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  1. The Tail of the World

    ... World. It is obvious to capture this traditional zone of Pisces by identifying the structure of Antarctic as the tail ... traditional zone of the heads of Easter Island meets the Pisces zone, we can now push the head up to the North Pole ... in a realignment of the Celestial configuration, drop Pisces to the Southern Polaris and view the mighty Celestial ...

    Barry Sears - 11/11/2015 - 10:21

  2. The Gundestrup Cauldron: Largest and Most Exquisite Iron Age Silver Work in Europe

    ... to Capricornus, Aquarius or Gemini, Cancer or Leo, and Pisces respectively.” Sweatman explains: “I have chosen ... from Pictish symbols we know the fish is used to represent Pisces at this time […] However, the earliest date for Pisces as the spring equinox is around 100 BC, and the latest ...

    dhwty - 25/07/2019 - 18:51

  3. The Ancient Epic of Gilgamesh and the Precession of the Equinox

    ... as precession. Currently we are in the last centuries of Pisces (the fish), while the previous constellation was Aries (the ram). The change between Aries and Pisces happened in about AD 10, and this is why Jesus was ... born as a Lamb of God (Aries) but became a Fisher of Men (Pisces). As one can readily see, the last vestiges of an ...

    ralph ellis - 24/09/2015 - 01:04

  4. Ancient Comet Sightings Inspired, Frightened, Dazzled, and Baffled Past Astronomers and Star Gazers

    ... comet, five zodiac symbols appear in the sky: (L-R) Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. Below the ... Palitzsch (1723-1788) reported a weak spot of light in the Pisces constellation… The Halley’s comet returned just as ...

    ashley cowie - 09/11/2018 - 14:01


    ... of the previous equinox precession. In the new equinox, Pisces will rule, as the Jews believed Israel was represented by Pisces. This is why Israel fought Rome against overwhelming ... Providence he was in fact declaring that Rome would rule Pisces. Others declared that “there was no star ...

    ledom - 18/04/2014 - 21:54

  6. Ancient Meaning of the Autumnal Equinox

    ... ago it was in Aries, then about 2000 years ago it entered Pisces, and very soon now it will be entering Aquarius. This ...

    Walter Cruttenden - 24/09/2014 - 14:23

  7. The Lost Earth Zodiac

    ... feature of the horns and represents this part of the body. Pisces has the unique feature of our animals as the tail fin ...

    Barry Sears - 17/05/2015 - 11:32

  8. Archaeology & Cyclical Perception

    ... Yuga, the Age of Confusion. The planet Neptune has been in Pisces since 2012 and will remain so until 2025. Neptune in Pisces can bring the world into a greater expanded ...

    susan - 10/11/2013 - 09:27

  9. What the Magi Had in Common with Scientists

    ... sight) of Jupiter and Saturn, in the constellation of Pisces. These three elements were linked in astrology to ...

    ancient-origins - 16/12/2017 - 02:02

  10. Are The Gōbekli Tepe Enclosures Giant Lunisolar Calendars?

    ... would have emanated from Aquarius (the fox) and then Pisces (the tall birds) over the course of a few weeks. And ...

    Martin Sweatman - 09/03/2022 - 21:29

  11. Ancient Origins Of The Modern Zodiac Constellation

    ... radiating from the direction of Aquarius (the fox) and Pisces (the bending birds, on the reverse face of the ...

    Martin Sweatman - 28/06/2021 - 17:49

  12. A Circular Egyptian Mythology: Does the Dendera Zodiac Represent the Most Ancient Astronomy?

    ... to as “The Bull of Eternity”, while the two fish of Pisces is signified by two crocodiles swimming in opposite ...

    Tashi Javed - 04/09/2017 - 23:08

  13. The Ancient Civilizations that Came Before: Building on the Ruins of the Ancestors – Part 2

    ... the Sphinx, in the present era, faces the constellation of Pisces and is slightly shifting towards the constellation of ...

    Zakaria Bziker - 25/09/2015 - 23:01

  14. Complex Astronomical and Astrological Systems Detailed on Ancient Assyrian Tablets

    ... of celestial constellations such as “Cancer, Pisces, Pegasus, Perseus, and many others” describing their ...

    ashley cowie - 24/02/2019 - 23:15

  15. Amazing New Year’s Traditions Around the World

    ... on the passing of the sun from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries) in the ...

    Joanna Gillan - 01/01/2022 - 00:59

  16. Visoko: An Astronomical Map of More than 100,000 Years

    ... under the Celestial Horizon. Lastly, on the left, lies the Pisces Constellation (red). On the stone, the lower part of ...

    Armando Mei - 11/06/2015 - 00:46

  17. Valentine’s Day’s Connection with Love was Probably Invented by 14th-Century Poets

    ... calendars, spring began with the appearance of the Pisces star sign, which occurred on February 15. Other ...

    ancient origins - 14/02/2023 - 17:57

  18. How Have Ancient New Year’s Traditions Influenced Festivities Today?

    ... occurs as the sun passes from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries) in the ...

    Joanna Gillan - 31/12/2020 - 20:07

  19. The Verona Astrolabe Reveals A History of Islamic – Jewish Scientific Exchange

    ... signs , for Scorpio,  Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and  Aries . Dr Gigante points out that these ...

    ancient-origins - 04/03/2024 - 21:50

  20. Petroglyph in India May Be Oldest Known Sky Chart and Supernova Depiction

    ... represents Orion, while a man holding a spear is part of Pisces. As for the animals, Dr. Vahia has a theory as well: ...

    Theodoros Karasavvas - 09/01/2018 - 22:55
