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A silver communion set found at the Bench Abbey site in Hungary

Medieval Treasures Unearthed Near Lake Tisza

In an extraordinary archaeological undertaking , specialists have uncovered remarkable artifacts near Lake Tisza, Hungary. This year’s findings at a medieval abbey first discovered last year include...
Left; Byzantine silverware, Right; Medieval silver coins from the study.	Source: Left; Johnbod/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Antiquity Publications Ltd

Medieval England’s Sudden Silver Currency Conversion Solved

After years of speculation, researchers have finally traced the origins of Europe's revolutionary adoption of silver coins in the mid-7th century, uncovering a tale of economic evolution and...
The intricate Anglo- Saxon artifact has a diameter of only 19.4mm (0.7 in) and features a depiction of an animal at the top, most probably a horse. Source: ANDREW WILLIAMS/NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL

Exquisite Silver Gilded Anglo-Saxon Artifact Unearthed, Baffles Experts

A stunningly crafted and gilded silver Anglo-Saxon artifact, skillfully made by someone with a keen sense of beauty, has left experts puzzled as to its purpose and utility. This exquisite artifact,...
San Jose shipwreck. Credit: Presidency of the Republic of Colombia.

Holy Grail of Shipwrecks With $20 Billion of Treasure to be Raised from the Deep!

A Spanish galleon lying off the coast of Colombia has become a top priority project for the Colombian government, whose president is eager to recover as much as $20 billion in gold, silver, and gems...
The Glencoe hoard of coins consists of European pottery as well as silver and bronze coins. Source: ©Gareth Beale/University of Glasgow

Coin Hoard At Glencoe Massacre Site Found Buried Under Fireplace

In the heartlands of Scotland's rugged west coast, an archaeology student unearthed a trove of 17th-century artifacts, including an "international coin hoard." Believed to have been hidden after the...
Silver denarii coins played a crucial role in Roman inflation and the collapse of the Roman empire. Source: Glevalex / Adobe Stock

The Devaluation of Rome: Roman Inflation and the Demise of the Empire

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that can have a significant impact on the stability of a country's economy and social structures. This was certainly true for the Roman Empire, which...
Silver Coffin of Psusennes I, a.k.a. the Silver Pharaoh. Source: Aidan McRae Thomson / CC BY-SA 2.0

Psusennes: The Silver Pharaoh with Treasures to Rival Tutankhamun's

Amidst the chaos of the Second World War in Western Europe, a French archaeologist named Pierre Montet unearthed a stunning treasure in 1940 in Tanis, Egypt. The find was on par with the legendary...
The complete Hoogwoud hoard: four gold pendants, two pieces of gold leaf and 39 silver medals. Source: © Archeology West-Friesland/Fleur Schinning

Medieval Hoard of Gold and Silver Unearthed in the Netherlands

An astonishing collection of gold and silver jewelry and coins, some of which are at least 1,000 years old, has just gone on display at the Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden (RMO) museum in the city of Leiden...
Hyperinflation is commonly caused by rapidly printing currency, and the Yuan dynasty printed non-stop to fund war. Shown: Bills from the Xuantong era (1909-1911) Source: Public Domain

Did the Yuan Dynasty's Use of Paper Money Cause Hyperinflation?

Although China’s pre-revolution hyperinflation during the 1940s is the one that one often hears about, there is a less-documented hyperinflation that occurred in ancient China. The first civilization...
The Legend of the Christmas Spider is a folktale that dates back hundreds of years from German and Ukrainian origin. Source: VideoCorpus / Adobe Stock

Silver and Gold: The Legend of the Christmas Spider and Tinsel

If you celebrate Christmas, you likely have annual traditions when it comes to decorating your Christmas tree. There are many accessories we like to decorate our trees with, but one of the most...
The Mary, Queen of Scots casket was purchased by the Scottish government in 2022 and is now on display.

The Beautiful Casket that Killed Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary I of Scotland, or Mary, Queen of Scots is one of the most iconic monarchs in British history. She had an incredible impact on both Scottish and English history, and her life was one of tragedy,...
The Viking silver hoard from Stjørdal, Norway consists of a total of 46 objects in silver. Source: Birgit Maixner, NTNU Science Museum.

