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Stonehenge and the Hopi: Hidden Messages Connecting Sacred Sites

Stonehenge and the Hopi: Hidden Messages Connecting Sacred Sites

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The Hopi were watching the sun rise and set at specific points on the horizon from fixed locations in their villages long before the Spaniards arrived in 1540.  Many of their most important ceremonies were based on the sun’s location; the equinox, the summer and winter solstice, and the halfway points between the two.

Hopi pueblo in Arizona, 1879.

Hopi pueblo in Arizona, 1879. (Public Domain)

The Spaniards found them early in the morning, looking east, waiting for the sun to rise and praying the earth would stay on its delicate balance and not roll over. The Spanish called them Moqui or people with running noses.  The Hopi called themselves the Peaceful People or the Peaceful Little Ones, ( Hopitu-Shi-nu-mu).

Hopi Women's Dance, 1879, Oraibi, Arizona, photo by John K. Hillers

Hopi Women's Dance, 1879, Oraibi, Arizona, photo by John K. Hillers (Public Domain)

The Spaniards did not know what to make of the nine large, peaceful villages on three mesas and the people who showered them with hospitality, corn, melons, peaches, and bright colored weavings and baskets.  Why would anyone live in this location with no running water, no soil, no beneficial weather for their crops, and no trees to build their homes?

Ancient Hopi Village of Wolpi. Arizona, USA.

Ancient Hopi Village of Wolpi. Arizona, USA. (Public Domain)

The Hopi Guardian

The Hopi Guardian (Maasaw), that saved the Hopi before a great flood and brought them to this location after traveling east over a large ocean, showed them the exact location where he wanted them to live.  He also told the peaceful people to expect other races to come to their land in the future, but not to resist or fight them but to welcome them. The Hopi welcomed the Spaniards for the next 140 years, or until 1680 when the Spaniards tried to change their religion. This was to be the only time the Hopi rose in anger and they drove the Spaniards off to the east. Here the Spanish inhabited the villages of Zuni, Acoma, Taos, and other villages that lived on rivers with running water and they converted them to their Catholic religion. The Hopi still wait for their long lost white brother to return to their villages and complete their ceremonial cycles as Maasaw had instructed them.

A Hopi petroglyph in Mesa Verde National Park. The boxy spiral shape near the center of the photo likely represents the sipapu, the place where the Hopi emerged from the earth in their creation story.

A Hopi petroglyph in Mesa Verde National Park. The boxy spiral shape near the center of the photo likely represents the sipapu, the place where the Hopi emerged from the earth in their creation story. (Public Domain)

Worlds Destroyed by Fire and Ice

In 1882 the United States government created the Hopi Reservation. The land was so poor that no one wanted to move the Peaceful People, so the Hopi still occupy the land that they were given in the beginning.  They do not consider themselves to be on a reservation; they are at home, exactly where they are supposed to be. They have never changed their religion.

Historians believe that the village of Oraibi on Third Mesa is the oldest continuously inhabited village in the United States, although many suggest that Shongopovi, on Second Mesa was really the oldest site, and known as the navel.   

Hopi woman of Oraibi making coiled pottery, 1899.

Hopi woman of Oraibi making coiled pottery, 1899. (Public Domain)

It is the Hopi belief that the period of time we live in today is the fourth time the Creator has tried to populate the planet.  This might explain many of the ancient ruins— pyramids, stone circles, and underground chambers— that no one has an explanation for today.  The first world was destroyed by fire, the second by ice, and the third by a great flood.  The first two events happened at a predetermined time and the third, the great flood, came early, or ahead of its time.  How would past civilizations leave us this message?   

What structure could they build that would withstand the fire, the ice, and the water?  What measurement system would they use to convey the message?

