—colossal beings have left an indelible mark across diverse cultures.

  • Pausanias, an ancient historian wrote in 200 AD about 5 meter (16.40ft) tall, humanoid skeletons found in modern Syria;
  • The Greek mythology known as the Titans;
  • Germanic mythology has numerous giants, living in Riesenheim;
  • Don Antonio de Mendoza discovered giant skeletons in Peru;
  • The Dutch navigator Willem Cornelisz Schouten claims he had seen skeletons of at least 3.5 meters (11.48ft);
  • Giants are depicted on rock drawings in Ohio;
  • There was a huge skeleton found in Minnesota in 1968. Radiocarbon dating could not continue because the skeleton vanished during its transportation;
  • The Annunaki are a race referred to in the Sumerian texts that apparently landed on earth in the area between the Euphrates and the Tigris. They passed their knowledge to the Sumerians, an early civilization with very advanced culture. The Sumerians depicted humanoids of at least 3 times as large as the average person in their art and carvings.
  • Statues in Egypt depict ‘gods’ as tall beings. Historians will tell you that this is to indicate that they were important, but it is also possible that they were representing their actual height. Often there is a man of normal height to create a context.
  • giant footprint embedded in granite that is around 200 million years old has been found in South Africa, near the town of Mpaluzi.

The references are actually too many to enumerate as there are many more.

Unanswered Questions: Spörri's Encounter Sparks Contemplation on Human Origins

After several years of intensive research, Spörri sold his successful chain of companies in 2008 to concentrate on solving the problem of the giants.

A radiograph of the left hand showing Macrodystrophia. (Dillman, J.R., Strouse, P.J. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa/Pediatr Radiol 40, 372 (2010))

A radiograph of the left hand showing Macrodystrophia. (Dillman, J.R., Strouse, P.J. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa/Pediatr Radiol 40, 372 (2010))

Scientists have studied the pictures but were not able to draw any conclusion on the basis of images alone. They did however confirm that the mummified finger appeared authentic but rejected the possibility of a past race of giants. They investigated the possibility of whether the finger may be related to makrodactylie (or Proteus syndrome or gigantism). This condition involves the excessive growth of the toes or fingers of the patient.  This theory was subsequently discounted as the relic has normal proportions of thickness and size of the nail in relation to the length of the finger. In Makrodactylie this ratio is absent and the bone will be longer than normal.

Spörri traveled to Egypt again in 2009 to actively search for the relic. In 19 years, however, much had changed, roads had been constructed, the nation has experienced significant civil unrest, and Nagib, an elderly man in 1988, was most likely now deceased.  To date, the search has yielded no results and it seems like the relic, as well as its custodians have vanished. Nevertheless, Spörri’s encounter with the ancient mummified finger raises important questions about our past and our origins. Perhaps as new evidence emerges, there will one day be proof for an ancient race of giants that walked the Earth.

Spörri continues his investigation and has written a book in which the relic plays an important role. While his experience was a real one, the book has been written as a mystery-thriller, freely moving between reality and fiction. "The Lost God". For more information and updates:

You can read Part 1 here.

Top image: Gregor Spörri has provided information about his findings in Egypt. To this date, no further evidence of a connection to a past race of giants has been linked to The Relic of Bir Hooker. Source:  © by Gregor Spörri, Switzerland

By Annemieke Witteveen



The Smithsonian would say it was a mammoth bone and then make it disappear.

lets get one thing straight...a 7 or 8 feet giant is not the same as a 35 feet giant..7 or 8 feet people are alive now.and not weird at all ...stop saying these examples are the same...the mystery lies in the 35 feet giant referenced in old text. Is it possible? who knows not enough proof has been presented to make it a fact.. it is interesting though...Because there has been found enough proof to make it thought provoking.

Relics like this usually are faked to make money from people. And yes they can easily be faked , and appear real where and when you want to believe they are genuine. I seem to remember that the Piltdown Man was held to be genuine by science for many years....and was far more dificult to fake, but we have to remember just how very skilled egyptian craftsmen have been these past few millenia!

This finger was not ever delivered to the Cairo Museum for examination, when its owner certainly would have taken it there himself at some point, and the argument that without it the family would lose a means of income hardly stands up, if all you are going to do is show it to a single solitary tourist once in a blue moon now, does it. Plus you needs must pay thoose who tip off searchers and make the arrangements, and is there anybody else coming forward with the same story? NO. so that's that then

Me, I'm not too sceptical, and I fail to understand how it is that the masses of photos of giants from Israel, captioned usually in Hebrew, that litter you tube are not under discussion here!

A very readable and absorbing article. One small point - the Nephilim were cited as 'the Sons of God' in the Old Testament who mated with human females to produce offspring. These children were the giants referred to here, and they were actually known as the Naphidem, according to Hebrew scholars. They had to be 'removed from the earth' because they caused so much havoc and carnage. The Nephilim seemed to have been regarded as beautiful, advanced beings with supernatural qualities, according to a number of apocryphal sources, whereas the Naphidem were described as 'monsters'.

I find the subject of giants very interesting, but I decided some time back that the notion that the Smithsonian was hoarding & hiding large numbers of ‘giant’ skeletons was really not a serious concept. If that is not happening there would be a skeleton or 2 in a museum somewhere by now, since the numbers of reported supposed giant ‘discoveries’ seem to be escalating, and there are far too many for the fact to be hidden !  I know that ‘giantism’ happens, but that is a known disease, not a different species.  


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Annemieke Witteveen

Annemieke Witteveen

Annemieke Witteveen (1966) is a teacher at a primary school in the Netherlands.

12 years ago she came into contact with the phenomenon of crop circles. The shapes in the landscape moved her deeply and she knew that... Read More

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