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Black-figured runners with the torch. AI Illustration in the ancient Greek style.  Source: sebos / Adobe Stock

The Olympics Saga: How the Olympics Came to Be (Video)

The ancient Olympics, originating in 776 BC in Olympia , Greece, were deeply ingrained in the fabric of Greek society. Held every four years in honor of Zeus, the games featured a range of events...
Ancient bas-relief on grave stele in Kerameikos in Athens, Greece depicting two wrestlers in action.	Source: National Archaeological Museum of Athens/ CC BY-SA 2.0 DE

From Ancient Greece to Now: the Bravado of Athletes Transcends Centuries

Peter J. Miller /The Conversation “I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I was really the greatest.” This quote...
Crowning the Victors at Olympia - Hieron of Syracuse and victors. Source: Public Domain

Top 10 Ancient Greek Athletes and their Sporting Achievements

In Ancient Greece, there was a special emphasis placed on sports and physical prowess. After all, this civilization gave birth to the famed Olympics, which still exist today. From spear throwing,...
Ancient Greek-style illustration of naked Olympic runners. Source: sebos / Adobe Stock

Naked Olympics: Athletes at the Ancient Olympics Competed in the Nude

Can you imaging sitting down with the family to watch a group of naked men, with their olive oil-soaked bodies glistening in the sunshine, running around and flexing their muscles? A great deal has...
Arrichion of Phigalia was actually dead when he was declared the winner of the 564 BC Olympics after a pankration battle. The pankration scene on this kylix depicts a pankratists trying to gouge out his opponent’s eye. Source: Public domain

Arrichion of Phigalia Won the Olympics When He Was Already Dead

One of the prerequisites for winning at the Olympics is to actually be alive. Or so I thought! The story of Arrichion of Phigalia, an Olympic wreath winner famed for his post-mortem victory, is one...
The Taizicheng ruins in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China, known as the Olympic village discovery of 2022. Left; Bronze dragon figure from Zhangjiakou. 	 Source: Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

800-year-old Palace and Artifacts Found at Beijing Olympic Village

Residents of Taizicheng village in Zhangjiakou City in northern China’s Hebei province, have always believed that the name of their village, meaning village of the crown prince, relates to the...
This image of the opening event of the first revived “modern” Irish sporting games is from 1924 and inspires a sense of regal elegance, competition, and celebration.   Source: The Little Museum of Dublin

Irish Sporting Games: A Big Event 1,000 Years Before Greek Olympics

Like in Greece, pre-historic Irish history was threaded together with tales of giants, gods and goddesses battling for supremacy over earth, and humans. But did you know it was the latter, not the...
Reviving the Panathenaic Stadium for the Olympic Games

Reviving the Panathenaic Stadium for the Olympic Games

The Panathenaic Stadium is a historical monument located in Athens, Greece . Although the current structure was only built at the end of the 1800s, the current stadium was built on a site once...
Conservators clean up the bronze bull idol uncovered in Olympia.	Source: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports

Beautiful Bronze Bull Idol Revealed By Rains In Olympia

A 2,700-year-old bronze bull idol has ‘come to light’ during excavations at the ancient site of Olympia in Greece. The stunning and perfectly preserved artifact is thought to have been a votive...
 Ancient Greek Olympics were a fundamental aspect of ancient Greek culture. Various types of running took place during the games, along with equestrian sports and combat sports. Source: sebos / Adobe Stock

From Myth to Reality: Olympia and the Ancient Greek Olympics

The Olympics , as they exist today, are but a shadow of their former glory. Though there are more activities and participants in the modern games, they do little to entice and arouse the Greek...
The Olympic Games Tokyo 202has been postponed.  Source: kovop58 – Adobe Stock

Olympic Games Postponed for the First Time in History

The postponement of the Tokyo Olympics has been announced today. This had long been expected because of the global crisis caused by the Covid 19 or Coronavirus outbreak. It is the first time in...
A Greek amphora showing athletes, 4th century BC. ©Trustees of the British Museum.

Mythbusting Ancient Rome: Did Christians Ban The Ancient Olympics?

Every two years, when the Winter or Summer Olympics comes around, we hear about how the games staged at Olympia in Greece since 776 BC came to a sudden end in the late fourth century AD. The finger...
The statue of a seated Zeus at Olympia.

Unleashing The Power of the Gods: Hexes and Black Magic in the Ancient Greek Olympics

When the ancient Olympics began, the greatest athletes in Greece gathered before a statue of Zeus Horkios, the god of oaths. Laid before its feet would be the freshly cut meat of a boar sacrificed by...
The Chariot race. Cynisca was a Spartan princess and the first women to win the chariot race in the ancient Olympic Games.

How Did She Do It? Cynisca, a Spartan Princess Who Won the Ancient Olympic Games

Since the beginning of time, women have liked to surprise men with their extraordinary power, strength, and skills. Few are shocked by female success in these areas nowadays, but in ancient times...
A tomb of athletes at Taranto. Inset: The skeleton of the ancient athlete found at Taranto

2,500-Year-Old Skeleton is Oldest Known Remains of a Panathenaic Athlete

In ancient Greece, successful athletes were rich and celebrated like they are today. Evidence for this comes in the form of the oldest known skeleton of a young athlete, buried with rich honors at...
A Quadriga, with woman riding in a triumphal chariot. France.

Worshipers, Rule-Breakers and Champions: Women and the Ancient Greek Olympics

One of the aspects of culture regarded as distinctive to the ancient Greeks was their pursuit of sport. Apart from its function as the act of worship to Zeus, athletic competition, particularly at...
The palaestra of Olympia, a place devoted to the training of wrestlers and other athletes  and Boxer resting after contest (bronze sculpture, BCE 300–200).

Since Ancient Greece, the Olympics and Bribery Have Gone Hand in Hand

As a professor of classical studies, I’ve noticed some remarkable differences and similarities between the modern and ancient Olympic Games . The medals, the torch relay and events for females didn’t...
Pankratiasts fighting.

Pankration: A Deadly Martial Art Form from Ancient Greece

Pankration was one of the most popular combat sports in ancient Greece. It combined two other popular sports of antiquity, wrestling and boxing, but kicking was allowed as well. The name Pankration...
Olympia - Greece

Ancient Olympic Stadium Threatened by Budget Cuts in Greece

The ancient Olympic stadium of Nemea is under threat of closure as a result of steep budget cuts in the country as Greece enters its sixth consecutive year of recession. The Nemean Games were founded...