Celestial Alignments

We know that ancient civilizations like the Mayan’s and the builders of the pyramid complex in Egypt, (I believe the builders of the pyramid complex gave us the first record of the constellations in the ceiling of Dendera for a very important reason) knew about the procession of the equinoxes.  Today, we see that it was written about in the Vedanga of India around 700 BCE and many credit Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus of Nicaea (190 – c. 120 BC) as discovering it in the second century. 

The ancient people at Chaco Canyon, a major center of ancestral Pueblo culture between 850 and 1250, carved circles in stone, built stone buildings and towers, and laid out 30-mile (48 km) long roads to mark north and south, the winter and summer solstices and the 1/2 points, the equinox and even the 18-year moon cycles.  The sun's light shoots through pre-arranged stones like a dagger to mark these events.

Aerial view of Pueblo Bonito at Chaco Canyon, California, USA

Aerial view of Pueblo Bonito at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, USA (CC BY 3.0)

The procession takes 25,920 years for the twelve constellations to rotate around the earth at intervals of 2,160 years in length, which we call ages.  In our measurement system there are 360 degrees in a circle so each degree would be 72 years in length.  25,920 divided by 360 = 72 years.

What if we apply this knowledge to a familiar ancient structure like Stonehenge?

Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England.

Stonehenge, in Wiltshire, England. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Computer rendering of the overall site of Stonehenge.

Computer rendering of the overall site of Stonehenge. (Public Domain)

 (Courtesy Thomas O. Mills)

 (Courtesy Thomas O. Mills)


There are 30 large Saracens stones in the outer ring. 

360 degrees divided by 30 = 12

25,920 divided by 12 = 2,160 years

2,160 divided by 2,160 = the 1st circle would represent the first age or time

Each large Saracen stone would be 25,920 divided by 30, or 864 years.  

There are 60 small stones in the second ring.

360 degrees divided by 60 = 6

25,920 divided by 6 = 4,320 years

4,320 divided by 2,160 = the 2nd circle would represent the 2nd age or time.

Each small stone would be 25,920 divided by 60, or 432 years.

There are 10 large Saracens stones in the third ring.

If each stone equals 864 years, then:

10 x 864 = 8,640 years

360 divided by 10 = 36

25,920 divided by 36 = 720 years

2,160 divided by 720 = the third circle would represent the third age or time.

(720 divided by 2,160 = .3333333)

There are 19 small stones in the fourth ring.  The center stone in this circle was a stele stone that is usually used to measure the sun’s light at the time of the equinox.  This light would have divided the stone into two equal parts, making a total of 20 stones at that point in time—the perfect balance.

If each small stone equals 432 years:

20 times 432 = 8,640 years

If each age is 2,160 years in length, then:

8,640 divided by 2,160 = 4 or this is the fourth unfinished age or time that we are living in today.

I believe that the reason we have such a hard time understanding structures like Stonehenge is that they do not line up with east and the equinox at the present time.  If we were to turn Earth to align with the stele stone at Stonehenge at the time of the equinox:

(Courtesy Thomas O. Mills / Google Earth)

(Courtesy Thomas O. Mills / Google Earth)

This symbolism remains important to the Hopi and the elders believe that towards the end time everyone would be building stone circles just as past civilizations built stone circles. They believe earth will wobble like a dog getting out of the water, and everyone will be very concerned about earth's balance after the poles melt.  A new stone circle is being built near Second Mesa at this time.   

We would line up with a North pole location suggested by Charles Hapgood in his book Path of the Poles, at 11,000 years BC. This is also the time period that scientist suggest as the end of the last ice age when the poles melted, creating a great flood, just as the poles are doing today.  Water only comes in three forms:  ice, water, and vapor. If it’s not ice, what will it be? Could this explain global warming, the changing seasons, and a moving jet stream?   Water does not float off into space when it melts.  How much more ice will melt before we listen to the Hopi? 

And my final question:  If this theory is correct, how will we insert the fifth circle at Stonehenge for the next civilization to utilize, or will we correct the problem ourselves before that time comes?    

