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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Reconstruction of what the monument in the Siwa Oasis would have once looked like

The despairing cry of the tomb of Alexander the Great from the desert at Siwa Oasis

The following is an article written by Liana Souvaltzi, Archaeologist and Director of the Greek Mission at Siwa Oasis, who we invited to report on her research regarding the discovery of a large...
Mark the Evangelist symbol is the winged lion, the Lion of Saint Mark. Canvas painting, circa 1516.

The origins of the ancient Coptic Church of Egypt

The Coptic Church of Egypt is the earliest Christian church in the world, going back to around 42 AD. According to Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, as well as Coptic traditions, Saint Mark the evangelist...
The central acropolis at Tikal

New study says great Maya city of Tikal literally dried up

There are many mysteries in the history of this planet. One of them is why some civilizations, including the Maya of Central America, collapsed. If ancient people had no writing system or left no...

The conspiracy theories of Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château

Rennes-le-Château is a castle in small hilltop village in Southern France that is at the center of many conspiracy theories. Some say that priest Bérenger Saunière discovered buried treasure in the...
The arm and hand of a young infant wearing a bracelet found at Fag el-Gamous

Intriguing discoveries from million-mummy necropolis in Egypt revealed

Known officially as Fag el-Gamous ( Way of the Water Buffalo ), the ‘Million Mummy Necropolis’, is an enormous cemetery that is believed to contain over one million burials of ordinary Egyptian...
Ancient Book

Ancient DNA on parchments reveal hidden stories

Parchment documents--ancient writings on animal skins--record an immense wealth of information about the history of humanity and past civilizations. However, new research has shown that within these...
An Ulfberht sword displayed at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany

A Step Closer to the Mysterious Origin of the Viking Sword Ulfberht

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Ulfberht was like a Medieval luxury brand for swords—but unlike your Gucci purse, the swords were of such high quality they were almost … mystical. Dozens of these...
The twin seated Colossi of Memnon, statues of Amenhotep III, on the west back of Luxor, Egypt

Colossal standing Pharaoh Amenhotep III returned to splendor in Luxor, Egypt after toppled by ancient earthquake

An ancient Pharaoh is back on his feet after 3,000 years at Egypt’s famous temple city of Luxor. On Sunday archaeologists unveiled the restored, 12.9-meter (43ft) standing statue of Amenhotep III at...
Caligula’s Palace and Bridge

Roman Emperor Caligula and the Floating Bridge of Baiae

Roman leader Caligula is well-known for his brief stint as the emperor of Rome, from 37 AD through 41 AD. Some say that Caligula displayed signs of madness during his reign. According to historical...
One of the newly-discovered graves in Demark containing a blue bead matching glass from an Egyptian workshop

Glass beads link King Tutankhamun and Bronze Age Nordic women

Scientists working in Denmark have unearthed glass blue beads crafted in an ancient Egyptian workshop for King Tutankhamun that made its way north to Europe 3,400 years ago. The find helps prove...
Miles-long band of mysterious and unexplained holes in Pisco Valley - Peru

Miles-long band of mysterious and unexplained holes in Pisco Valley, Peru

A mysterious site spans the landscape of Pisco Valley, Peru. On the same plateau where the famous Nazca Lines are found, thousands of holes have been carved into rock, creating a band that stretches...
Khoisan busy barbecuing grasshoppers

Khoisan people of South Africa were once the most populous humans on Earth

The Khoisan, an indigenous population in Namibia, may once have comprised the majority of living humans on the planet, for much of the past 150,000 years. The Khoisan population declined about 22,000...
Æsir gathered around the body of Baldr. Painting by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg 1817

Baldr: The Shining God Who Shines No More

Known among the pre-Christian Scandinavians, and the gods themselves, as the "Shining God", Baldr was the image of perfection in the Norse religion, and the pride and joy of the Æsir (members of the...
7,500-year-old underwater village

7,500-year-old underwater village may have been oldest olive oil production center in the world

An underwater excavation site off of Haifa, Israel, has revealed a 7,500-year-old water well and Neolithic village. The finds are from a pre-metal and pre-pottery settlement that lived on the Kfar...
The Ramasseum, mortuary temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, in Luxor

Archaeologists unearth tomb of Queen at the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses II

An Egyptian-French archaeological mission carrying out excavations at the Ramesseum temple on the west bank of Luxor have discovered a tomb dating back more than 3,000 years inscribed with, “the...
2,400-year-old Egyptian coffin with amateurish images

Rare scenes on ancient Egyptian coffin reveal influence of Persian Empire occupation

A coffin from ancient Egypt has been revealed decorated with rare and unusual art that is not typical of the Egyptian style, demonstrating how much is lost when a civilization loses its most highly...
A Scandinavian feasting hall

Viking feasting hall discovery resembles Beowulf hall of Heorot

It was a great wonder that the wine-hall withstood the bold fighters; that it fell not to the ground, the fair Earth-dwelling; but it was too firmly braced within and without with iron bands of...
Greenpeace treads on ancient Nazca lines site to urge renewable energy

Greenpeace treads on ancient Nazca lines site to urge renewable energy

Peru officials expressed dismay after Greenpeace environmental activists trod on the ancient geoglyphs of Nazca in Peru, to place a huge message printed in removable cloth urging the world to use...
The man’s gown found in the Ming Dynasty tomb

Archaeologists unearth spectacular textiles in Ming Dynasty Tomb

Exactly how did Chinese people dress 500 years ago? What were their aspirations for the afterlife? Apart from artistic depictions and written descriptions, it is usually hard to tell exactly how...
Ingólfr Arnarson, the first settler of Iceland, newly arrived in Reykjavík

New study shows Viking women accompanied men on voyages to colonize far-flung lands

The reputation of the Scandinavian Vikings presents the men as brutal warriors that went off marauding and pillaging from the 800s to 1100s AD along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean...
The tell-tale marks on this Early Bronze Age man’s bones reveal cancer is not necessarily a modern phenomenon only

Researchers find oldest known case of cancer in 4,500-year-old remains of Siberian man

The earliest known case of cancer has been identified in the skeleton of a Siberian Bronze Age man. The 4,500-year-old bones have significant marks and holes, alerting researchers to the devastating...
Coligny Calendar:  The 1,800-Year-Old Lunisolar calendar banned by the Romans

Coligny Calendar: The 1,800-Year-Old Lunisolar calendar banned by the Romans

In 1897, the Gaulish Coligny Calendar was discovered in Coligny, Ain, France. The bronze calendar was found broken into 73 pieces, which together form a 5 foot wide, 3.5 foot high bronze tablet. When...
Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun - Luxor

Ancient sarcophagus belonging to singer of god Amun unearthed in Luxor

A team of Spanish archaeologists have unearthed a sarcophagus during the recent restorations of the tomb of Amenhotep Huy , ruler of Lower Nubia Kush under king Tutankhamun, located at Qurnet Marej...
The Lost Treasure of Oak Island

The Lost Treasure of Oak Island and the Centuries-Old Quest to Find It

From a distance, Oak Island, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, appears to be just another island. Located approximately 200 feet from the shore, the tree-covered island rises to no...
