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An artist’s recreation of the Gallo-Roman religious complex recently discovered at Rennes, France. Source: © Marie Millet / Inrap

Gallo-Roman Worship Complex Dedicated to Jupiter and Mars Discovered

Last week, French archaeologists found the long-lost remains of a 2,100-year-old Gallo-Roman worship complex in Rennes, Brittany (northwestern France) on a hilltop with sweeping views of the Flume...
Ancient Christian Ruins with Biblical Inscriptions Discovered in Egypt

Ancient Christian Ruins with Biblical Inscriptions Discovered in Egypt

A series of ancient Christian ruins, including monks’ cells and the remains of three churches with well-preserved biblical inscriptions, have been found in Egypt dating back to the fourth century AD...
Excavations at the megalithic cemetery found in south-central Poland. Source: J.Bulas

Major Megalithic Cemetery Discovered with Dozens of Tombs

Archaeologists have discovered a large and unique megalithic cemetery in south-central Poland. It has been dated to 5,500 years old, contains dozens of tombs, and researchers say, “a similar...
Crimes And Conspiracies Continue At Ancient Caral Site In Central Peru

Crimes And Conspiracies Continue At Ancient Caral Site In Central Peru

Along the rust colored, arid, and rocky costal valleys of North Central Peru, within the Supe Valley resides an extensive archaeological site known as Caral. This is one of the most important...
Archaeologists examine a mummy at the Mummification Workshop in Saqqara. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Burial Chamber, Snake Goddess and Embalmer Secrets Discovered in Saqqara!

Egyptian Ministers have announced exciting new discoveries at the Mummification Workshop Complex first unearthed in Saqqara in 2018. A hidden burial chamber has been uncovered at the bottom of the...
A Chavin Rover robot archaeologist at work in the Chavin de Huantar temple.

Robotic Archaeologists Discover New Tunnels and “Face Down Bodies” at Chavin de Huantar

State of the art all-terrain robots called Chavin Rovers have explored the 3,000-year-old temple of Chavin de Huantar in Peru. After mapping a series of ancient underground passageways, which are...
View inside the prehistoric Tarxien Temples, Tarxien, Malta.

Tarxien Temples: This Megalithic Complex is the Height of Temple Building in Prehistoric Malta

A group of enormous megalithic structures stand tall in Tarxien, on the southeastern part of the main island of Malta. Called the Tarxien Temples, the huge structures remain as a testament to the...
Mysterious 1,500-Year-Old Stone Complex Unearthed in Kazakhstan

Mysterious 1,500-Year-Old Stone Complex Unearthed in Kazakhstan

A mysterious stone complex which may have been built by the Huns has been discovered in Kazakhstan. It contains some stones which look exactly like ones found at Stonehenge in the UK. The site also...
The Elusive Egyptian Hall of Records and Hopi Lessons of Death and Rebirth

The Elusive Egyptian Hall of Records and Hopi Lessons of Death and Rebirth

The constellation of Orion is not wearing a belt. Instead, I think the middle star represents his navel. Medical scientists are just now finding out all the powers of the navel, the umbilical cord,...
The Rathcroghan mound

Rathcroghan, Home of the Prehistoric Rulers of Connacht in Irish Mythology

Rathcroghan, which is said to mean Fort of Cruachan, is a complex of archaeological sites containing about 60 different national monuments. These include barrows, a holy well, standing stones and a...
Hirbat Midras, in Adullam Grove Nature Reserve in Israel, part of what geologist Dr. Alexander Koltypin hypothesizes to be a massive complex of prehistoric underground structures stretching across the Mediterranean.

Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Most archaeologists and historians agree that human civilization only emerged some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Yet many researchers have drawn attention to artifacts...
Hirbat Midras, in Adullam Grove Nature Reserve in Israel, part of what geologist Dr. Alexander Koltypin hypothesizes to be a massive complex of prehistoric underground structures stretching across the Mediterranean.

Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Most archaeologists and historians agree that human civilization only emerged some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Yet many researchers have drawn attention to artifacts...
Hagar Qim - Malta

Hagar Qim, the Neolithic Temple Complex of Malta

Hagar Qim is a megalithic temple complex on the island of Malta. This temple complex is said to belong to the Neolithic era, i.e. 3600 – 3200 BC. Although Hagar Qim is one of the main Neolithic...
The Taiji Palace complex

Ancient palace ruins unearthed in China

Archaeologists have uncovered the ruins of an ancient imperial palace in Henan Province, China, dating back at least 1,700 years. According to historical records, the Taiji Palace was built by...