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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


The Hanging Monastery of Mount Heng

The Precariously Hanging Monastery of Mount Heng

Hengshan, or Mount Heng, which is located in Shanxi province, is one of China’s Five Great Mountains. Pinned to the side of its cliff face is the Xuan Kong Si, also known as the Hanging Monastery...
The teeth of a 17th dynasty (circa 1550 BC) mummy had his teeth broken out, probably during the embalming process. This mummy's wrappings were removed in the early 20th century.

First Physical Evidence found of Ancient Egyptian Opening of the Mouth Procedure

Ancient Egyptians took great care to mummify the bodies of high-status people and adorned and entombed them with some of the most beautiful objects ever made. However, in what appears contrary to the...
Chavin de Huantar ruins in Peru, where one researcher says the mythical home of the ancient Greek Gorgon may have been.

Ancient Greek Legend Seems to Describe a Place in Peru: Early Contact?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times In the 8th century BC, the Greek poet Hesiod described in his Theogony a place at the end of the Earth where the gorgons dwell, where the god Atlas appears as a giant...
Sacrificed humans found in ancient Chinese tombs from the Qijia Culture

Sacrificed humans found in ancient Chinese tombs from the Qijia Culture

Archaeologists from Northwest University, China, investigating the ancient Qijia culture have discovered evidence of human sacrifice in tombs in North West China. The ancient cemetery, consisting of...
The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse

The Arthurian Tale of Elaine of Astolat, Lady of Shalott

Elaine the Fair, the Lady of Shalott, comes down through Arthurian legend with seemingly only one purpose: to love Lancelot and, in doing so, reveal his undying affection for the queen of Camelot,...
The statue of Zeus at Olympia

Wonder of the Ancient World: The Grand and Powerful Statue of Zeus

The statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece, was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and arguably the most famous statue of its day. Once built as a shrine to honor the Greek god Zeus, this...
Numerous skeletons of sexually perverse Nuns discovered in Oxford

Numerous skeletons of sexually perverse Nuns discovered in Oxford

Archaeologists have discovered the skeletons of a number of ‘sex-obsessed’ nuns who were eventually punished for their sins by having their priory dissolved and their prioress pensioned off. The team...
Montana burn

Montana burn reveals ancient stone effigies, cairns, rock formations and buffalo slaughter areas

U.S. government archaeologists set a controlled fire in April 2015 to reveal a unique site in northern Montana that has large Native American stone effigies, cairns, circles and structures used...
A frontal view of Cranium 17 showing the position of the traumatic events T1 (inferior) and T2 (superior).

430,000-Year-Old Murder Victim? Researchers Bring to Light First Known Homicide

A deliberate homicide so old that it predates Homo sapiens has come to light in Spain. Researchers piecing together skulls and skeletons from the Sima de los Huesos (Pit of Bones) cave say one skull...
Mummified feet on display at museum.

Walk Like An Egyptian… Scientists Preserve Modern Human Leg using Ancient Egyptian Methods

Scientists have unwrapped ancient knowledge and used it to mummify a modern human. Inspired by the preservation techniques as perfected by ancient Egyptians, a team of researchers have mummified...
Casts of the jaws of Australopithecus deyiremeda

Fossil Find Reveals New Species of Early Human - Origins of Modern Man Gets Crowded

Make room, Lucy! A fossil of a 3.4 million-year-old hominin has been found by researchers who say this could be an entirely new species of early human, previously unknown to history. This new and...
A conservator reconstructed the pommel of a sword of a person with high status.

Archaeologists piece together fragments from Anglo-Saxon gold hoard revealing stunning relics

Researchers in England have pieced together about 1,500 metal fragments, including gold and silver, to reconstruct a 7th century AD helmet and a sword pommel from the Staffordshire Hoard. The...
Butter Churn from the Saxon Period, found at Norton Bridge.

Saxon butter churn found in Staffordshire sheds light on life in Mercian Kingdom

Archaeologists working on the site of a rail improvement project in the UK have discovered the lid of a butter churn from the Saxon period. The discovery of a wooden object at Norton Bridge, reported...
A child mummy with funerary items, from the Tres Ventanas cave in Peru

Scientists Set to Unravel Secrets of Oldest Peruvian Mummies Ever Found

Ancient people in the mountains of Peru revered their ancestors so much they mummified them and included their bodies in community activities, archaeologists say. Now a new study of four 8,000- to 10...
The Invitation of the Varangians: Rurik and his brothers Sineus and Truvor arrive at the lands of the Ilmen Slavs at Staraya Ladoga.

Vikings in Byzantium: The Varangians and their Fearless Conquests

It is relatively well known that the Vikings were some of history's greatest travelers, traders, and mercenaries. Their reach extended far, as they are credited with finding North America and...
Hagia Sophia at dusk

Secrets of the Hagia Sophia - Healing Powers, Mysterious Mosaics and Holy Relics

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul has a very long history. It has survived earthquakes, religious power struggles, and has been a church (basilica), a mosque and is now a museum. It is known as the...
Gentile Bellini: Procession in St. Mark’s Square (1496). Gallerie dell’Accademia – Venice.

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana: A Treasure Trove of Ancient Manuscripts

The main public square of the Italian city of Venice is the Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square). Around this square are some of the most recognizable buildings in Venice. The most famous of these...
The dramatic scenes of an older man slaying a young man depicted on the Scythian art might reference the ancient “Bastard Wars” as recorded by Herodotus.

Secret Chamber Found at Scythian Burial Mound Reveals Golden Treasure of Drug-Fueled Rituals

Elaborate golden treasures with traces of cannabis and opium have been discovered in a secret chamber hidden in an ancient Scythian burial mound near Strovopol, Russia. Described as a once-in-a-...
King David is anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the future King of Israel. The Prophet Samuel is believed by some to be the Ascended Master Saint Germaine.

The Immortal Count of Saint Germaine: Ascended Master of Ancient Wisdom

Read Part 1 The Count of Saint-Germaine claimed many times to be immortal, apparently already three hundred years old by the time of his appearance in the 1700s. However, there is another more...
The Enigmatic Comte Saint Germaine

The Historical Count of Saint-Germaine: Elusive, Enigmatic and Eternal

The Count of Saint-Germaine is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic characters from history. Considered by many to be either immortal or continuously reincarnated, he survives in all accounts as a...
Bronze Age warriors on the lookout

Most European Men are Descended from just Three Bronze Age Warlords, New Study Reveals

The majority of European men are descended from just a handful of Bronze Age male ancestors, says a new genetic study in the journal Nature . The presence of genetic material from just a few men in...
