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Pyramids - Giza

Did the Ancient Egyptians know the Distance between the Inner Planets?

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Over the centuries researchers have wondered what the significance is to the layout of the Pyramids at Giza. Could they mimic the stars above or possibly hold a secret code hidden within their design? Many believe the three pyramids, one which is smaller and off center from the angle of the other two, is an image of the belt from the constellation Orion. When comparing the layout of the three main pyramids to the night’s sky it becomes obvious the three stars that make up the belt of Orion are almost identical. It seems even more plausible to think this after observing the evidence the Egyptians left behind to prove they were keen observers of the night’s sky. With the advanced knowledge and careful planning it would take to build the pyramids it seems obvious the layout must have been an important part of the design. Could there be more than one reason to build these great monuments in their precise locations? Maybe they do mirror the night’s sky but could there also be other meanings locked within their design?

If the Egyptians had the capability to preplan and layout the Pyramids at Giza it seems they could apply the same mathematical knowledge to astronomy as well. Astronomers today have simple equations using the alignment of any planet to the background stars, over a six month period, to find the planet’s distance. It seems with their advanced skills in mathematics and astronomy it’s possible the ancient Egyptians could have possessed this type of knowledge.

Pyramids of Giza

Figure 1

After researching the solar system and the distance of the inner planets from the Sun a similarity to the pyramid layout was observed. Using Venus as a center reference point of the inner planets and finding the distance from the Sun to Venus than Venus to Mars there is a little extra distance between Venus and Mars. Using the measurements in figure 4, which is scaled to feet and inches, the difference in the distance is 51ft between the Sun and Venus and 57ft between Venus and Mars. This small difference was the first observation when comparing to the distance between the pyramids. In figure 1 when facing the entire complex towards the west, with the sunrise to your back and using the great pyramid as a marker for the Sun, the distance between the Sun to Venus than Venus to Mars can be observed by using lines as a reference also seen in figure 3.

Pyramids of Giza

Figure 2

By using Venus as a center reference point and facing the complex towards the north the distance between Mercury to Venus than Venus to Earth can be observed in figure 2. The two distances here are noticeably different compared to the first.

Pyramids of Gize

Figure 3

The offset design can be observed when the tip of each pyramid is used as a reference guide for a grid pattern. When facing west the Pyramids are further apart. By taking this distance times two it can be used as a scale for the distance between the Sun, Venus and Mars. When facing the Pyramids toward the North they can be used to scale the distance between Mercury, Venus and Mars. Notice the entire layout of the inner solar system is from right to left starting with the position of the Sun while Venus remains in the center.

Solar System Model

Figure 4

Using the scale in figure 4 the average distance between the planets are scaled to feet and inches. By entering 7.874015 inches for the Sun’s body diameter the distances used in this research can be observed from the scale in figure 4. Using the numbers from the scale in figure 4, on graph paper, results in the distance of the inner planets. For example, when rounding the numbers to the nearest foot Mercury would be marked at 27 squares, Venus is 51 squares, Earth is 70 etc. Once all of the positions are located this scale can be used to compare with the distances between the pyramids.

Distance between pyramids and planets

Figure 5

In figure 5 the red lines are the average distance between the inner planets according to the scale in figure 4. The black lines are the distances between the pyramids. Keep in mind, the distance between the Sun, Venus and Mars should be times two the pyramid distance.

These numbers can fluctuate due to each planet slightly changing distance as they orbit the Sun. The distances between the pyramids can be matched exactly according to the location of each planet in its orbit. If the planets have remained in their same orbital distances since the pyramids were built, could these measurements be used to find the exact location of each planet within its orbit? If this is possible can this technique be used to find a date?

With the thought of the pyramids being designed using the measurements of the inner planets, could these distances be a coincidence or did the Egyptians use the same measurements on a smaller scale elsewhere?

The inner planets and the Book of the Dead

Egyptian Book of Dead - Inner planets

Figure 6

In figure 6 using the distances between the pyramids, just as the black lines in figure 5, the pattern was continued vertically as observed in the Greenfield Papyrus from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Where it ends at the Sun the distances of the inner planets is repeated in the opposite direction so that it appears like this; Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Just as the center pyramid is used as a reference point for Venus its position aligns with the center of the bearded figure named Shu. The area where the nude female is located, known as the goddess of the sky Nut, covers the entire inner solar system starting at her head with the Sun’s position and ending at her feet with the position of Mars. Notice the distances in this area is from right to left starting with the Sun. Horizontally the position of Mercury starts at floor level with Mars at the body of Nuit. As mentioned before, the lines may be slightly off due to the planet being in a different orbital position which varies and may be more or less than the average distance.

