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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Article150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Tara732 weeks 6 days ago
ArticleA Revolutionary Invention: Tracing the Origins of Ancient Wheels dhwty251 month 4 days ago
ArticleThe Abydos King List Safeguards the Identities of 76 Egyptian Kings mrreese103 months 3 weeks ago
Forum topicPlease introduce yourself aprilholloway2693 months 4 weeks ago
ArticleTen Mysterious Rock Art Examples from the Ancient World Joanna Gillan126 months 6 days ago
ArticleThe True Story of the Man in the Iron Mask Federico Cataldo86 months 2 weeks ago
ArticleVarna Man and the Wealthiest Grave of the 5th Millennium BC Joanna Gillan1711 months 1 week ago
ArticleAncient Dogu Figurines With Large Goggle-eyes Defy Scholarly Explanation Riley Winters1111 months 2 weeks ago
ArticleThe enduring mystery of The Lady of Dai mummy aprilholloway1811 months 2 weeks ago
ArticleThe Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts johnblack27711 months 3 weeks ago
ArticleThe Story of Ragnarok, The Ancient Norse Apocalypse johnblack331 year 3 months ago
ArticleStudy Presents Evidence of Extensive Inbreeding among Ancient Egyptian Royalty aprilholloway61 year 4 months ago
ArticleThe Lost Tomb of Imhotep? dhwty101 year 4 months ago
ArticleThe Mystery of Egyptian Tomb KV55 in the Valley of the Kings mrreese131 year 4 months ago
ArticleWho Destroyed the Great Library of Alexandria? dhwty181 year 4 months ago
Article3,600-year-old bones of king Senebkay show Egyptian pharaoh met brutal end lizleafloor11 year 4 months ago
ArticleAncient Reptilians: The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000-Year-Old Ubaid Lizardmen johnblack471 year 7 months ago
ArticleThe Disturbing True Story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin dhwty921 year 8 months ago
ArticleInitial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results aprilholloway2531 year 9 months ago
ArticleThe conspiracy theories of Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château mrreese41 year 11 months ago
ArticleHow it Ends: The Ancient Roots of Doomsday Prophecies and End of the World Beliefs Riley Winters221 year 11 months ago
ArticleThe Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship Joanna Gillan2941 year 12 months ago
ArticleThe Establishment Has Already Acknowledged a Lost Race of Giants - Part 2 Jason Jarrell182 years 3 weeks ago
ArticleWas There An Explosion In The Great Pyramid In Antiquity? stephenm202 years 4 weeks ago
ArticleBizarre Mortuary Practices and the Jericho Plastered Skulls Joanna Gillan82 years 2 months ago


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