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Byzantine Empire

Top image: Left; Anglo-Saxon Sword Belt End Ornament, Right; Anglo-Saxon Shoulder Clasp, both from Sutton Hoo Burial, 625-630

New Study Shows 6th Century Anglo-Saxon Mercenaries Fought in the Middle East

A fresh reexamination of artifacts recovered from ancient Anglo-Saxon burials has revealed some startling information about ancient Britain’s involvement in far-off military adventures in the sixth...
15th-century French miniature depicting Part of the Byzantine–Seljuk wars. Source: Public Domain

Unveiling The Bloodiest Medieval Battles You’ve Never Heard Of (Video)

The annals of medieval warfare are replete with epic clashes often overshadowed by their more celebrated counterparts. Among these overlooked conflicts is the Battle of Mohi in 1241 AD, where the...
Left; Byzantine silverware, Right; Medieval silver coins from the study.	Source: Left; Johnbod/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Antiquity Publications Ltd

Medieval England’s Sudden Silver Currency Conversion Solved

After years of speculation, researchers have finally traced the origins of Europe's revolutionary adoption of silver coins in the mid-7th century, uncovering a tale of economic evolution and...
Monument of Prince Yaroslav the Wise holding the cathedral of St. Sophia, at the entrance to the Golden Gate of Kiev, Ukraine. Source: lesniewski/Adobe Stock

Yaroslav the Wise, One of the Noblest Rurikid Monarchs

The early medieval nation of Kievan Rus’ emerged from the early Viking forays into the lands of the Eastern Slavic tribes. It quickly rose as a powerful state that was home to many Finnic, Slavic,...
A Byzantine ship using Greek fire against an enemy ship. Source: Public Domain

Greek Fire Is Every Sailor's Deadly Nightmare (Video)

Investigating the historical narrative of Greek Fire , the ancient Byzantine weapon emerges as a pivotal element during the Arab siege of Constantinople in 678 AD. In a daring counterattack, the...
Catholics and Oriental Christians debating. 	Source: Public Domain

What Caused the Christian Church’s Great Schism? (Video)

The Great Schism, a pivotal event in Christian history during the 11th century, was primarily fueled by profound theological disagreements and longstanding political tensions. At the heart of the...
Abbasid palace in Baghdad, Iraq. Source: pop_gino/Adobe Stock

The End of an Empire - The Fall of the Abbasids (Video)

In the 8th century Middle East, the Abbasid Caliphate rose to power, overseeing an era later hailed as Islam's golden age. However, internal strife marked its decline. Caliph Harun al-Rashid's well-...
Constantine the Great. Source: SVasco / Adobe Stock.

Constantine's Death Threatened to Split the Roman Empire (Video)

Constantine's demise in 337 AD marked a turning point in the Roman Empire's trajectory . After his death, the city of Constantinople, which he had fostered, thrived while Rome, the former capital in...
Inside the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey. Source: Fernikon / Adobe Stock.

Stunning 360° Tour Inside Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia (Video)

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, boasts a captivating history. Originally built as a cathedral in 532 AD during the Byzantine Empire , it reigned as the world's largest cathedral for nearly a...
Miniature in the 14th century Constantine Manasses Chronicle depicting the Bulgars led by Khan Krum pursuing the Byzantines during the Battle of Versinikia in 813. Source: Public domain

The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Bulgars and the First Bulgarian Empire

In the annals of history, the First Bulgarian Empire emerges as a captivating tale of rise, conquest and eventual decline. Founded by Khan Asparuh in the late 7th century, one of the early leaders of...
A Byzantine ship using Greek fire against an enemy ship. Source: Public Domain

A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire

In the shadowy world of ancient warfare, one weapon stood out as a true marvel: Greek fire. In the 7th century AD, the Byzantine Empire harnessed the power of fire with the creation of Greek fire, a...
A ghastly death ossuary in Milan that likely also contains many dead from the Massacre of Milan in 1539 AD during the battles to retake Italy by the Byzantine Empire, which was headquartered in Constantinople.         Source: Francis Malapris / Adobe Stock

Byzantium Suffers Barbarian Wrath in the Massacre of Milan of 539 AD

“Woe to the vanquished!” the old saying goes, and it was often showcased in history. During the devastating Gothic War that raged between 535 and 554 AD on the Italian Peninsula, the venerable city...
The Roman monastery mosaic recently unearthed in Western, Turkey

