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Graphic shows how the landscape of Antarctica would appear if the ice were lifted away. Source: Stewart Jamieson/Durham University

Lifting the Lid on Antarctica: Ancient Landscape Revealed Beneath Antarctica

Durham University An international research team has unveiled an ancient landscape hidden beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet for over 14 million years. This vast, pristine expanse—spanning 32,000...
Mercator world map Public Domain and Gerardus Mercator of Rupelmonde at the age of 62 by Frans Hogenburg (1574) (Public Domain)

16th-Century Maps Reveal 1800 BC Ice Free Greenland And Antarctica

There is a large body of maps of the Americas which cannot be explained by known explorations. Mercator’s 1569 World Map shows all of Greenland without ice at its coasts. Finaeus’ 1531 World Map...
Antarctic explorer Earnest Shackleton’s long lost Endurance shipwreck, which sank in 1915, has finally been found at a depth of 10,000 feet or 350 meters off the coast of the icy continent. 		Source: Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust / National Geographic / Endurance22

Shackleton’s Famous Antarctic Shipwreck Endurance Is Finally Discovered

Sir Ernest Shackleton's lost Endurance shipwreck has been discovered at the bottom of Antarctica's Weddell Sea. And while this isn’t a discovery from the ancient world, it packs such a historically...
Antarctica (Public Domain) and Figure 7a © William James Veall: a drawn image of the very first portrait the writer discovered on Antarctica; Deriv.

Astonishing Human Heads: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago? – Part I

Accurate geographical and cartographical information concerning the continent of Antarctica has only really been uncovered since AD 1822. However, in direct contradiction, ancient maps reveal...
Found amongst almost 1,500 artifacts conserved from a group of buildings at Cape Adare, this Antarctic fruitcake made by Huntley & Palmers was discovered wrapped in paper within the rusted remains of its original tin. It was probably left behind by Scott’s Terra Nova expedition. Source: Antarctic Heritage Trust

This Fruitcake Is Still Good After a Century in the Antarctic!

A traditional English fruitcake is not what researchers in the Antarctic expected to find inside an explorer’s camp. Having survived over a century of snow, ice and wind on what is regarded as one of...
Professor Charles Hapgood believed strange, unexplained maps were signs of a long-forgotten civilization of ancient sea kings. Source: Freesurf / Adobe Stock

Charles Hapgood and the Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings

Charles H. Hapgood began his book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings , by stating, after studying composite maps at least partially derived from ancient sources, that ancient voyagers traveled from pole...
A side view of the Antarctica fossil of the giant egg. Source: Legendre et al. 2020 / University of Texas

Mystery Solved For Football Sized Antarctica Fossil

Researchers believe that they have deciphered the secrets of a mysterious fossil that was found in Antarctica. They now believe that the Antarctica fossil was a soft egg that belonged to an extinct...
Ancient Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

Ancient Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

In 2016 the World Wide Web was all abuzz with Google Earth images of Antarctica that appear to show pyramids in the icy landscape. The images show what appears to be three pyramids with four sides...
Reconstruction of the West Antarctic Turonian–Santonian temperate rainforest. The painting is based on palaeofloral and environmental information inferred from palynological, geochemical, sedimentological and organic biomarker data obtained from cores 9R and 10R at site PS104_20-2. T            Source: Alfred-Wegener-Institut/J. McKay / CC BY 4.0

Traces of Rainforest in Antarctica Point to a Warmer Prehistoric World

Researchers have found evidence of rainforests near the South Pole 90 million years ago, suggesting the climate was exceptionally warm at the time. A team from the UK and Germany discovered forest...
Does the Buache Map show Antarctica without ice?

The Buache Map: A Controversial Map That Shows Antarctica Without Ice

The Buache Map is an 18th century map commonly claimed to accurately depict the continent of Antarctica before it was buried by ice. By extension, it has been claimed that this map is evidence that...
Ancient Mariners: Transoceanic Voyages Before the Europeans

Ancient Mariners: Transoceanic Voyages Before the Europeans

The idea that humans have been completing transoceanic voyages - traveling the earth via our oceans - before Europeans set sail is, in many people's eyes, an accepted conclusion. Yet it is still...
Piri Reis Map

Piri Reis Map - How Could a 16th Century Map Show Antarctica Without Ice?