Large Stash of Viking Silver Found in Central Norway

A rare collection of silver objects believed to be from the Viking Age (8th-11th century) has been discovered in central Norway’s Stjørdal, near Trondheim. Buried barely a few centimeters below the...
The hoard of silver bracteate medieval coins found by a dog in Poland!                  Source: Dolnośląski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków

Polish Dog Unearths Rare Booty of Revealing Bracteate Medieval Coins

Out on his daily constitutional, a dog in Poland unexpectedly struck gold, or rather, silver. The dog was being taken for a walk by his owner near the city of Wałbrzych in southwestern Poland when he...
Closeups of images of Alexander (the two leftmost figures), an Indian priest, and a servant shown on the silver Tibetan bowl that depicts Alexander legends with a Jewish “twist.” Source: Ancient Orient Museum, Tokyo

Jewish-styled Alexander Legends Found on Silver Bowl from Tibet

A new paper published in the Bulletin of the Asia Institute argues that an ancient silver bowl found in Lhasa 50 years ago displays in Greek-style reliefs scenes from a Jewish version of the...
Roman inflation from 90 BC onwards eventually brought the Roman Republic to its knees! The Roman Forum, the financial and political center of the city and the Republic would have been a busy place as Roman inflation began to destabilize the entire Roman world.		Source: Jebulon / CC0

Roman Republic Experienced Deep Financial Crisis in 90 BC, Study Shows

In the early first century BC, the Roman Republic experienced a multiyear financial crisis, which we can call “Roman inflation.” But while scholars knew that some kind of breakdown in the Roman...
The coffin of the high-status elite Roman Britain clan leader, who may have also been a major maker of illegal silver that the Romans couldn’t tax.		Source: Pre Construct Archaeology

Massive Illegal Roman-era Silver Site Discovered In Britain

Archaeologists in England have discovered a monumental ancient building. Not only was this the burial site of a powerful female clan leader, but it represents the largest illegal silver production or...
The silver artifact, dubbed a “paranormal paracetamol,” may date back to the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine. Source: Peter Beasley.

Detectorists Find “Paranormal Paracetamol” in Fossilized Human Waste

A pair of metal detectorists in England have made the rare discovery of a solid silver Roman oddity dating back to the time of Roman Emperor Constantine (306 to 337 AD), remembered for making...
Rock crystal jar from the Galloway Hoard

Galloway Hoard Restoration Reveals More Surprising Secrets

Researchers have revealed that what is perhaps Europe’s most famous Viking Age hoard – the Galloway Hoard – was not a rapidly concealed family treasure being hidden from invaders. Rather, it was a...
Main: Scythians. Credit: Simeon Netchev (CC by NC SA). Inset: The silver Scythian plate Credit: RAS Institute of Archaeology

2,400-year-old Silver Plate with Winged Scythian Gods Found in Warrior’s Tomb in Russia

A spectacular silver plate, richly adorned with winged gods and griffins, has been discovered inside the grave of a Scythian warrior who is believed to have died 2,400 years ago in Russia. And that...
Huge Roman Silver Hoard Unearthed in Augsburg, Germany

Huge Roman Silver Hoard Unearthed in Augsburg, Germany

A massive stash of Roman silver dating to the first and second centuries AD has been discovered in the Bavarian city of Augsburg in Germany. The cache, which includes 15 kg (33 pounds) of silver...
Images of the English coin minted sometime between 1493 and 1499 and discovered at the Cupids Cove Plantation Provincial Historic Site in 2021. Source: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Silver Coin from Henry VII’s Reign is Oldest English Coin Found in Canada

Newfoundland is a large island off the east coast of Canada. Recently archaeologists discovered a silver coin there which was minted during the reign of the first monarch of the House of Tudor, Henry...
8 Jars Of Colombian Emeralds, Gold, and Silver Unearthed Near Bogotá

8 Jars Of Colombian Emeralds, Gold, and Silver Unearthed Near Bogotá

Archaeologists in Colombia have discovered a vast treasure hoard that’s being related to El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. But these offerings of gold, silver and Colombian emeralds have nothing...
The Old Ryazan silver treasure hoard found recently in Ryazan, Russia, which was sacked by the Mongols in the early 12th century AD.        Source: Maxim Pankin / Russian Academy of Sciences

Old Ryazan Treasure Hoard: Memories Of Mongol Sackings in Russia

Russian archaeologists have found yet another silver treasure hoard buried on the banks of a river in a remote forest near Old Ryazan. The so-called “Isad treasure” hoard was recently discovered in...
Newly discovered silver Viking artifacts discovered on the Isle of Man Source: Manx National Heritage

Ancient Silver “Piggybank” Adds to Viking History Isle of Man

A metal detectorist with a nose for Viking era artifacts has struck gold again. Or more precisely, struck silver. These discoveries have helped to spark a renewed interest in the Viking history of...
