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The Elusive Egyptian Hall of Records and Hopi Lessons of Death and Rebirth

The Elusive Egyptian Hall of Records and Hopi Lessons of Death and Rebirth

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The constellation of Orion is not wearing a belt. Instead, I think the middle star represents his navel.  Medical scientists are just now finding out all the powers of the navel, the umbilical cord, the path of life, death, and re-birth, from mother to child. 

An illustrated depiction of the Orion constellation, with the stars of ‘Orion’s Belt’ near his middle. Could this represent a navel rather than a belt?

An illustrated depiction of the Orion constellation, with the stars of ‘Orion’s Belt’ near his middle. Could this represent a navel rather than a belt? (Public Domain)

The Dance

The Hopi wait each year for the constellation of Orion to appear through their Kiva roof opening, and for the light from his constellation to shine down. The clan leader who requested the traditional dance will call out into the opening, “come on down,” inviting Orion down to earth to join in the ceremony and then, and only then, will the dances begin. They call his navel star Hotomkan, a very close pronunciation to the name Tutankhamun of Egypt. 

Many Native American Tribes live where they believe their guardian told them to live after they emerged through the navel of the earth into this time period; the Zuni crossed a large ocean in search of their balanced center of the world, the Acoma emerged into the light of the sun, and the Chumash arrived at Point Conception, to name a few. 

In Japan at the city of Kyoto, there is a six-sided stone called, Eso Ishi, or navel stone; in India the Rig-Veda, in Greece the Omphalos ( umbilicus in Latin) Stone, and many other places which are said to be the earth’s center; Jerusalem, the Temple of Ammon at Thebes, Mount Gerizim on the West Bank, and Cuzco (navel), the Inca capital of Peru in the Andes mountains. 

The Omphalos Stone in the Museum of Delphi.

The Omphalos Stone in the Museum of Delphi. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The earliest depiction of an Omphalos (navel) stone at the pyramid complex in Egypt, is seen in a mural on the walls of the Seti I pyramid. 

Hopi Creation Story

The Hopi believe that four races of mankind; the black, the yellow, the red, and the white, were all created equal; at the same time, the same place, and then distributed around the earth with their specific guardian to start our present civilizations. This is said to be the fourth time the Creator has had to come back to earth and re-start civilization by Hopi count. If the Hopi are correct, the location where this event took place should still be here today.  

A Hopi petroglyph in Mesa Verde National Park. The boxy spiral shape near the center of the photo likely represents the sipapu, the place where the Hopi emerged from the earth in their creation story.

A Hopi petroglyph in Mesa Verde National Park. The boxy spiral shape near the center of the photo likely represents the sipapu, the place where the Hopi emerged from the earth in their creation story. (Public Domain)

In Egypt, at the pyramid complex, there are depictions of the ‘four races of man’ at a location called the Book of Gates.  There are statues, murals, and mummies of all four races of man, and Egyptologist have a hard time explaining temples built for different colored pharaohs or guardians.

Egyptian race portrayed in the Book of Gates, depicting Berber, Nubian, Asiatic, and Egyptian. An artistic rendering, based on a mural from the tomb of Seti I.

Egyptian race portrayed in the Book of Gates, depicting Berber, Nubian, Asiatic, and Egyptian. An artistic rendering, based on a mural from the tomb of Seti I. (Public Domain)

When I look at the foundations of the temples at the pyramid complex in Egypt, I see Hopi hieroglyphics or petroglyphs that symbolize the people mentioned in in their Creation Story. This information might give us a clue as to the location of the Hall of Records and, if correct, prove the Hopi Creation Story. 

The Temples of Egypt

The Valley Temple in Egypt is a male figure that has no eyes to see, no legs to travel, and can only count to three on his left hand. This figure represents death or the death of the third world.  His right hand gives us the direction of earth’s rotation at the present time.

Location of the Hall of Records based on the Hopi Creation Story.

Location of the Hall of Records based on the Hopi Creation Story. (Courtesy Thomas O. Mills)

His ears are open to the east to receive the people chosen to move on to the fourth world. The causeway that runs from his right hand lines up with the direction of the winter solstice in Egypt. 

The Mortuary Temple, a very bad name for the birthplace of mankind, is a female figure, the Hopi call her Spider-woman or Spider Grandmother.  She has four feathers in her head-dress on the right side indicating the new fourth world.  The other side of her head-dress represents the Mongko, which gives her the supreme symbol of spiritual power and authority and which is carried by Hopi leaders at many of the important ceremonies to this day. She has a large womb area with a navel, and the people arriving from the Valley temple would pass through this chamber to enter the pyramid for protection. I believe the Hopi call the pyramids ‘large ant hills’ in their creation story. 

The Sphinx Temple represents the Embryo or Newborn.  It has two eyes and is developing two arms and two legs.  The navel is off set from center just to the left.