Thomas O. Mills is author of Stonehenge, If This Was East. Mills uses his knowledge of the Hopi Ceremonial Cycles to connect ancient sites around the world. 


Top Image: Hopi Village and Petroglyphs (Public Domain), and Stonehenge (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By Thomas O. Mills



I came too late to join the discussion, which is very interesting and revealing to me. I might be knocking at the open door, but just wonder if the peculiar Hopi language (use of tense) has anything to do with other peculiarities discussed.

Barry Sears's picture

The great discovery that the Celestial body connected directly to the Earths body must have been an amazing time for the World. The discovery of our animals moving to the pattern is also lost I believe. Each of the signs are about a different connection to the anatomy. The ram has the dynamic of the horns, the bull has the neck, Leo the lungs, Virgo the womb. The connection between the three structures of life were made and recorded in stone. Life on Earth, the body of the World and the Celestial body. Virgo marks the womb of the World as Israel is known as the land of Virgo, Leo is the Sphinx, Cancer is Stonehenge.... It must have been a great uniting of the World back then. 

The important aspect about the Denderah zodiacs is that one is of the World and is round and the other is of the Celestial connection. The reason they rotate in different directions, if you put your hands together, they match up but as you move them apart, and you look from the middle they are a reflection, like looking at the World and at the stars. 

I have been recently focusing on planetary motion theories and the contemporary scientific theories. I hoped you enjoyed the article on the movement of life about the planetary life-cycle, this is all about the phases of the Earths evolution and location in space. 

Thomas O. Mills's picture

Morning Mr. Sears and thank you for your comment.  I looked at your site and the Hopi also talk of Chakras, celestial order and balance, in their Creation Story. 


The world zones and  animal observations are new to me.   The Zodiac ceiling shows the overlap of earth’s two paths, the celestial and the ecliptic.  Where these two paths cross gives us different dates and divides our path around the sun into twelve equal points, 2,160 apart which we call ages, with the next occurrence coming in the year 2,100.   Refer Tompkins Secrets of the Great Pyramid, page 172.  


For someone to know this many, many years ago and go to the trouble of carving it in stone, in a ceiling, it had to be of great importance.  How would ancient man even have know about our moving one degree ever 72 years along this path when we don’t think their life span was that long.   On page 168 of the same book, Lockyer goes on to explain that the temple of Dendera may have been rebuilt at least three times, so this is their 4th attempt to send us the message.   


I think it all about time and balance, Earth’s location in space.   


All the best.   tom 

Thomas O. Mills

Barry Sears's picture

An ancient connection that joins all ancient sites globally.

The interpretation of the zodiac of Denderah is perhaps a little lost. It is obvious when reading the Celestial zodiac that the picture of Nut refers to the Celestial zodiac, but most importantly the circular zodiac is a record of the World zones and animal observations. This zodiac rotates in the opposite direction to the Celestial zodiac of Nut as it is a record of the twelve zones of the Earth and observations of the animals and there anatomical connection. One major factor with this circular World zodiac is the noted position of Cancer. This is the connection of Stonehenge and it is positioned more Northern to the other equatorial points. 

To see the twelve connections between the Celestial zodiac and the twelve Earth zodiac points and to see how the design of Stonehenge matches the design of Cancer please visit the following site;-     (download from here)

Our ancient teachers told us, to interpret the order of the Celestial configuration you must study life on Earth, the manifestation of these Celestial energies.

Thomas O. Mills's picture

Morning Cathy,  Your welcome and thank you for mentioning the math.  If correct each division of twelve at Stonehenge should have:  

2 ½ large stones    2.5 x 864 years = 2160     and

5 small stones        5 x 432 years   = 2160

Good things in your future.    tom

Thomas O. Mills


Thomas O. Mills's picture


Thomas O. Mills had the opportunity to manage the Hopi Cultural Center at Second Mesa, Arizona for four years when it first opened in the early 70’s.

He has a deep respect for the Hopi People and believes their Creation... Read More

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