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A typical bottomed sinkhole

The Curious Case of Mel's Hole - Did it Ever Exist?

In 1997 a resident of Ellensburg, Washington called Mel Waters rang into a local radio station with a fairly outlandish claim. He stated that he’d found a bottomless pit in the region that had a host...
Drop of water

Study Shows Fresh Water Reached Earth from Space Four Billion Years Ago

A chemical analysis of rare and ancient zircon crystals taken from the remote and foreboding Jack Hills of Western Australia is causing scientists to reevaluate their assumptions about when the first...
Earth’s distance to Mars varies between 55 and 400 million kilometers, but that doesn’t stop it influencing our oceans. (Photo not to scale)	Source: University of Sydney

2.4-Million-Year Connection Between Earth and Mars Found

University of Sydney Geoscientists from Sydney and Sorbonne have embarked on an extraordinary journey, linking the dance of Earth and Mars to the pulsating life of our deep oceans. They have...
Deposits from the Sturtian Glaciation 717¬–664 million years ago in the northern Flinders Ranges, Australia. Research lead author Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz pointing to a thick bed of glacial deposits.  Source:  Professor Dietmar Müller/University of Sydney

What Made Earth a Giant Snowball 700m Years Ago? Scientists Have an Answer

Around 700 million years ago, Earth experienced an extreme ice age known as the Sturtian Glaciation, turning our planet into a vast, icy snowball. This period of deep freeze, marked by glaciers...
Scientists believe they’ve discovered evidence of Earth’s collision with Theia nearly 4.5 billion years ago thanks to seismic imaging. Source: Hongping Deng, Hangzhou Sphere Studio, China/Nature

Buried Planet: Evidence of Earth’s Collision with Theia Revealed

While scanning at a depth of 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) below the Earth’s surface, geologists found two huge continent-sized masses embedded in the planet’s mantle (a solid area of silicone rock...
The statue of Galileo Galilei outside the Uffizi colonnade in Florence and Galileo’s middle finger, Museo Galileo, Florence.  Source: BlackMac/Adobe/Stock, Zde/CC BY-SA 4.0

Galileo Gives the Finger: Defiance of the Catholic Church Immortalized

Who hasn’t heard of the legendary Renaissance era polymath, astronomer, physicist and engineer, who was declared a heretic by the Catholic Church - Galileo Galilei? The Italian’s defiance towards...
AI robot as an archaeologist, uncovering an ancient artifact.  Source: Hatia/Adobe Stock

Beyond Shovels and Brushes: The AI-driven Evolution of Archaeological Exploration

It seems pretty clear right now that AI is likely the “next big thing.” This exciting (and perhaps scary) technology seems set to change the world and revolutionize our lives in a myriad of ways. But...
Flat earth in space. Source: Kevin Carden / Adobe Stock.

From Science to Conspiracy: The Flat Earth Movement (Video)

For centuries, it was commonly accepted that the Earth is a sphere. Ancient Greeks were among the first to come to this conclusion through empirical observations and reasoning. Since then, the idea...
An artist's rendering of the hypothetical impact of a planet like Theia and Earth. (Public Domain)

Theia—Greek Goddess of Light, the Sun, the Moon, and Wisdom

The Olympian gods are well known to most people in the Western world. A lesser-known deity is Theia. Theia is the primordial Greek goddess of light. She was considered one of the Titans. She is said...
New study suggests primordial life originated in sea spray. Source: Rysak / Adobe Stock

Chemists Suggest Primordial Life Began in Sea Spray

A team of chemists from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana have discovered a mechanism that could explain how the fundamental ingredients of living cells were first created in the...
Montage of article images. 	Source: Various

Ten of the Biggest and Best Geoglyphs from the Ancient World

The most well-known geoglyphs in the world are undoubtedly the Nazca Lines of coastal Peru. Yet, scattered across the globe are thousands of other geoglyphs that are equally as impressive. The earth...
Reconstruction of how the supercontinent Rodinia would have looked. Source: Manuel Mata / Adobe Stock

Rodinia: The Great Unconformity and the Creation of Life on Earth

The geologic record of Earth’s history is 4.6 billion years long. It contains the history of life on Earth and the formation of the continents and oceans which cover the planet today. There are,...
Human origins may be more closely linked to extraterrestrials than you might think! 	Source: rolffimages / Adobe Stock

The Great Silence of the Universe: Unusual Theories on Human Origins

Starting from the great enigmas of humankind, a series of questions have begun to emerge about the real truth behind human origins. Two of these are as follows: Has an advanced civilization dared to...
Analysis of the Woodmancote meteorite was conducted using a range of technology. Source: Loughborough University

Can 4.6 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Hold Secrets of Life on Earth?

The 4.6 billion-year-old meteorite crashed to Earth in March having travelled through space and time from the very birth of our solar system. The charcoal-black alien rock travelled more than 110...
How did the Greeks Measure the Earth’s Circumference?

How did the Greeks Measure the Earth’s Circumference?

It is considered obvious today that Earth is roughly a sphere and that it can be measured like any spherical object. Scientists technically call it an oblate spheroid, but it is still sphere-like in...
The Statue of Socrates at the Academy of Athens. Work of Leonidas Drosis (d. 1880). (C messier/CC BY SA 4.0) Background: This NASA image shows Earth from space. The image is a combination of data from two satellites.

Was Socrates in Space? A Question of Ancient Spaceflight

The ancient Greeks are credited with having made many early advancements in science and mathematics which influenced later western civilization. Aristarchus of Samos proposed an essentially...
Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

This year, as dusk gives way to darkness on the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 st 2020), residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations across the Northern...
Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

The search for intelligent life may be over! A team of Oxford University researchers claims life on earth is probably a unique universal phenomena, and that it´s “extremely unlikely” that any other...
Could aliens on a distant planet in our solar system be watching us now? This is the big question that American alien hunters are asking in the latest published scientific study.                         Source: pixel / Adobe Stock

U.S. Alien-Hunters Identify 1000 Potential Watching Stations

A scientific team of American alien hunters claims that if advanced life does indeed exist on any one of a 1,000 different star systems, they could be watching Earth right now! American alien hunters...
1110 AD was the year volcanic eruptions caused the disappearance of the Moon and sparked global famine. Pictured: representation of the Moon over a volcano. Source: Daniel / Adobe stock

1110 AD, The Year Volcanoes Vanished the Moon and Sparked Global Famine

Scientists finally explain the Moon's mysterious disappearance and the cause of a global famine in 1110 AD. While the opening line of this article sounds like a bait and switch classic, every written...
This illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Promising Signs For Perseverance Rover’s Quest for Martian Life

New research indicates river delta deposits within Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted habitability and...
Cheomseongdae observatory at night, Gyeongju, South Korea.          Source: Ivan / Adobe stock

Star Gazing at Cheomseongdae - East Asia’s Oldest Observatory

The Korean peninsula is known for many things. One thing that may be less well known about Korean culture is its contribution to world astronomy. One particularly visible contribution is the oldest...
Representative image of the comet Atlas in the night sky.      Source: Tryfonov / Adobe stock

Ancient Comet ‘Atlas’ Measures Half the Size of the Sun and it’s Back!

A huge icy space rock, comet ‘Atlas’, is currently in the constellation Ursa Major in the northern sky passing through the orbit of Mars , but it’s on a trajectory with our Sun and it will get...
Representative image of the philosopher Anaximander.

Anaximander of Miletus and His Philosophy on the Origin of All Things

Whence things have their origin, Thence also their destruction happens, As is the order of things; For they execute the sentence upon one another – The condemnation for the crime – In conformity with...