The Sphinx Temple of Giza.

The Sphinx Temple of Giza. (CC BY 2.0)

The Hall of Records

The Hopi believe that they arrived from previous worlds by traveling underground and coming up through the navel of the earth and into a new world after the destruction of a previous world.  So in my mind there should be an underground tunnel (umbilical cord) from the navel of the female figure to the navel of the embryo figure.  As no large burial chamber for a female figure has ever been found at the Giza complex, I think the Hall of Records would actually be Spider-Woman's tomb located along this path as the Creators Nephew and his companion, Spider-Woman were to remain her on Earth to restart our civilization.  Both of their tombs should be here on Earth.  The Nephew’s tomb was found in the Valley of the Kings and we call him Tutankhamun.

"Spider Rock", Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, USA: Legendary home to the Native American Spider Grandmother or Spider-Woman.

"Spider Rock", Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, USA: Legendary home to the Native American Spider Grandmother or Spider-Woman. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

After the destruction of the world by fire or ice, mankind would have departed the pyramid, entered the womb area, climbed down Spider-woman's navel and entered a tunnel going east under the Sphinx.   They would have come out at the navel of the newborn and made their way through the temple going east, out of his ears and into this new world. 

The whole pyramid complex represents the cycle of life, death, and re-birth, not just for mankind but the cycle of our Earth.

Thomas O. Mills is author of Stonehenge, If This Was East. Mills uses his knowledge of the Hopi Ceremonial Cycles to connect ancient sites around the world. 


Top Image: The Orion Constellation (Public Domain) and an illustration of Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Isis, Philae. (Wellcome Images/CC BY 4.0) Deriv.

By Thomas O. Mills



Good Morning StellaMaxwell and thank you for your comment. I believe you are correct. The Valley Temple represents a male figure and his hand the earth's direction of rotation. all the best. tom

The Valley Temple in Egypt is a male assume. Thomas correct hand gives us the bearing of earth's pivot right now. Area Egyptian Hall of Records and Hopi Lessons of Death and Rebirth in view of the Hopi Creation story by Thomas his ears are available toward the east to get the general population proceeded onward to the fourth world. The highway that keeps running from his right-hand lines up with the heading of the winter solstice in Egypt. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Coursework writing service near me</a>

Thanks, Timondt. Those are some interesting connections! I should get back to reading the Greek myths. So far I've tried to compare the Theosophical and Hindu chronologies with the known geological history, but there seem to be major discrepancies.

Thomas O. Mills's picture

Good Morning Timondt, The fourth generation or time started before the great flood.  The Hopi believe that the Creator rolled up the chosen few in hollow reeds, or something very similar to hollow reeds, and placed them in the ocean with food and water to survive.   They floated many days and then landed on an island and built wooden rafts for their long journey traveling east over a large ocean while the rest of the world was under water.  This was the start of the fourth world.  They were protected and guided by their Guardian Masaw who brought them to the west side of this continent.


In my mind the water had to come from somewhere.  The last time the polar ice caps melted was 11,000 to 12,000 years ago according to the scientist.  The oldest settlement on the west side of this continent is called Monte Verde, Chile and it dates to 12,500 years ago and I think that is where they landed.  There is an ancient sea port on the Red Sea called Massawa, and I think that is where they started the journey.  


I do not know very much about Greek mythology but the Hopi Creation story answers many questions for me.  How did the four different races come about?  How did they all find different territories, languages, customs, in the beginning?   Why there are pyramids and who built them.    all the best.   tom



Thomas O. Mills

Timondt's picture

Hey. I think what P. Axe meant was that, according to Hesiod, there were five generations (or ages) of men in Greek mythology, starting with the golden, then the silver, bronze, heroic and finally iron (our own).  I find that the most commly shared element of most mythologies concerning the succession of human generations or ages is that there often is a flood evnt that immediately precedes our own. A possible topic of inquiry, and connection between the Hopi and Greek myths, could be that the Hopi believe we are the fourth generation and, we could posit, the Greek myth kinds of supports this, in that they believed that we are the fifth, but the fourth is only meant to have ended some 3500 years ago. This is because the men who inhabited Troy and Mycenaean Greece were meant to have been of the fourth generation, which would mean they there might be a overlap between the Hopi fourth, and the Greek fourth-fifth generations. It would need to be established how far back the fourth generation is meant to have gone according to Hopi myth (and Greek) and (I don’t know of this, but hopfully you do T. O. Mills) whether the Hopi believe a flood occurred before the fourth generation.


Thomas O. Mills's picture


Thomas O. Mills had the opportunity to manage the Hopi Cultural Center at Second Mesa, Arizona for four years when it first opened in the early 70’s.

He has a deep respect for the Hopi People and believes their Creation... Read More

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