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Hundreds of people report cryptid sightings like Bigfoot every year. Will definitive proof ever be found?           Source: Dave / Adobe Stock

7 Monstrously Famous Cryptids We’re Still Looking For

A cryptid is a type of animal that some people believe to be real, despite the fact that its existence is disputed or “unproven”. Sometimes these are animals that science believes to be extinct, but...

50 Years of Scientific Evidence for the Existence of Bigfoot

This is certain to be a very controversial topic, but I’ve been meticulously researching and investigating the Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti phenomenon since 1971, when I first read Ivan T. Sanderson’s...
This stone cairn and flag marker sits on the very location of the Dyatlov Pass incident tent spot where in 1959 nine experienced hikers died under mysterious circumstances.         Source: irinabal18 / Adobe Stock

The Dyatlov Pass Incident: A Tragic Mystery With Lots of Loose Ends

The Dyatlov Pass incident is one of the most enduring mysteries of the twentieth century. In 1959, nine young explorers perished in Siberia’ s northern Ural Mountains. Ink has been spilt, books...
Artist’s reconstruction of a savannah in Middle Pleistocene Southeast Asia. In the foreground Homo erectus, stegodon, hyenas, and Asian rhinos are depicted. Water buffalo can be seen at the edge of a riparian forest in the background. Source: Peter Schouten / Nature

Nature Killed Off Megafauna, And It Could Happen Again

The giant beasts and ancient megafauna that roamed Southeast Asia 100,000 years ago died because of climate change. A team of scientists from Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, has published...
The wild man has many names throughout the legends of the ancient world. Source: warpaintcobra/ Adobe Stock.

Wild Men of the Ancient World: Legends Across the Globe Tell of a Humanoid Beast – Are They Real?

Man-like beasts appear in myths and legends of cultures around the globe. The best known ‘wild man’ phenomena of today is the Sasquatch or Big Foot of North America, but there are other legends such...
Representation of a yeti and the Indian army photo of Yeti footprints

Indian Army Claims of ‘Yeti’ Footprints Causes Social Media Frenzy

A tweet from the Indian army has unleashed a storm of controversy on social media. It claimed on the microblogging site that an Indian military expedition found footprints that belong to the fabled...
Magical Mythology of Winter

The Mythology of Winter: 7 Supernatural Beliefs and Magical Rituals From Around the World

According to ancient folklore, some supernatural beings can only manifest when it is cold. Others use the cold to their advantage in order to achieve a certain result. When spirits appear, they...
Concordia, the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods

Seeking the Yeti in the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods

Between China and Russia and the Indian subcontinent lies a formidable mountain complex, sculptured by Asia’s six major mountain systems. Nowhere else on earth will one find such a treacherous and...
Artistic representation of bigfoot.

The Oldest Bigfoot Photo: A Cryptozoology Conspiracy?

There is an astonishing photo from Canada taken in 1894 which would seem to be the oldest known photograph of bigfoot. The photo had originally been sent to Tom Biscardi by Lyle Billett of Victoria,...
Depiction of Yeti shadow from wall of the mountain of the roller coaster Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Rigorous Genetic Analysis Proves the Yeti is Not an Unknown Species

According to folklore of Nepal, the “Yeti,” also known as the “Abominable Snowman,” is an ape-like entity, taller than the average human, that is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan...

The Common Western Depiction of the Yeti is Wrong

In the folklore of Nepal, the Yeti is an ape-like being that is taller than a human. It is said to live in the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. The people of that region use the names...
Artist Illustration of a Yeti.

Am Fear Liath Mor: The Terrifying Grey Man of the Cairngorms

Am Fear Liath Mor, known also as the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui, or simply as the Greyman, is the name given to a creature said to live on Ben MacDhui, the second highest mountain, which is situated...
Wildman, Chinese Version of Bigfoot

Wildman, Chinese Version of Bigfoot: Sightings, Scientific Tests, Theories

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times All over the world are similar reports of a large creature that is ape-like, yet walks upright on two feet and displays other human characteristics. In North America,...
Zana, Russian Ape Woman

DNA Evidence Suggests Captured Russian Ape Woman Might Have been Subspecies of Modern Human

The story of Zana, supposed Ape Woman of the Caucasus Mountains is one often revisited and reexamined by historians, explorers, and scientists alike. Now a leading geneticist believes that the wild...
Unusual Discoveries 2013

Ten unusual archaeological discoveries

One of the best things about archaeology is uncovering the unexpected. Some of the findings listed below certainly fit into this category – from elongated skulls to vampire graves, green slime, and...

DNA study solves mystery of Himalayan Yeti, with surprising results

Tales of a fierce ‘Abominable Snowman’, otherwise called Yeti, Sasquatch or Bigfoot, is one of the world’s most enduring mysteries. Apparent eye-witness accounts, blurry home videos, and traces of...