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AI image representing the destruction at Pompeii due to seismic activity.  Source: Ruslan Batiuk/Adobe Stock

Syn-eruptive Seismic Destruction Increased Pompeii Death Toll

The eruption of the powerful volcano Vesuvius , which destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, remains one of history’s most well-known and well-remembered natural disasters. But what many don’t...
The bronze bust of Caligula. Source: Courtesy of the Schroder Collection

A Bronze Bust of Roman Emperor Caligula Rediscovered

Long believed to have been lost, a bronze bust of the Roman Emperor, Caligula , has been rediscovered. The bust vanished nearly two centuries ago and concludes a decade-long quest by the curator at...
The excavation site of Herculaneum. Source: Jerónimo Roure Pérez/CC BY-SA 4.0

Wooden Furniture of Herculaneum Preserved by Vesuvius (Video)

The wooden furniture unearthed from the ruins of Herculaneum , preserved by the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius , provides an extraordinary window into the daily existence of ancient Romans...
Left; One of the Herculaneum scrolls that are being deciphered. Right; Text from the Herculaneum scroll          Source: Vesuvius Challenge

AI Tool Deciphers Herculaneum Scroll, and It’s All About Pleasure!

A team of student researchers have combined 3D-mapping and AI to decipher a Greek scroll that was encased in ash during the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The philosophical musing reveals Greek...
Remains of a man killed by Vesuvius eruption. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

How One Man Stood His Ground Against Mt. Vesuvius (Video)

In the shadow of the looming Mt. Vesuvius, amidst the chaos and impending doom, one lone figure defied the overwhelming odds . This individual, clad in a soldier's uniform, displayed remarkable...
Excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa reveal life in Roman slave quarters at time of eruption. Source: Ministero della Cultura

Excavations at Pompeii Villa Unearth Room Used by Roman Slaves

During excavations at the Civita Giuliana villa in a suburb of the doomed ancient city of Pompeii in southern Italy, archaeologists unearthed a small, cramped room that told a story of misery and...
Roman historian Dr Simon Elliott critiques Roman Movies (YouTube Screenshot / History Hit)

From Gladiator to Ben Hur, Top Roman Historian Rates Famous Movie Scenes (Video)

Recently Dr. Simon Elliott, a highly respected Roman historian, archaeologist, and broadcaster was asked to share his thoughts on several famous films set during the ancient period. Starting with the...
Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a Roman water system at Stabiae near Pompeii. Source: Pompeii Sites

High Tech Roman Water System Frozen In Time Near Pompeii

Archaeologists in Italy were “impressed” with their discovery of a hydraulic system beneath a luxury Roman villa that was covered in the 79 AD eruption of Vesuvius. However, they were “shocked” when...
The Perplexity Of The Villa Of Mysteries In Pompeii

The Perplexity Of The Villa Of Mysteries In Pompeii

The Villa of Mysteries was one of the most luxurious villas unearthed during the 1909-1911 excavations of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii , which was buried in volcanic ash with the eruption of...
Herman tortoise and her egg discovered under a house at Pompeii. Source: Archaeological Park of Pompeii

A 2000-Year-Old Pregnant Tortoise Found at Pompeii

A 5.5-inch-long pregnant Hermann’s tortoise was another casualty at Pompeii, but this time it was a different kind of natural disaster that caused death. It was an earthquake rather than the famous...
The ‘slave room’ found in Villa Civita Giuliana in Pompeii. Source: Pompeii Archaeological Park

Horrific Slave Room Discovered in Pompeii’s Civita Giuliana

A well-preserved slave room has been discovered at Villa Civita Giuliana , a wealthy suburb of Pompeii located about 700 meters (2296.59 ft.) northwest of the city walls. This large and exuberant...
The casts of two men, believed to be a master and his young slave, have been unearthed in the excavation of a villa outside Pompeii. Source: Parco Archeologico di Pompei

Tragic Remains of Master and His Slave Found in Pompeii

Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a master and his slave from Pompeii , victims of the cataclysmic volcanic eruption that destroyed the city. They were found in the heart of the ruins of...
Vesuvius Eruption Turned Victim’s Brain to Glass!

