In the heart of the English countryside, amidst historic landscapes and age-old towns, a remarkable business has flourished for over five centuries. Sausages, the epitome of timelessness and taste ,...
During a recent excavation in Jerusalem, archaeologists searching through the rubble of a building constructed during the First Temple period found something unusual. Inside one room, they discovered...
The island of Sicily is not somewhere most of us would immediately associate with having been a powerful Islamic kingdom. However, between 841 and 1091 AD, the Emirate of Sicily was a key political...
A team of researchers have established that Norman dietary influences in England after the Norman Conquest were less profound than previously imagined. This was a huge surprise given the perceived...
A study of animal remains at one of Ireland’s most important archaeological sites has provided researchers with new insights into the Iron Age, revealing that ancient pagans traveled vast distances...
Remnants of delicious barbeque-style feasts at a major Neolithic settlement in the UK have revealed that pork roasts, milk, yogurt and cheeses were on the menu for the prehistoric builders of...