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Left, Preparation of a geophysical survey during the field campaign in March 2024. Right; Geophysical survey of the previously unknown site of Jarkovac (Serbia).	Source:  Left; © Sebastian Schultrich/Cluster ROOTS Right; © Cluster ROOTS/Museum of Vojvodina Novi Sad/National Museum Zrenjanin/National Museum Pančevo

Cluster of Neolithic Settlements Discovered in Serbia

A field campaign has provided a ‘discovery of outstanding importance’ in Serbia, incorporating discoveries regarding various cultures of the Late Neolithic including Vinča culture, Banat culture, and...
A modern take on the vampire image. Source: All You Need AI/Adobe Stock

The Great Vampire Epidemic: A Bizarre Chapter in History

Imagine a time when the fear of vampires wasn't just the stuff of horror movies, but a genuine epidemic that swept across Europe. Yes, you read right, - a vampire epidemic! This wasn't a small-scale...
The remains of the Roman triumphal arch found in Serbia.     Source: Serbia Archaeological Institute.

Emperor Caracalla’s Triumphal Arch Unearthed in Serbia

A lesser-known fact about Serbia is that 17 Roman emperors were born in its territory, with Central Serbia being under Roman rule for 800 years. Evidence of this history was unearthed in December,...
One of the circular earthworks and deep ditches like this one in northern Serbia, which covers at least 40 hectares.      Source: BARRY MOLLOY AND DARJA GROSMAN/ PLoS ONE

Europe’s Bronze Age Megaforts Revealed in Prehistoric Landscape

Archaeologists have uncovered a previously unknown network of massive sites in the heart of Europe that could explain the emergence of the continent’s Bronze Age megaforts – the largest prehistoric...
Serbian coal miners found the remains of a Roman ship that likely supplied an ancient frontier city and military headquarters. Source: Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

42-Foot Roman Ship Unearthed in Serbian Mine, Part of an Ancient River Fleet!

The ancient woodwork of a Roman ship, likely part of an ancient river fleet from the 3rd or 4th century AD, has been accidentally uncovered by the Drmno coal miners in Serbia. The hull measures 42...
The site where the Roman necropolis and aqueduct have been discovered in Belgrade, Serbia.	Source: Belgrade City Museum/sveoarheologiji

Roman Necropolis Both Found and Doomed Due To A Car Park in Belgrade

Archaeologists in Serbia, excavating in the center of the city of Belgrade, have discovered a Roman necropolis filled with elaborate stone tombs, and a section of a Roman aqueduct system. However,...
Kaiser Wilhelm II Autocrat Or Pacifist In World War I?

Kaiser Wilhelm II Autocrat Or Pacifist In World War I?

Was World War I inevitable? If so, when did it become so, and why? Contrary to general belief, the war could have been averted or prevented altogether had two of the crowned heads involved had more...

5,000-Year-Old DNA from Skeletons Found in Serbia is Solving Genetic Mysteries

Ancient Eastern European and Central Asian archaeology are characterized by a burial practice known as kurgan burials, wherein mounds of earth and stone are raised over a single or multiple graves...
A reconstruction of the tomb and one of the immigrants from the northeast steppes found in the sacred burial mounds on the plains of Serbia.		Source: PAP

Burial Mounds in Serbia Reveal Skeletons of 5,000-Year-Old Painted Men

Entombed inside two large barrows (burial mounds) located on an open plain in northern Serbia, a team of scientists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (...
The abandoned Bissingen-Nippenburg Chateau in Vlajkovac, Serbia as it looks today.  Stock	Source: Merlot Levert / Adobe

Bissingen-Nippenburg Chateau: Serbia’s Haunted Austro-Hungarian Estate

Serbia’s north – the dazzling Vojvodina region – is home to many charming and captivating chateaus, all of which are a testament to the rich history of this nation. The Bissingen-Nippenburg Chateau,...
The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The so-called Chalcolithic - or the Copper Age - is one of the great eras of cultural development, fitting into the main framework of man’s crucial steps towards civilization. This period introduced...
Lockdown Looting: Massive Hoard of Stolen Serbian Artifacts Seized