Historic Roman Monastery and Stunning Mosaic Unearthed in Turkey

Recently, two unidentified men, conducting an illegal excavation, stumbled upon an invaluable piece of history in western Turkey. The robbers had inadvertently unearthed a rare mosaic that was once...
The Empire of Trebizond: Byzantine Offshoot of Great Power and Wealth

The Empire of Trebizond: Byzantine Offshoot of Great Power and Wealth

The fascinating and exotic history of the Empire of Trebizond, which existed between the 13th and 15th centuries AD, is a great story. This empire occupied the southern coast of the Black Sea, and...
Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier

Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier

For all large capital cities in ancient and modern history, protection was one of the major survival strategies. And what historical capital was bigger than legendary Constantinople ? Known as...
The Mausoleum of Theodoric the Great bears testament to the peace between the Romans and Goths of Ravenna during his reign. Source: ermess / Adobe Stock and Public domain.

Theodoric the Great and His Ostrogothic Mausoleum

Theodoric the Great was the king of the Ostrogoths from 475 to 526 AD. Born in 454 AD to the Gothic king Theodemir, Theodoric became the founder of the Ostrogothic dynasty in Italy from 474 AD...
Viking helmets are special and few have been found but the Viking mercenary district warriors of Bathonea would have surely worn them as they fought for and protected the Byzantine emperor.	Source: Helgi Halldórsson from Reykjavík, Iceland / CC BY-SA 2.0

Evidence Of Viking Mercenary District Found Near Istanbul

Archaeologists in Turkey have found what they believe to be a Viking mercenary district near Istanbul . The area dates back to the Middle Ages when Istanbul was known as Constantinople, the capital...
Dušan the Mighty, seen here in a detail of a 14th century fresco at Lesnovo Monastery in the Republic of Macedonia, ousted the Byzantine Empire from power in the region to create the great Serbian Empire which rose in the 1340s to become the leading political and economic power in the Balkans. Source: Public domain.

The Immortal Legacy: Dušan the Mighty and the Birth of the Serbian Empire

The medieval history of Serbia is an inspiring tale filled with great achievements, toil and struggle, and the strife of a small nation and its people as they attempt to rise to independence and...
Calling of the Varangians, part of early Kievan Rus' history                Source: Алексей Кившенко / Public domain

The Kievan Rus’ – When Vikings and Slavs Cooperated to Shape History

The history of the Slavs is a long and ancient tale. Their roots reach far into the past, deep into the oldest beginnings of Europe. These culturally, linguistically, and genetically connected...
Stav Meir, holding the 1,500-year-old Byzantine inscription that he discovered near Caesarea.	Source: Karem Said/ Israel Antiquities Authority

13-year-old Israeli Boy Stumbles Upon Ancient Byzantine Inscription

Many important archaeological finds have been made by accident down the years. In Israel, a lucky boy came across a very important historic artifact while out searching for mushrooms. He found an...
This rural mosque likely served nearby farmers sometime between 600 and 700 AD. (Emil Aladjem / Israel Antiquities Authority)

One of the Oldest Islamic Holy Sites in the World Discovered in Israel

The remains of a 1,200-year-old mosque have been unearthed in Israel’s Negev desert and it’s being celebrated as one of the earliest known mosques in the world. Hidden beneath the sands of Rahat,...
Hagia Sophia built by Emperor Constantine of the Byzantine Empire. Source: feferoni  / Adobe Stock.

A Millennium of Glory: The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire

Late antiquity was one of the most dramatic periods in our history – a turbulent time in which nations and peoples rose and fell, vying for power and territory in a merciless fight for prominence...
Ruins and obelisks at Axum, former capital of the Kingdom of Aksum

The Kingdom of Axum: Facts and Legends of a First Millennium Powerhouse

Located on the Horn of Africa, the ancient Ethiopian kingdom of Axum (also spelled Aksum) played a significant role in international relations around the time of the first millennium. At its height,...
Representation of the Winged Hussars

The Winged Hussars: An Eerie and Flamboyant Cavalry That Devasted Their Enemies

The Winged Hussars (known also as the Polish Hussars) were a type of shock cavalry used by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth . The Winged Hussars were formed during the 16 th century and were used...
