Antarctica's Ancient Origins Update – Part Two: Did Early Voyagers Leave Evidence?
Tracing a Possible Route for the Voyagers
Sailing southwards along the eastern seaboards of Australia and Tasmania, the voyagers would round the east coast of Antarctica and, initially, enter the continent via the Ross Sea anchorage. However, the map below shows Marambio and Nelson Islands lie on the Antarctic Peninsula directly opposite the Ross Sea region.
Marambio and Nelson Islands lie on the Antarctic Peninsula directly opposite the Ross Sea region. (Author provided)
It is a matter of conjecture as to which route voyagers may have taken to reach the Antarctic Peninsula. I have made a preliminary satellite traverse along the western seaboard going clockwise from the Ross Sea to the Antarctica Peninsula, but I could find no deglaciated areas that might indicate use in the past as a safe landing site.
There are, however, deglaciated patches along the northern coastline of Antarctica which show evidence of external interference. Arriving at Marambio Island and rounding the Antarctica Peninsular to Nelson Island there is ample evidence of human occupation with portraiture and inscriptive material. (To be expanded in a later update)
As I have already pointed out in my original article, migratory influx could also have reached the Antarctica Peninsular via a landbridge from Cape Hope, Patagonia - as well as the trans-oceanic path taken by the Tamils and Sumerians plying the southern Australian - northern Antarctica coastal route to the Antarctica Peninsula.
- Astonishing Human Heads: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago? – Part I
- A Message on the Shore: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago? – Part II
"Message on the Shore"
For a moment, let's return to the "Message on the Shore". Of all the inscriptive material I have uncovered across the Ross Sea region and the Marambio and Nelson Islands; the Ross Sea message is the only example of a 'sticks and stones' form of (Sumerian) writing. All the other examples of inscriptive material are inland and fall into the type of linear Sumerian (after Winters) depicted in the original Part 1 / Part 2, Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Why is this so ? Perhaps because the simplistic ' line and dot' characters of the 'message on the shore' , translated by Dr. Winters, were created this way and could be preserved for posterity by rocks dug deep into the littoral moraine.
Provenance of the human head portraits cannot be truly tested until a transliteration of the closely associated inscriptive material and symbolic art has been made; but any transliteration primarily depends on knowing the language spoken and if its validity can be tested against any known comparisons (after Winters).
Hot News
I always enjoy writing 'Hot News' for A/O Readers. I search my files each time for something a little out of the ordinary, but still relevant within the main topic of the day; in this case from one of my very favorite regions of Antarctica - Marambio Island.
Of the two satellite photographs below, Figure 7(a) depicts what appears to be the broken away half-section of a boat, whilst Figure 7(b) seems to resemble a prow emerging from a partially deglaciated ice-flow. I am not suggesting the two parts belong to the same artifact, although it is tempting due to their close proximity.
Left to Right: Figure 7(a), Figure 7(b), Fig 7(b) highlighted. (Author provided)
There is not a lot I can say about Figure 7(a) except the boat's timbers appear in a good state of preservation and I believe it is the stern (rear) section because a steering paddle is shown in the expected position. Also, evident on the starboard side of the hull, a few feet inboard of the stern, a paddle, or oar, is shown, perhaps, set in a 'tacking' position. The boat does not appear to carry any identification characters or symbols.
Let's not be misled; this could be a 'modern' local fishing boat entrapped in a small estuary by glaciation and then partly released in the current phase of deglaciation. The boat is 420 meters (345 yards) inshore and lies exactly at sea level, zero meters. (Google Earth)
- Scientists Find 280-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Forest…in Antarctica
- The Buache Map: A Controversial Map That Shows Antarctica Without Ice
The stern section measures approx. 42 x 15 meters (138 x 49 feet) (Google Earth). Bear in mind, measurements estimated from satellite pictures are not necessarily exact 'on the ground' measurements which could be much less in reality.
The prow section, Figure 7(b), is fascinating to say the least. The prow is carved with a large, rather pointy streamlined human figurehead suggestive of speed, power and endurance. Ancestral clan motifs of this design are found on canoe prow heads of Papua New Guinea, for example.
Canoe prow, splash board (rajim) and end panel (tabuya), Papua New Guinea, Massim region, probably Trobriand Islands, wood carved in relief, Honolulu Museum of Art. (CC0)
The nose is inscribed with a white band. If by chance this is a ‘Kula Ring’, then almost for sure this is a trading boat from the New Guinea archipelago? (after Prog and Bates). Inscribed on the forehead are two familiar characters, a circle and a cross in a square, each can be found in the Tables of Part 1.