Lockdown Looting: Massive Hoard of Stolen Serbian Artifacts Seized

Described as a discovery of “great historical and archaeological value,” Serbian customs officials have seized a hoard of over 2,000 ancient artifacts. According to Archaeology News Network , on the...
Impressive Roman Military Base Found in Serbian Cornfield

Impressive Roman Military Base Found in Serbian Cornfield

Archaeologists in Serbia have found a Roman military base. Unlike many others, it was not found buried beneath a modern city, but in a rural location. This means that it can help experts to have a...
Dušan the Mighty, seen here in a detail of a 14th century fresco at Lesnovo Monastery in the Republic of Macedonia, ousted the Byzantine Empire from power in the region to create the great Serbian Empire which rose in the 1340s to become the leading political and economic power in the Balkans. Source: Public domain.

The Immortal Legacy: Dušan the Mighty and the Birth of the Serbian Empire

The medieval history of Serbia is an inspiring tale filled with great achievements, toil and struggle, and the strife of a small nation and its people as they attempt to rise to independence and...
Stolen Serbian Roman artifact composite photo showing both sides of the stone, the sandal-covered feet, and the Roman inscription.  Source: National Museum in Belgrade

Serbian Roman Artifact Vanished 24 Hours After Discovery

In 2020, a recently excavated ancient Serbian Roman artifact, a stone slab covered with engraved Latin text, was stolen only 24 hours after it was discovered. The rare Roman artifact was discovered...
Around 30,000 years ago, the last remaining Neanderthals in Spain died out (procy_ab / Adobe)

First Neanderthal Remains Discovered in Serbia Reveals Human Migration History

In 2015, our Serbian-Canadian archaeological research team was working at a cave site named Pešturina, in Eastern Serbia , where we had found thousands of stone tools and animal bones. One day, an...
A selection of possible food in a Neolithic diet in the Iron Gates region, where people were still more reliant on aquatic resources.

New Insights Into what Neolithic People Ate in Southeastern Europe

With the dawn of the Neolithic age, farming became established across Europe and people turned their back on aquatic resources, a food source more typical of the earlier Mesolithic period, instead...
Zmaj and the Dragon Lore of Slavic Mythology

Zmaj and the Dragon Lore of Slavic Mythology

The dragon is one of the most well-known creatures in ancient mythology, and many cultures have this creature (or one of its related forms) in their folklore. In East Asian countries, for instance,...
Fountain at modern domus building at Viminacium, Serbia

Roman Skeletons Adorned in Jewelry Found in Serbia

Reuters has reported that archaeologists in Serbia have discovered a Roman sarcophagus that was intact and had been undisturbed for almost two thousand years. The tomb contains many precious items...
France and England Didn’t Own Chivalry: Have You Heard of the Polish Knight Zawisza Czarny?

France and England Didn’t Own Chivalry: Have You Heard of the Polish Knight Zawisza Czarny?

Due to the popularity of the King Arthur legends, knights and chivalry are often associated with England and France. Yet one of the knights that best embodied knightly virtue is a Polish man named...
Prince Marko and Musa the Outlaw, 1900 painting by Vladislav Titelbah, the Narodni muzej Museum in Kikinda, Serbia.

Marko Mrnjavcevic: The Powerful Prince of Serbia

Marko Mrnjavcevic (referred to also as Prince Marko and King Marko) was a Serbian ruler who lived during the 14th century. Although Marko is said to have had the opportunity to inherit the throne of...
The Vucedol Culture: The Rise of an Iconic Copper Age Culture in Croatia

The Vucedol Culture: The Rise of an Iconic Copper Age Culture in Croatia

The Vučedol culture is a prehistoric Indo-European culture located in an area covering part of the Pannonian Plain stretching down south into several modern Western Balkans countries. The name of...
Dažbog (Deriv). Infrared image showing a portion of the Milky Way.

The Mysterious Mix of Myth and Sky Observations in Serbian Folk Astronomy

Serbia is one of the Balkan countries that was influenced by many wars. However, even after centuries of very tense events, memory of the traditions from the first inhabitants has survived. Astronomy...
A gold curse tablet dating back to 4th century AD. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade

Golden Curse Tablets Found in Ancient Serbian Tombs Invoke Gods and Demons

Archaeologists in Serbia have discovered the first known golden curse tablets in ancient Roman tombs in Serbia. The tablets contain inscriptions in long-forgotten languages with strange magical...
