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  1. The REAL Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus Would Have Been Terrifying to our Ancient Ancestors

    ... large body size would have made it difficult for them to walk on two legs. Also, since all their closest living ...

    Caleb Strom - 14/08/2020 - 17:10

  2. Use of unique pyramid-shaped podium in Jerusalem baffles archaeologists

    A stepped stone pyramid about 2 meters (6 feet) tall has been excavated in the City of David, and it has archaeologists speculating about its use. They say the structure, unlike any other in Jerusalem, was possibly a podium and cite other, public stones mentioned in the Talmud and used for auctioning slaves or collecting lost things.

    Mark Miller - 02/09/2015 - 00:03

  3. The Secrets of the Kabbalists Garden

    ... of the garden. (Klimmanet/ CC BY 3.0 ) On your left as you walk in is a 10-foot-high (3-meter-high) stone wall dripping ... including the guidebook  Powerful Places in Wales . To learn more about her publications, go to  ...  and  on Facebook. To learn about Elyn’s fiber art, go to ...

    Elyn and Gary - 02/07/2018 - 14:02

  4. 11 of History’s Weirdest Jobs

    There have been lots of interesting jobs throughout history, but some are certainly weirder than others. With changing technologies and shifting social norms, strange jobs have taken the forefront of many evolving cultures. After all, before the days of plumbing, modern medicine, television, streaming, and other normal parts of our day-to-day lives, basic care and entertainment looked much, much different.

    Lex Leigh - 30/08/2022 - 18:52

  5. Yoshitsune: The Silk Clad Warrior With a Noble Quest for Revenge

    Apart from a very rich mythology, Japan also has numerous histories about heroes. One of these is the story of Yoshitsune. Walking around in fine silk and playing the flute, at first glance he seemed innocent enough. He was extremely loyal, but Yoshitsune was also a dangerous man for any who dared to cross him.

    valdar - 10/10/2017 - 02:01

  6. What Happened in Eden? Alternative Translation Tells a Very Different Story

    ... by Christian O’Brien and Barbara Joy O’Brien. To learn more, or to purchase the book, visit  ...

    christianobrien - 17/02/2020 - 23:08

  7. The Colors of the Wind: Hidden Messages of the Chumash Cave Paintings

    Take a moment, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply, and inhale the salt of the air and feel the light brush of low-hanging tree branches caressing your face. Feel the rocky ground beneath your toes, prickly but comforting, as you follow the path you’ve walked thousands of times. Step into the darkness of the nearest cave, the coolness of the cavern chased away by a low burning fire. Turn your eyes upward and pause.

    Riley Winters - 04/09/2020 - 21:20

  8. To the Shores of Distant Death: The Failed Colony of San Miguel De Gualdape

    The year is 1526. Onto the wild and wooded lands of what is today Georgia in the United States, European feet had never permanently walked. These forests and river valleys, the wild rolling hills of untamed nature, were home to ancient and proud native tribes.

    Aleksa Vučković - 15/09/2019 - 14:02

  9. Rise of Satanism: Satanic Temple Offers Higher Education Scholarships

    In 1692 a darkness descended on Salem, Massachusetts, like no other in American history. Children and adults alike, claimed that the devil himself was walking the streets of the early English colony, accusing their friends and neighbors of witchcraft.

    ashley cowie - 27/07/2020 - 14:44

  10. Salt Sowing: An Ancient Method to Settle Scores

    Many people use salt to bring out the flavor in their food. Others spread it on icy roads and sidewalks to give vehicles or pedestrians some grip as they go about their day. It is, by most accounts, a completely mundane component of day-to-day life. But it wasn’t always so. In ancient times, salt occupied a much higher place in the collective consciousness of numerous societies. It could be a symbol of preservation and purity or of utter destruction, a curse upon the land.

    Mark Johnston - 28/09/2022 - 19:00

  11. Hidden Medieval Portrait Discovered in a Famous Spanish Cathedral

    ... his craft after a long hard apprenticeship. He had to learn how to cut stones and carve moldings. Some of these ...

    Ed Whelan - 06/11/2020 - 01:35

  12. Does Elba the ‘Shepherdess’ Reveal Early Animal Domestication?

    A Mesolithic woman, now known as “Elba the Shepherdess, who lived 9,300 years ago has been brought back to life by facial reconstruction engineers. However, Elba the Shepherdess’s remains were discovered with three animals, likely wild cattle or aurochs. Was she really an early “shepherdess,” as some scientists are calling her?

    ashley cowie - 08/06/2021 - 22:50

  13. The Bizarre Importance of Bleeding Bodies in Medieval Trials

    ... of a suspect. During a trial by fire, the accused had to walk across hot coals or pick an object out of a fire. If he ...

    ancient-origins - 11/02/2016 - 03:47

  14. Clueless Californian Busted for Driving Across Medieval Bridge in Italy

    ... most visited bridges. Crowds of visitors on foot regularly walk back and forth across the historic covered bridge, where ...

    Nathan Falde - 30/01/2023 - 13:59

  15. Ascension to the Heavens in Ancient Mythology

    The ascension of humans or beings into the heavens is a common theme among many mythologies and religions all over the world. Even though most people recognize the well-known ascension of Jesus, and the other examples of the Old Testament, it is surprising how many more have been described as ascending towards their ‘gods’. In this account, the word ‘ascension’ refers to entering the realm of the god(s), whether temporarily or permanently. Here we will look at the most famous examples.

    johnblack - 20/03/2024 - 13:50

  16. Khemitology- An Alternative Perspective on Ancient Egypt - Part 2

    ... an open forum, with free membership, for all who wish to learn, teach, research and share about everything relating ...

    ancient-origins - 10/10/2013 - 11:57

  17. Human Bone Found at Orkney’s Neolithic Cathedral, Ness of Brodgar

    ... site. This excites experts who now have the chance to learn more about the 5,000 year old civilization who built ... people living at Skara Brae “would have been able to walk to the Ness of Brodgar, watch or take part in ritual activity and walk home within a day”. A “Vast Neolithic Cathedral” ...

    ashley cowie - 22/08/2019 - 06:18

  18. The One-Eyed African Queen Who Defeated the Roman Empire: Amanirenas

    ... be deciphered, who knows what wondrous new things we could learn - not just about the one-eyed Queen Amanirenas, but ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 18/07/2023 - 18:59

  19. Alone Need Not Be Lonely: What Joyous Solitude of Early Hermits Can Teach Us

    Kim Haines-Eitzen /The Conversation

    ancient-origins - 14/02/2018 - 22:56

  20. The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo and Their Most Famous Mummy

    ... Squires says : “This is a really exciting opportunity to learn more about life in late modern Sicily. There is ... Our research will help tourists and the wider public learn more about the children housed in the Catacombs and the ...

    dhwty - 12/11/2021 - 18:00