On October 9, 1929, a German theologian named Gustav Adolf Deissmann was cataloguing items in the Topkapi Palace library in Istanbul when he happened across a curious parchment located among some...
An illustration shows the approximate height of a giant penguin next to a woman. Source: Canterbury Museum

Huge Penguins Added to the List of New Zealand’s Extinct Species

A new species of giant penguin - about 1.6 meters (5.25 ft.) tall - has been identified from fossils found in Waipara, North Canterbury. The discovery of Crossvallia waiparensis , a monster penguin...
Neutrino concept art

Unidentified High-Energy Particles Detected Passing through the Antarctic Ice

The IceCube Observatory carries the distinction of being the most remote astronomical facility on Earth. Anchored deeply in the ice of Antarctica, in the very definition of the middle of nowhere, the...
Chinese space exploration

China Joins the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life

­­ For many years, space exploration seemed to be largely an American obsession. NASA was the only space agency on the planet with ambitious plans and the consistent financing to carry them out. But...
Antarctica’s new Map

Antarctica’s Hidden Mountains Revealed

Antarctica has been covered with ice for thousands of years, and only recently have we been able to fully identify its underlying features. Scientists have turned the spotlight on the topography of...
World Map in a Double Hemisphere Piri Reis  (circa 1467 – circa 1554 ) Walters Art Museum

Shifting Earth Crusts: Does the Ancient Piri Reis Map Pinpoint Atlantis?

A master’s degree post graduate from Harvard University, Charles Hapgood served on what would eventually become the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and was a liaison officer between the White House...
Coast of Antarctica with centuries-old thicknesses off glaciers (sichkarenko_com / Adobe Stock)

Tiny Animals Discovered in Lost Lake Beneath 3500 Feet of Ice in Antarctica

Scientists drilling into Mercer Lake, a Subglacial Antarctic lake locked beneath 3500 feet (one kilometer) of ice have discovered the ancient carcasses of tiny animals including “water bears,” in a...
Journey to remote Antarctica aboard the Sea Adventurer.

Antarctica's Ancient Origins Update – Part Two: Did Early Voyagers Leave Evidence?

Read Part 1 Tracing a Possible Route for the Voyagers Sailing southwards along the eastern seaboards of Australia and Tasmania, the voyagers would round the east coast of Antarctica and, initially,...
Craggy mountain landscape in Antarctica (Public Domain). Insert: Hominin image Figure 2(a). (Author provided)

Antarctica's Origins Update – Part One: Deglaciation Reveals More Amazing Secrets

Rapidly gaining all the elements to create a truly groundbreaking and newsworthy discovery, Guest Author, Satellite Archaeologist, and pioneering Independent Researcher, William James Veall, is...
Fossil found in the Antarctic.

Scientists Find 280-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Forest…in Antarctica

A team of geologists have discovered remnants of a 280-million-year-old fossil forest in Antarctica. They suggest that the trees of the forest survived through periodic extremes of total darkness and...
Plate 1: Australian eastern seaboard (Google Earth), Statue of Garuda (Hyougushi / Hideyuki KAMON from National Museum in Delhi, India/CC BY-SA 2.0) and Tamil inscriptions, Tamil Nadu. (Shivz Photography/CC BY 2.0) Deriv.

History’s Lost Transoceanic Voyages: Tamils and Sumerians Among the FIRST to Reach Australia and Antarctica?— PART II

Regarding interesting inscriptions and shapes found by satellite archaeology, revealing what might be ancient human occupation on the continent of Antarctica, author William James Veall writes that...
Plate 1: Australian eastern seaboard (Google Earth), statue of a Sumerian woman c. 2400 BC

Tamils and Sumerians Among the FIRST to Reach Australia and Antarctica? PART I

Guest Author, Satellite Archaeologist, and Independent Researcher, William James Veall updates his recently published article on "Antarctica Writings" on Ancient Origins , to include an alternative...
Antarctica (Public Domain) and Figure 6 © William James Veall: a drawn pattern of rocks seemingly set in the form of an ancient legend embedded into the seashore; Deriv.

A Message on the Shore: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago? – Part II

Reading the history of Antarctica, references clearly state that there was never any indigenous flora and fauna of any kind present on the continent because the land mass had been completely covered...