Egyptian Book of Dead - Inner planets

Figure 7. Image source: King’s Academy

In figure 7 is a scene from the Egyptian Book of the Dead – Judgment in the Other World. Using the offset arms of Osiris and his hands as the center reference point for Venus the grid pattern can be used to separate each part of this scene into smaller sections. Starting from the right the position of the Sun is located in front of the goddess Nephthys and behind Isis. As the pattern repeats in the opposite direction Venus is centered at the scale while the Sun’s position is located where Thoth stands. The horizontal lines of the grid start with Mars at floor level, Venus is at the hands of Osiris and the position of the Sun is located above the head of Osiris.

Egyptian Book of Dead - Inner planets

Figure 8. Image source: Wikimedia

In figure 8 the grid pattern can be observed in this scene from the Book of the Dead – Weighing of the Heart. Using the offset scale as the center reference point for Venus the Sun’s position is located to the right where the God Thoth stands once again. Notice located above Thoth is Ra the Sun God. The horizontal lines start with the position of Mars at floor level, Venus at the center scale and the Sun at ceiling level. Both figures 7 and 8 have the Sun’s position at the ceiling, could this be an indication of the Sun in the sky above. Notice in all three figures 6, 7 and 8 everyone in the entire scene faces the center point where Venus is located. Shu in figure 6 and Osiris in figure 7 are in line with the position of Venus and both face towards Earth and Mars.

Is it possible the Egyptians had the knowledge to calculate the distance of the inner planets? If this was an important part of their system it seems possible they could’ve used its grid pattern to layout their scenes in the Book of the Dead or even the pyramids themselves. But why are the distances for the Sun, Venus and Mars only half of what they should be? Here are a few speculations.

1. In my opinion and as part of my research, by separating the planets into the two groups and having the larger group the Sun, Venus and Mars half its average distance could be an indication that these two groups are on different wavelengths as explained in a previous article The Measurement of Gravitational Waves (please see graphs (e) and (g) to see the difference in wavelengths).

2. Using the scale in figure 4 the distance between Venus and the Sun is around twice the distance as from Venus to Mercury.

3. For the purpose of keeping the pyramids in a tighter formation.

4. A relation to sound waves and octaves which are half the wavelength as they step up in pitch.

It is known that the grand gallery of the great pyramid was built with perfect acoustics. If wavelengths are a factor does this demonstrate that the inner planets settled in their orbital positions because they are “in tune” within their area around the Sun? If this is the case and the ancients are trying to demonstrate that these distances increase in size, is it possible the belt of Orion is on the same grid pattern only on a much larger scale? If this is the case could this grid pattern be used to map out the stars?

Featured image: The pyramids of Egypt. Image source.

By David A. Carr



I am a little sorry that an article as inaccurate as this is allowed to be published. I have spent almost 20 years studying Giza with a view to the solar system and Dave Carr's work is simply so inaccurate as to be labelled wrong. Here is an example. after this analysis I stopped as it was obviously not working. Top is what we need to make his theory work, second row is actual measurements ... Here is a diagram ...

Don Barone

The only heavenly body for which one can get a ballpark estimate of the absolute distance using triangulation from a baseline on the earth's surface and instruments available in ancient times is the moon. The Egyptians and Greeks were aware of the relative distances of the Sun and planets from the Earth, but not the absolute distance. Arab scientists got an estimate of the distance to the moon in the 11th century and Medieval European astronomers assumed that the heavenly bodies were roughly equidistant.

Tsurugi's picture

How do they know how old the comet was?

I ask because while I am open to much older ages of the pyramids, I doubt that limestone would last 28 million years exposed to the elements.

Ancient Egypt is much older than is currently accepted. The recent discovery of a comet than exploded over Egypt 28 million years ago allows us to date some of the pyramids to this date. It also allows us to date the recently discovered underwater pyramid in the Azores to this same extreme age. See my article listed under opinion here on Ancient Origins: "Could the Pyramids be 28 Million Years Old?"(Nov. 2013).

davidcarr's picture

David A. Carr

David A. Carr is an author and independent researcher. He has researched in the fields of lost ancient world science and theory in modern science for the past two decades. He has had several articles published on subjects such as... Read More

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