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Earth’s distance to Mars varies between 55 and 400 million kilometers, but that doesn’t stop it influencing our oceans. (Photo not to scale)	Source: University of Sydney

2.4-Million-Year Connection Between Earth and Mars Found

University of Sydney Geoscientists from Sydney and Sorbonne have embarked on an extraordinary journey, linking the dance of Earth and Mars to the pulsating life of our deep oceans. They have...
Swedish warship. Source: pyty / Adobe Stock.

This Swedish King Built a Warship That Redefined Naval Combat (Video)

In a dramatic departure from the maritime norms of his era, Eric XIV of Sweden unveiled a groundbreaking approach to naval warfare. Traditionally, battles at sea involved grappling and close quarters...
The meteorite that crashed through a car in Benld, Illinois. (GNU Free Documentation License).

The Tiny Meteorite That Crashed Through a Car (Video)

In a small town in Benld, Illinois , an extraordinary event took place on September 29th, 1938. Ed McCain made a fascinating discovery when he found a hole in the seat of his parked Pontiac. Assuming...
The Mars lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, where it sank during a naval battle in 1564. Composite photograph by Tomasz Stachura , Ocean Discovery.

Cursed Shipwreck Yields Treasure and Human Remains (Video)

Deep beneath the dark waters of the Baltic Sea lies a time capsule, a frozen battlefield that has intrigued adventurers for centuries. It is the resting place of the legendary warship, Mars , whose...
Is Bacteria Hiding on Mars? Indestructible Microbe “Conan the Bacterium” Suggests There Is

Is Bacteria Hiding on Mars? Indestructible Microbe “Conan the Bacterium” Suggests There Is

Could there be living bacteria sheltered deep beneath the frozen and desiccated surface of the planet Mars? According to a team of experts, there very well could be. Microbes might have been...
An artist’s recreation of the Gallo-Roman religious complex recently discovered at Rennes, France. Source: © Marie Millet / Inrap

Gallo-Roman Worship Complex Dedicated to Jupiter and Mars Discovered

Last week, French archaeologists found the long-lost remains of a 2,100-year-old Gallo-Roman worship complex in Rennes, Brittany (northwestern France) on a hilltop with sweeping views of the Flume...
Scientists want to reanimate 830-million-year-old microorganisms. Source: Paulista / Adobe Stock

830-Million-Year-Old Microorganisms May Help in the Search for Life on Mars

830-million-year-old organisms have been identified within an ancient salt crystal. Not only might these tiny life forms be reanimated, but the technologies being used to analyze them will help in...
Perseverance Rewarded: NASA Mars Rover Samples Suggest Volcanic Origin

Perseverance Rewarded: NASA Mars Rover Samples Suggest Volcanic Origin

The National Aeronautic Space Association (NASA) launched its ambitious Mars 2020 project in the July of 2020, with the mission aim that stated: “Seek signs of ancient life and collect samples of...
Venus: Eroticized Goddess of Love, Fertility, Agriculture… and Infidelity?

Venus: Eroticized Goddess of Love, Fertility, Agriculture… and Infidelity?

According to Roman mythology, Venus was the goddess most famously associated with love, beauty, and fertility. Less commonly known, however, is that Venus was also worshipped as the goddess of...
Illustration of the NASA Perseverance rover firing up its descent engines as it approaches the surface of planet Mars. Source: JPL-Caltech / NASA

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China , and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars...
This illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Promising Signs For Perseverance Rover’s Quest for Martian Life

New research indicates river delta deposits within Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted habitability and...
Representative image of the comet Atlas in the night sky.      Source: Tryfonov / Adobe stock

Ancient Comet ‘Atlas’ Measures Half the Size of the Sun and it’s Back!

A huge icy space rock, comet ‘Atlas’, is currently in the constellation Ursa Major in the northern sky passing through the orbit of Mars , but it’s on a trajectory with our Sun and it will get...
Roman soldiers and their general by vukkostic (Adobe Stock)

Roman Mars vs Greek Ares as the God of War

In the ancient battle of Thurii in 282 BC, between Rome and the Greek colony of Tarentum, the Romans noticed a youth of extraordinary height marching in front of them and performing miracles of...
Ares, God of war in ancient Greece.

The Power of Ares: Greek God of War, Lust, and Protection

Ares is one of the most popular gods of the Greek pantheon. He is also one of the earliest documented deities, known from the texts much older than the Iliad. This deity is primarily known as a...
Harvest Moon 2014, Coal Harbor, Vancouver.

Footprints on the Moon and Cemeteries on Mars: 50 Years Evidence of Human Activity In Space

There is a lot of documentation about what’s been left on the Moon – but it’s amazing how much we don’t know. There are things that have gone missing, like part of a thermal blanket that got ripped...
Mars Rock similar to rat

The Mars Rat and Other Unexplained Features on the Martian Planet

In September 2012, a photograph snapped by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity caught the attention of Internet sleuths everywhere. This picture appears to show a large rat hiding among some Martian rocks,...
Life on Mars

Most Convincing Evidence Yet that Mars Supported Life

A lot of intriguing evidence has been collected over the years in support of the idea that life once existed on Mars. No definitive proof has been found, in the form of indisputable fossil evidence,...
Mars cataclysm

Evidence of Major Cataclysm on Mars Which Would Have Destroyed any Life

Analysis of data collected by the Mars Curiosity Rover revealed evidence of a past cataclysmic event that would have ended all life on the surface of the red planet. The event could have involved...
Life on Mars

DNA Sequencing Microchip Could Detect Earth-Like Life on Mars

Conditions on Mars are harsh. Its atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide and is 100 times thinner than Earth’s. Temperatures on the surface can plummet to minus-126 degrees Celsius. But the...
Curiosity Rover on Mars looks for water

Water on Mars Provides Hope for Human Habitation

The first sample of dust and soil analysed by NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover in August 2012 was found to contain a substantial amount of water . This discovery provided new hope that a manned mission to...
Earth painted on face. Elements of this image furnished by NASA. Gaia reminds us of our connection with the living Earth.

Gaia: Recognizing Our Role on a Living Earth

In the early 1960s, renowned chemist Dr. James Lovelock was approached by NASA to develop systems and methods that could be used in determining whether or not a planet harbored life. Specifically,...
The discovery of mysterious petroglyphs suggests that a meteor has been observed in ancient times in Morocco.

Ancient Carved Eye-Witness Accounts Show Martian Invaders Attacking the Moroccan Landscape

A team of researchers in Morocco have unearthed rocks carved with what appear to be petroglyphs of meteors crashing through space towards Earth, suggesting ancient Moroccan people might have...
Kidd Mine, which has the world’s oldest pool of water

Kidd Mine Ontario: The World's Oldest Pool of Water

In the depths of the earth there are discoveries being made that are revolutionizing our view of the world and even the nature of life. In a mine in Ontario there is a body of water that is probably...
The Mars lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, where it sank during a naval battle in 1564. Composite photograph by Tomasz Stachura, Ocean Discovery

New Finds at the Well-Preserved Wreck of the Formidable Warship Mars

Mars, which is also known as Makalös (a Swedish word that may be translated as ‘peerless’ or ‘matchless’), was a 16th century warship. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars was one of the largest...
