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Thomas Mills

Thomas O. Mills had the opportunity to manage the Hopi Cultural Center at Second Mesa, Arizona for four years when it first opened in the early 70’s.

He has a deep respect for the Hopi People and believes their Creation Story can be proven.

In his first book, The Book of Truth, A New Perspective On The Hopi Creation Story , he traces the Hopi story back to Egypt and puts new light on the murals, temples, and pyramids from that point of view, a view that rings true today.  If correct, his theory pinpoints the location of many new underground chambers and the tomb of Spider-women, the Hall of Records.  

In his second book, Stonehenge, If This Was East , Mills uses his knowledge of the Hopi Ceremonial Cycles to find ancient east at a number of unexplained ancient sites around the world.  He then uses this knowledge to find north and compares north to Charles Hapgood’s four North Pole locations in the past 100,000 years with amazing results—thus dating the sites and proving the Hopi Creation Story.  

“Who would have thought that we would live to see the day when our polar ice caps would melt; that earthquakes would affect earth’s rotation, that Islands would sink beneath the sea’s, and that we would fight wars with unmanned drones? Only the Hopi.”   

Tom now lives in North Carolina with his wife after retiring from the railroad.  He has two children and two grandchildren in the area.  He has many Hopi friends and visits them as often as he can.

Author Thomas O. Mills and Hopi friend Neil David. (© Thomas O. Mills


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Detail of Painting of Hopi man returning home. By Homer Coayama, ‘Hopi Man Coming Home From the Field’ (From author’s collection)

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