Vesuvius Eruption Turned Victim’s Brain to Glass!

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is perhaps the best-known natural disaster in the ancient world. It preserved whole towns and human remains, which have all been priceless from an archaeological point...
Archaeologists have unearthed “recycling sites” outside the walls of ancient Pompeii, showing the Pompeiians once recycled trash in an a very effective manner. Pictured: shot of the ruins with Mount Vesuvius in the background.      Source: dbvirago / Adobe stock

Ancient Pompeiians Built Parts of the City With Recycled Trash

Archaeologists have determined rubbish mounds outside the city walls at Pompeii were “recycling sites” where trash was sorted, reformed and resold, revealing the ancient Pompeiians were eco-conscious...
Tunnel within ancient Pompeii’s drains system with archaeologist inside.       Source: Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Ancient Pompeii’s Drains Back In Use After 2300 Years

A 2,300-year-old drainage system carved into bedrock beneath Pompeii will be used again to divert increasing rainwater into the sea. Mount Vesuvius on the west coast of Italy is the only active...
Venus depicted in a painting at the House of the Garden, where the inscription evidencing a new destruction of Pompeii date has been found.

Did Pliny Get It Wrong? Inscription Points to a Later Date for the Destruction of Pompeii

The Ministry of Culture in Italy have issued an extraordinary statement on Pompeii. A new discovery is fiercely challenging the timing of the obliteration of the Roman city, one that has been...
Human victims discovered on the sea-shore area of Herculaneum.

An Ancient Supervolcano That “Exploded People’s Skulls and Evaporated Their Bodies” is Ready to Blow Again

In August AD 79, the somma-stratovolcano Mount Vesuvius, located on the Gulf of Naples in Campania, Italy, about 9 km (5.6 mi) east of Naples, catastrophically erupted covering the towns of Pompeii...
Excavations at the recently discovered ‘House of Jupiter’.

House of Visual Delights Discovered in Pompeii

The director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, Massimo Osanna has announced another momentous discovery at the ruined city. Archaeologists have unearthed a house that belonged to a member of the...
Stone block and decapitated skeleton

Decapitated Pompeii Man Was Not Killed By the Block

At the end of May, archaeologists working at Pompeii made a remarkable and grisly discovery when they unearthed the remains of a man who had apparently been decapitated by a huge rock that was thrown...
Pliny the Elder

The Illustrious Life of Pliny the Elder, Ancient Historian and Roman Commander

Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known in history as Pliny the Elder, was an influential administrator, officer, and author during his life. Although he was only fifty-six years old at the time of his...
2,000-Year-Old Scorched Scrolls of Herculaneum

Secrets in 2,000-Year-Old Scorched Scrolls of Herculaneum to be Revealed with New Tech

An enormous wealth of knowledge locked within hundreds of ancient papyrus scrolls scorched by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, may now be revealed thanks to new technology which may enable...
The remains of an ancient Roman horse have been found in Pompeii

2,000-Year-Old Remains of Horse Killed by Pompeii Volcano Found in Tomb Raider Tunnel

Donkeys, pigs, and dogs have all been found amongst the ruins of Pompeii , but the remains of a carbonized horse are the first example archaeologists have come across of that animal. While the...
Scene of destruction in the film “Pompeii 3d” (2014). (La Stampa/CC BY NC ND) Insert: Remains of a skull attributed to Pliny the Elder from the Museo di Storia dell'Arte Sanitaria in Rome.

Researchers Look to Crowdfunding to Identify the Skull of Pompeii Hero Pliny the Elder

Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known as Pliny the Elder, was an influential administrator, officer, and author in ancient Rome. His life ended suddenly with the deadly eruption of Mount Vesuvius in...
Skeletons in the' Boat Houses', Herculaneum

Two Pregnant Women and their Fetuses Latest Victims of Mount Vesuvius’ Eruption

After being buried in ash for more than 1,900 years, new victims of the devastating eruption in the Pompeii area have been discovered, including two pregnant women and their newborn or late-term...