Incredibly, the boat appears to be fitted with a 'modern' keel fin just aft of the prow extension on the starboard side. The total protruding section taken along the exposed keel line measures approx. 33 meters (108 feet) in length - indicative of a very long boat indeed. (Google Earth measurements)
Remote satellite imagery cannot readily identify if either, or both, 'boats' are fossilized or well preserved wooden artifacts. An on-site forensic examination followed by laboratory tests would certainly confirm this and establish an age and possible source of the raw materials. Likewise, identification of the construction technique and any symbolic markings could also help solicit a provenance. Fossilization does not necessarily take millions of years, it need only be a few thousand years. Dependent on the artifact's location, mineralization can be relatively fast or very slow. By the same token, well-preserved wooden artifacts might exhibit near identical ages to fossilized artifacts.
Remains of a ship on Half Moon Island, Antarctica. (Christopher Michel/CC BY 2.0) Journey to remote Antarctica aboard the Sea Adventurer.
One of the basic keys to the whole Antarctica mystery would seem to lie in the epigraphy and its chronological relationship with the large number of multi-racial human heads. This raises a number of important questions:
Firstly, why are the prehistoric hominin images discovered on Antarctica closely associated with inscriptive material?
Secondly, I have found no sign of cuneiform or the proto-Sumerian script amongst either my Andean or the extensive Antarctican epigraphy I have exposed. (see Tables 1 - 4, Parts 1 and 2 of the topic article).
Thirdly, most signs are of the same genre. So, had the Sumerians invented, or acquired from other Semitic speaking Peoples in South America, a more flexible system of writing to replace the rather cumbersome proto-Sumerian ,as engraved on the Pokotia Monument and the Fuenta Magna Bowl?
- Tamils and Sumerians Among the FIRST to Reach Australia and Antarctica? PART I
- History’s Lost Transoceanic Voyages: Tamils and Sumerians Among the FIRST to Reach Australia and Antarctica?— PART II
The Fuente Magna bowl and Pokotia monolith. (Dr. Clyde Winters)
Dr. Clyde Winters affirms that decoration on the mantas (robes) of Inca Priest-Kings, and also woven into their elaborate textiles, is a form of syllabic 'linear Sumerian' which he has been able to translate; thus confirming the Incas had, at some stage, acquired a system of writing but later abandoned it in favor of the Quipu. (See Dr C. Winters, Ancient Scripts in South America).
Depiction of Manco Cápac by Felipe Huaman Poma de Ayala and detail of the symbols on his clothing. ( Public Domain )
The historical record confirms that writing was widespread throughout South America many centuries before the Inca Kingdom came into being. From my own perspective, the satellite photograph, page 94 of "Portraits of the Gods" shows, what I believe, is the largest area of rock-cut Semitic writing found anywhere in Peru - or maybe even South America itself. (See Plate 8 below, area marked Scriptorium)
Schematic map of the Semitic peoples "New World Kingdom" extracted from "Portraits of the Gods" by William J Veall.
Notice how closely the "New World Kingdom" borders the "Tin Land of the West". One wonders if the two regions were, in fact, one unified region representing the Sumerian's Kuga Ki, the "Sunset Land of ancient Peru-Bolivia.”
I have included the schematic diagram from "Portraits of the Gods" because the "New World Kingdom'" in Peru has the same imagery and inscriptive material as present on the Continent of Antarctica.
Authors note: Location co-ordinates are not included within the text, photographs, or diagrams for obvious reasons - but may be supplied on request to recognized official bodies. Official Certificates of Permission must be granted before conducting ANY form of on-site research on Antarctica.
Space archaeologist and independent researcher, William James Veall is Director of Nascodex and Consultant to Nascodex Publications , and author of Portraits of the Gods .
Top Image: Journey to remote Antarctica aboard the Sea Adventurer. Source: Christopher Michel/CC BY 2.0
BROTHWELL D. Digging Up Bones. Oxford University Press. UK 1981
CLARKE G. World Prehistory. Cambridge University Press. UK 1977
PARCAK S. Satellite Remote Sensing for Archaeologists. Routledge UK 2009
REDMAN,C. Rise of Civilisation. (The Near East) W.H. Freeman. USA 1978
UCKO P.J. Form in Indigenous Art (Edited by) Duckworth, London UK 1977
VEALL. WJ. Portraits of the Gods. Nascodex Publications. Catalunya. 2016
WINTERS C. Ancient Scripts in South America.
WINTERS C. Archaeological Decipherment of Ancient Writing Systems. 1532967368
LOUISE, Dr R. 27 Oct 2013
MOORE. M.K. Please support Marcia's exciting new venture on MarciaKMooreProposal.pdf
Note: "Portraits of the Gods can be purchased direct from iTunes:
ha... presenting 'sir mark' of cain
Mark of Cain
Inca anagram