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Halley Comet

Halley's Comet Linked to Planet Cooling 1,500 Years Ago

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A new study has suggested that a large fragment of the famous Halley’s comet crashed into Earth in 536 AD causing a ripple effect of damage including dramatic changes in the planet’s climate, leading to widespread drought and famine throughout the world, and making humanity more susceptible to “Justinian’s plague”.

Evidence comes from the analysis of an ice core pulled out from a layer of ice in Greenland dated between 533 and 540 AD. The core contained huge amounts of atmospheric dust, not all of it originating on Earth. The dust had high levels of tin, which is characteristic of a comet. Since it was deposited in the Northern Hemisphere spring, researchers believe it came from the Eta Aquarid meteor shower, which is associated with Halley’s comet.

But that is not all they found. Within the ice core were also tiny tropical marine organisms, suggesting that the comet fragment landed in tropical ocean and blasted the organisms all the way to Greenland.

A study back in 2004 had shown that a piece of comet 600 metres wide could cause a big enough impact to create the level of cooling which is known to have taken place between 536 and 537 AD.  It is believed that the planet cooled by as much as 3 degrees Celsius.

Recorded observations of Halley's comet go way back, with research suggesting the ancient Greeks saw the comet streaking across their skies as early as 466 BC.

By April Holloway



On average, a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) will blast 1.6 billion tons of cosmic debris and plasma ploughing through space at thousands of miles per hour.  

Starburst Foundation president and chief researcher Dr. Paul LaViolette, stated in his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, "Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climate Change” the effects of such an event from the core of our universe. He termed this a “super galactic core outburst”. He also predicted large amounts of tin might be present.

This “super galactic core outburst” may have been the source for the atmospheric dust and tin found in the ice core samples. Galactic core outbursts originate in deep space and not from our sun. These outbursts have the potential to cause unimaginable global consequences from EMPs (electro-magnetic pulse), comparable to 1,000 one-megaton hydrogen bomb detonations (1025 ergs), and ionization of the atmosphere causing ozone depletion.

The presence of tiny tropical marine organisms found in the ice core samples could have been the result of a volcanic eruption in the ocean. CME’s have been discussed as possibly triggering volcanic activity.

Actual fragments of this Halley’s Comet event have not been located and so the researchers have based their findings on this questionable event. It’s possible but …


Without scientific data, conclusions remain conjecture.

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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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